Parish Council 1896

6 Jan 1896

1896 Janry 6         A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 6th of January 1896.   Present Mr. Herbert Bullock Chairman, Revd. Philip H. Eliot, Messrs. John W.  Ingram, W. S. Neal, John Varney & T. Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed

Parochial Committee     The Chairman reported that he with Messrs. Eliot and East waited upon Mr. Willis in accordance with the resolution carried at the last meeting and that Mr. Willis did not appear unwilling to act as desired but that he had doubts whether he would be allowed to correspond with the Local Government Board as Clerk to Parochial Committee or whether the Committee could remunerate him out of the funds put at the disposal of the Parochial Committee. That Mr. Willis then wrote a letter to the Local Government Board to enquire as to these points and promised to inform him (the Chairman) as soon as he had received an answer & if the answer should be satisfactory he would then
[p.60] consider the question of remuneration. It does not appear that the Local Government Board have yet vouchsafed any reply.

Roads & Byeways            Mr. Neal moved in accordance with his notice on the agenda “That the Parish Council request the District Council to repair all Roads (not being main Roads) in the Parish of Winslow which were formerly repaired by the Surveyors of Winslow”.  Revd. P. H. Eliot seconded. The Chairman suggested the resolution would be stronger in the following form “That the Parish Council request the Rural District Council to give orders to their Surveyor to repair where necessary the roads and Byeways in Winslow which have heretofore been repaired by the Surveyors of the Parish”. Mr. Neal expressed his willingness to withdraw his motion in favour of one in those terms which was then seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

Paths     Mr. Neal then moved in accordance with notice “That the Parish Council call the attention of the County Council Highway Committee to the dangerous state of the Path from Messrs. Fulk’s corner to the “Golden Lion” & to the bad state of repair generally of the paths by the Main Roads in Winslow”.
                This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

                Mr. Neal then proposed “That a Committee consisting of Messrs. Ingram, Neal & Walker be
[p.61] deputed to meet the County Surveyor the next time he is in Winslow to represent the state of the pavements to him.” This was seconded by Mr. Varney and carried unanimously.

Call on Overseers            It was decided it was not necessary to make an immediate call on the Overseer for funds.

Clerks remuneration      The payment of the usual sum of £6 \to the rate Collector/ for making out and collecting the Highway \Lighting/ rate and a similar sum of £6 for making out and collecting the Sanitary Rate when made was authorised.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

3 Feb 1896

1896 Febry 3                        A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 3rd of February 1896.   Present Mr. Herbert Bullock (Chairman), Revd. P. H. Eliot, Messrs. Colgrove, Greaves, Ingram, Neal, Monk, Varney & Walker.
The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Roads & Byeways            The Chairman stated that he had received the following letter from the Clerk to the Rural District Council relating to the resolution passed at the last
[p.62] Parish Council Meeting.

20th Janry. 1896.

Dear Sir,
                I am desired in reply to your letter of the 10th inst enclosing a copy resolution calling on this Council “to give orders to their Surveyor to repair where necessary the Roads and Byeways in Winslow which have heretofore been repaired by the Surveyors of the Parish” to request your Council be good enough to define the Roads & Byeways they refer to,
Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Parish Council

and that he had replied to this letter “that the resolution was intended to refer to all Highways in the Parish of Winslow which have heretofore been repaired by the Highway Authority except those which are now maintained by the County Council”.

Parochial Committee     The Clerk produced a letter received from the Clerk to the Rural District Council forwarding copy of two resolutions passed by the Rural District Council as follows:-
                Mr. East proposed and The Revd. Phillips seconded & it was carried “that the request of the Parochial Committee be granted and that this Council agree to pay the remuneration of the Clerk to such
[p.63] Committee out of the Winslow Special Expenses”.
                “The Revd. Phillips proposed Mr. Hedges seconded and it was carried that this Council in delegating Sanitary Powers in Winslow to a Parochial Committee define such powers as relating to the Sewage and Water supply only”.
                 Mr. Varney proposed & Mr. Greaves seconded “That the Parish Council accept the position of a Parochial Committee as defined by the resolution passed by the Rural District Council restricting the Sanitary Powers delegated to those relating to Sewage and Water supply”. This was carried nem: con: Mr. T. Walker not voting.

Precept on Overseers    On the motion of Mr. Greaves seconded by Mr. Monk a Precept for £10 on the Overseers for purposes of the Parish Council was signed.

R.D.C. Nuisance                                Mr. Neal proposed & Mr. Walker seconded “That the District Council be called upon to endeavour to abate the nuisance caused by glass bottles and similar refuse being thrown upon the Roads and in the Ditches of the Parish”. This was carried nem: con: Messrs. Colgrove, Ingram, Monk & Varney not voting

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Parochial Committee

Below is a list of meeting dates and attendees for the Parochial Committee, whose minutes were recorded in a notebook in the collection of the late Norman Saving. The meetings were all held at the Yeates Schoolroom and Herbert Bullock was Chairman. The Committee devoted much time to discussing a scheme involving drainage and sewage management arrangements in Buckingham Road, Avenue Road and surrounding land. This involved liaison with the architect Mr Preston (son of Rev. Alfred Preston) who submitted the proposed scheme. Various resolutions from this Committee failed to find approval with the Rural District Council from whom authorisation was required for any agreed work, or the Annual Parish Meeting. The final meeting on 4 May appears to bring matters to a temporary close with it being agreed to put the question of drainage and sewage in abeyance for a month and consider applying to the County Council to form an Urban District Council for Winslow.

 11/2/1896  20/2/1896  11/3/1896  23/3/1896  6/4/1896  4/5/1896
H. Bullock  H. Bullock  H. Bullock  H. Bullock  H. Bullock  H. Bullock 
J. Colgrove J. Colgrove J. Colgrove J. East J. Colgrove J. East
J. East  J. East J. East Rev P.H. Eliot  Rev P.H. Eliot  Gowin
Rev P.H. Eliot  Rev P.H. Eliot  Rev P.H. Eliot  G.R. Greaves G.R. Greaves J.W. Ingram
G.R.  Greaves G.R.  Greaves G.R.  Greaves J.W. Ingram J.W. Ingram Loffler
J.W. Ingram  J.W. Ingram J.W. Ingram G.A. Monk W. Neal G.A. Monk
G.A. Monk  G.A. Monk W. Neal W. Neal J. Varney   W. Neal
W. Neal  W. Neal J. Varney   J. Varney   T. Walker J. Varney  
J. Varney   J. Varney   T. Walker T. Walker T. Walker
T. Walker T. Walker

2 March 1896


1896 March 2                     A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 2nd of March 1896.   Present Mr. Herbert Bullock, Chairman, Revd. P. H. Eliot, Messrs. G. R.  Greaves, J. W. Ingram, Monk, W.S. Neal & T. Walker.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

R.D.C. Roads & Byeways               The following letter from the Clerk to the Rural District Council was read.

6th Febry 1896

Dear Sir,
                This Council has decided to take over all the Roads and Byeways in this Parish reported by their Surveyor as formerly repaired by the Parish Surveyors, with the exception of the Churchyard paths.
Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Parish Council

Churchyard Paths            Mr. Walker proposed, Mr. Ingram seconded “That the Chairman be asked to bring this matter to the notice of the Highways Committee of the County Council with a view to compelling the Rural District Council to repair the paths in the Churchyard which have for many years been repaired by the Highway Authority of the Parish.”  carried unan
[p.65] This was carried unanimously.
The following letters received by the Clerk were also read.

Winslow Paving   

County Hall,  Aylesbury
12th February 1896

Dear Sirs,
                                Winslow Paving
                Your letter of 17th ultimo has been submitted to the Highways Committee of the Bucks County Council. The County Surveyor reported that he had met a Committee of the Parish Council and explained to them the condition upon which the County Council would lay down new paving. As the Committee of the Parish Council did not think that this condition could be complied with, the County Surveyor has been instructed to execute such repairs as are absolutely necessary to the existing paving.
Yours faithfully,
Wm. Crouch
Clerk of the Bucks County Council

Mr. Thos. D. Curtis
Clerk to the Parish Council

R.D.C. Nuisance               

17th Febry 1896

Dear Sir,
                Your letter of the 13th inst as to the nuisance caused by glass bottles and similar refuse being thrown upon the Roads & in the ditches was put
[p.66] before this Council on the 14th inst when I was instructed to write to the County Council recommending that they issue a Byelaw dealing with this nuisance throughout the County
Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

Mr. T. D. Curtis
Clerk to the Parish Council

Cheques              Payment of the following accounts was authorised and a cheque drawn for that purpose.
                                Clerks salary for half year                             £5.0.0.
                                Postages                                                           1.0
                                Miss George Stationers account                      11.10

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Parish Meeting (election)

A Parish Meeting convened in compliance with the Order issued by the Local Government Board and dated the 15th February 1896 was held in the Boys National Schoolroom at 7 p.m. on Monday the 9th of March 1896, when there were present Mr. H. Bullock Chairman of the Parish Council in the Chair, and about 40 Parochial Electors.               

The Notice calling the Meeting was read.

The Minutes of the Parish meeting held on Thursday 28th of November 1895 were read & signed by the chairman.

                The Chairman then stated that he was prepared to receive Nominations for the Parish Council for the ensuing year and after the expiration of 15 minutes from his taking the Chair, & no person responding to his question whether any person desired to hand in a further nomination, the following names were announced to the meeting.

No. Candidate Proposed By Seconded By
1 Colgrove Joseph Egleton E. Gowin E.
2 Eliot Philip H. Ash George Ingram W.
3 Greaves Geo R. Ash George Neal W.S.
4 Gowin Edward Colgrove Joseph Ingram J.
5 Ingram J.W. Colgrove Joseph Colgrove Joseph Junr
6 Loffler Ferdinand East James Coxill R.J.
7 Monk Geo. A. Neal W.S. Ash George
8 Neal Wm.S. Sturgess Edward Russell H.J.
9 Varney John Ingram J.W. Stevens W.H.
10 Walker Thomas Coxill R.J. Hawley J.C.

Mr. W. S. Neal then asked whether Mr. Ash & himself could withdraw their Nomination of Mr. G. R.  Greaves as Mr. Ash had just learned from him that he declined to serve on the Council and on the Chairman informing him the Nomination could not be withdrawn as Mr.  Greaves was not present at the Meeting, Mr. Neal expressed a hope that the nomination Parochial Electors would refrain from voting for him.

The Election by show of hands was then proceeded with and resulted as follows:-

1 Neal W.S. 36 votes
2 Ingram J.W. 35
3 Colgrove J. 34
4 Gowin E. 34
5 Loffler F. 34
6 Varney J. 33
7 Walker T. 33
8 Monk G.A. 32
9 Eliot Revd P.H. 28
10 Greaves G.R. 0

and the Chairman declared the first 9 names elected.

At the expiration of 10 minutes no Poll having been demanded the meeting terminated with the usual vote of thanks to the Chairman proposed by Mr. East and seconded by Revd. H. K. Byard.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

23 March 1896

1896 March 23rd                A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 23rd of March 1896.   Present Mr. Herbert Bullock, Chairman, Revd. P. H. Eliot, Messrs.   Greaves, Ingram, Monk, Neal, Varney & Walker.
The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Churchyard Paths            The Chairman reported that he had written to the Clerk of County Council to bring to the notice of the Highway Committee of the Bucks County Council the refusal of the Rural District Council to repair the paths in the Churchyard, but no reply had yet been received.

Winslow Market              It was unanimously resolved on the motion of Revd. P. H. Eliot seconded by Mr. J. W.  Ingram that the following letter and Extract from report of the Board of Agriculture Inspector be referred to a Subcommittee consisting of Messrs.  G. A. Monk, W. S. Neal and J. Varney for their consideration and asking them to report to the next meeting of the Parish Council to enable them to reply to the County Council.


County Hall,  Aylesbury
                                                                                                                                                                9th March 1896

Dear Sir,
                                                                                Winslow Market
                I am instructed by the Executive Committee of the Local Authority for this County to forward to the Winslow Parish Council the enclosed copy of a Report of an Inspector of the Board of Agriculture with respect to the state of Winslow Market and I am to request that the Executive Committee may be favoured with any observations which the Parish Council may have to make upon the matter.
Yours faithfully,
Wm. Crouch
Clerk of the Bucks County Council

The Clerk to the Parish Council

Copy Extract  x  x  x  x  x

9th February 1896

Cattle Market
Winslow, Bucks
This market is held in a square in the town of Winslow. The surface of the part of the square used as a cattle market is such that it is
[p.69] impossible to thoroughly remove all litter dung etc from it.
                In my opinion it is desirable that the place where the market is held should be provided with a surface capable of being thoroughly cleansed by washing with water and that such place should be railed or fenced in so as to prevent animals straying off the cleansable surface.  x  x  x  x  x

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Parish meeting

The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Boys School on Monday the 26th March 1896 at 7 p.m.  Present H.  Bullock Esq in the Chair, Revd. P. H. Eliot, Messrs. W. S. Neal, G. A. Monk, J. Varney Geo Ash J. East F. Loffler and about 10 others.

The Notice calling the Meeting was read.

The Minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read and confirmed.

The Accounts for the past year for the Winslow Charities were presented to the Meeting by the Secretary Mr. George Ash.

Mr. Bullock made some remarks on the Parish Council work of the past year.

Upon the drainage of Winslow being discussed Mr. W. S. Neal proposed and Mr. T. Walker seconded “That the smaller Scheme of Mr. Prestons be proceeded with”.
 Mr. J. Varney proposed and Mr. J. Colgrove seconded as an amendment “that the work be carried out as proposed in 1893 omitting that portion of the drainage from Mr. Coxills to Belle Vue Terrace the “Golden Lion” and from the “Swan” to Belle Vue Terrace”.
The amendment was lost 6 voting for and 7 against. On Mr. Neals original proposition being put to the vote it was lost 7 voting for and 10 against.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

6 April 1896

1896 April 6                         A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 6th April 1896.   Present Mr. H. Bullock, Chairman, Revd. P. H. Eliot, Messrs. Colgrove, Greaves, Ingram, Neal, Varney & Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Winslow Cattle Market                The Subcommittee appointed to consider the Report of the Inspector of the Board of Agriculture concerning the Winslow Cattle Market handed in the following Report.

[p.70] Report of Subcommittee on Winslow Cattle Market

Winslow Parish Council Report on Cattle Market

Your Subcommittee suggest that the following reply should be made to the County Council.

The Winslow Market is held twice in each month on the first and third Wednesdays. It is a market for Cattle only with a small exception for pens for not more than 100 sheep which are placed on the pitched pavement in front of the Bell Hotel and are let by the proprietor who does the cleansing afterwards.

There are no Swine or fat stock except those consigned to an Auction Saleyard which has proper conveniences for the Sale of animals by Auction and which is the private property of Mr. G. Wigley, Auctioneer.

The Cattle which are sold in the open or free market stand partly on the market square and partly on open spaces by the side of the 3 principal streets where there are not houses on both sides of the Street, and in some cases between the Road and the pavement where there are houses. These Roads are some of the main roads of the County and are kept in repair by the County Council. The Market Square is believed to be vested in the Lord of the Manor who however some years ago gave up his right to tolls on the sale of Cattle
[p.71] and the condition of & liability for the repair of the surface of the square has been the subject of a dispute between the Lord of the Manor and the Rural District Council and is still in dispute.

                Not more than ¹/5th or ¼th of the Cattle exposed for Sale stand on the Market Square part of the surface is gravelled and part pitched, the market opens at 9 and all cattle are usually gone between 11 and 12. We believe that for the 24 Markets held in the year, not more than 50 head of Cattle on an average of which about ½ would be on the gravelled portion are pitched on the Market Square. the Sanitary Authority sweep and clean up the same day.

                The Winslow Parish Council are of the opinion that owing to the considerable interval of time between the Markets and the fact that it is a market for cattle only there is no great necessity for a perfect surface being made. At the same time they would be glad for other reasons than the fortnightly market to see the surface of the Square improved and hope that any dispute between the Lord of the Manor and the Rural District Council which tend to prevent such improvement may be soon arranged. They would also approve of railings being put up on Market days to keep the Cattle off the pavement which is in some cases already done by private persons but they doubt whether the Parish Council have power under the Local Government
[p.72] Act 1894 to charge the rates of \with/ that expense.

                They would also point out to the Board of Agriculture that whilst they admit the great importance to the Town of the bimonthly market and the convenience it is to the district it would be a severe tax to this town of 1700 inhabitants with a rateable value of £8600 of the cost of providing improvements that are considered essential for larger markets held at more frequent dates were to be forced upon it.

                In addition to the bimonthly markets there is a Christmas Fat Stock Show and Sale held on the Market Square and at one of the September markets a Sheep fair when Sheep are penned upon the Square and sold by Auction both of these are by favour of the Lord of the Manor the expense of penning &c in the one case being defrayed by a Committee and in the other case by the Auctioneer. The Parish Council think from the wording of the Report of the Inspector from the Board of Agriculture that his visit was probably made at the time of the Winslow Christmas Fat Stock Show which is not a sample of the Winslow market.

Herbert Bullock
Chairman of Sub-committee

                The Chairman proposed this Report be adopted and a copy sent to the County
[p.73] Council in reply to their letter of the 9th March.
                This was seconded by Mr. Neal and carried unanimously.

1st Meeting of the New Council         

It was agreed the First meeting of the new Council should be called for the 20th April inst.    

Herbert Bullock [signature]

20 April 1896

1896 April 20                       The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday 20th April 1896. Present Mr. H. Bullock, Chairman, Revd. P. H. Eliot, Messrs. E. Gowin, J. W. Ingram, F. Loffler, G. A. Monk, W. S. Neal, J. Varney & T. Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting of the late Parish Council were read.

Chairman             Revd. P. H. Eliot proposed that Mr. Herbert Bullock be re-elected Chairman of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

Overseers           On the motion of Mr. J. Varney seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot the following
[p.74] gentlemen were unanimously appointed Overseers for the ensuing year
Mr. W. T. Matthews.      Builder
 “    W. Turner               Baker
 “    J. W. Ingram          Builder
 “    T. Walker                Builder

Treasurer            Mr. Neal proposed and Mr. J. W. Ingram seconded and it was and carried unanimously that Mr. George W. Bull of the Bucks & Oxon Bank be appointed Treasurer to the Parish Council.

Lighting & Watching Act & Fire Brigade       Mr. Neal proposed that the following  members viz: Messrs. Gowin, Ingram, Monk, Varney & Walker be appointed a Committee for carrying out the provisions of the Lighting and Watching Act 3 & 4 William IV c.90 including the management of the Fire Brigade three to be a quorum. This was seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot and carried unanimously.

Technical Education       Revd. P. H. Eliot proposed that Messrs. Gowin, Ingram, Varney & Walker & the Revd. P. H. Eliot from the Parish Council & Mrs. Newcombe, Mrs. Pither, Mr. Pass, Revds. J. Pither & H. K. Byard & Messrs. A. J. Clear, East & Higgins be appointed a joint Committee to act as the Local Committee for the Parish to carry out the work of Technical Education. This was seconded by Mr. W. S. Neal and carried unanimously.

[p.75] Declaration of Office     Mr. W. S. Neal proposed that Mr. Joseph Colgrove be allowed to sign his declaration accepting office at the next meeting of the Council being unable to attend the present meeting on account of indisposition. This was seconded by Mr. E. Gowin and carried unanimously.

Councils Gazette             Mr. T. Walker proposed and Mr. Neal seconded and it was unanimously carried that the Council continue to take the Councils Gazette & that it be circulated among the members of the Council.

Cheque                                A cheque for £2-12-0 drawn to the Clerk was signed for the following payments
                Clerk to County Council for Parochial Register for use at Parish Meeting                 1 – 0
                Subscription for Councils Gazette                                                                           11 - 0
                Stamp for Audit                                                                                                       2 -  0 - 0
                                                                                                                                               £2 – 12 - 0

Herbert Bullock [signature]

4 May 1896

[p.76] 1896 May 4           A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 4th May 1896.   Present  H. Bullock Esq, Chairman, Messrs. Colgrove, Gowin, Ingram, Loffler, Monk, Neal, Varney & Walker.
The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Tank Meadow Plank       Mr. Ingram said that as it appeared no attention had been paid to the representation ordered at the meeting of 2nd September 1895 to be made to Mr. Wigley as to the necessity of a new Plank at the stile leading from the Tank Meadow into  Little Horwood Road, he would move that the Chairman be asked to insert a question in the “Councils Gazette” to enquire whether in the opinion of the legal Editors of that Paper, the Owner of the Field or the Rural District Council were legally liable to repair the Plank at that place. This was seconded by Mr. Loffler and carried unanimously.

Churchyard Paths            The Chairman in answer to a question stated that he had not at present received any reply from the County Council to his letter relating to the Churchyard paths. Mr. Walker proposed that a further letter be sent to the County Council respecting these paths. This
[p.77] was seconded by Mr. Neal and carried unanimously.

Footpath by Gymnasium              Mr. Ingram proposed that a letter be again sent to Mr. Wigley respecting the path by the Gymnasium and the Plank at the Stile leading from Tank Meadow into Little Horwood Road.   This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

1 June 1896

1896 June 1         A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday the 1st June 1896.   Present  H. Bullock Esq, Chairman, Messrs. Ingram, Loffler, Monk, Neal, Varney & Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Tank Meadow Plank       The Chairman read a reply to a question in the Councils Gazette, that in their opinion there did not appear to be sufficient evidence to prove liability on the landowner to repair the plank leading from Tank Meadow into the Little Horwood Road, but he stated that he had
[p.78] seen Mr. Wigley who had given orders that a new plank should be put there & that it had now been done.

Churchyard Paths            The Chairman read the following letter from the Clerk to the County Council.

County Hall,  Aylesbury
7th May 1896

Dear Sirs,
                                                                Churchyard Paths
                In reply to your letter of 6th inst your letter of 4th March was submitted to the Highways Committee & afterwards referred to the General Purposes Committee which was considered to be the proper Committee to consider it. The General Purposes Committee are in communication with the Rural District Council & are awaiting their reply as to why these Paths were excepted from the Roads & Byeways which the District Council have decided to repair.
Yours faithfully,

Wm. Crouch
Clerk of the Bucks County Council

H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Parish Council

Lighting & Fire Brigade Committee Report          The adoption of the Financial report of the Lighting & Fire Brigade Committee was adjourned until next meeting it not being in order as it had
[p.79] not been signed on behalf of that Committee.

Planks        Mr. Neal moved the following resolution in accordance with his notice “That this Council is willing to repair all Planks over water courses in connexion with foot paths other than those which are liable to be repaired by owners of property & the County Council.”
                   This was seconded by Mr. Monk & on being put to the meeting was lost. Messrs. Neal & Monk voting for it.  Messrs. Ingram, Varney & Walker against it. Mr. Loffler & the Chairman not voting.

Winslow Market              Mr. W. S. Neal did not move the motion of which he had given notice concerning the paving of the Market Square, but the Chairman stated that he had sent the correspondence on the subject to the Councils Gazette & that the following reply had been inserted in that paper.
“Bucks Parish Council. Holding of a Public Market.
                A copy of correspondence between this Parish Council, the County Council & the Board of Agriculture is enclosed herewith. You will observe that the Market referred to is partly held on roads or streets repaired by the County Council & partly on a square which should be repaired either by the Rural District Council or the Lord of the Manor. Please give your opinion whether (1) the Parish Council can require the County Council to meet the requirements of the Board of Agriculture so far as the Market is held on their roads? (2) Assuming
[p.80] the obligation of maintaining the Square is legally on the Lord of the Manor, can the Parish Council, with his consent, charge the rates with the expense of paving or of fencing off the square to keep cattle off, or of contributing towards these expenses? (3) Should not this question of the market be dealt with by the District Council and not the Parish Council? Independently of the question of the market, could the Parish Council undertake to repair, maintain or improve the market square?
                “Answer – we are very grateful for the clearness with which the questions are put before us; at the same time, we must add that it is hardly possible in the time and space at our disposal, to deal satisfactorily with matters of such magnitude & importance as to require six pages of foolscap to set out the necessary correspondence. In the case of a market held on a highway we think a court of law being bound to assume that a market has a legal origin, will presume that the market existed before the highway & that the land was dedicated as a highway subject to the existing right to a market. As the dedication presumably took place at a time when dedication as a highway at once imposed upon the inhabitants at large a liability to repair, we think that the duty of repaving the surface for use both as a highway and a market rested upon the inhabitants & not upon the owner of the market; at any rate, this would be the presumption of law unless rebutted. The liability to repair appears to us in any event to lie between the owner of the market on the one hand & the Rural District Council (as to the ordinary highways) or the County Council as to the
[p.81] main roads; & if the Rural District Council are liable to repair or alter the surface of the ordinary highways, the County Council are liable to repair or alter the main roads. We do not think the Parish Council could legally pay the expense of paving or fencing the square, nor could they undertake to repair, maintain or improve the market square. We do not see that the Parish Council have any power, duties, or in effect any voice in the matter.”

Herbert Bullock [signature]

6 July 1896

1896 July 6           A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Monday  6th  July 1896.   Present  H. Bullock Esq, Chairman, Revd. P. H. Eliot & Messrs. Gowin, W.  Neal & J. Varney.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Footplanks         A letter from the Rural District Council was read as follows

20 June 1896

Dear Sir,
                                Footplanks over Watercourses & Ditches
                In reference to your Council’s decision on
[p.82] this matter, I am desired to inform you that every other Parish in this District has agreed to repair Footplanks over Watercourses & Ditches and this Council therefore hope that the Winslow Parish Council will agree to do the same.

Yours truly,
Thos. Price Willis

Mr. T. D. Curtis
Clerk to the Parish Council

                The Chairman moved that the Standing Orders be suspended in order to consider this letter.
                The Chairman moved “That in view of the fact that all other Parishes having agreed to do so, this Council accepts the responsibility which the Rural District Council wishes them to undertake with respect to Planks over Watercourses.”  Mr. Gowin seconded & it was carried nem: con: Mr. Varney not voting.

Grandborough P.C. re plank over Brook at Tuckey            A letter from the Grandborough Parish Council was read as follows

                                                                                                                                                                                July 1896

Dear Sirs,
                The Rural District Council having delegated to our Parish Council the repair of all the footpaths except Stiles and the Paths by the sides of the Roads The Council having appointed a Committee to inspect the paths they have embodied the following recommendation in their report & the Council having
[p.83] approved the same, ask you to carry out the undersigned repairs according to the terms of the Parish Award which imposes the proper repair of all Stiles (& even footpaths) upon the several owners & proprietors for ever.

I am, Sir,
Yours Respectfully,
John Mildenhall

The Clerk
Winslow Parish Council

Grandborough Parish Council

                Repair and lengthen planks over the Brook leading from Grandborough to Tuckey Farm.

The Clerk was directed to write to the Clerk of Grandborough Parish Council asking him to call on the Chairman of this Council as the letter appeared to require some explanation.

Winslow Cattle Market                A letter from the Clerk to the County Council enquiring what was being done with respect to the Cattle Market was read. Mr. Varney moved that a reply be sent to the County Council as follows “That this Council are of opinion that the Board of Agriculture should grant an exemption under the Markets & Fairs Act and that this Council hopes that such exemption may be obtained.” Mr. W. S. Neal seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Clerks Salary      The Clerk was directed to apply for the future to the Overseers for payment for making &
[p.84] collecting the special Rates & for his Salary as Clerk to the Parish Council and also for the making of last Lighting Rate that sum to be refunded to the Lighting Committee in compliance with the correspondence from the Local Government Board.

Lighting & Fire Brigade’s Committees a/cs    The Accounts for the Lighting & Fire Brigade Committees for the year ending 31st March 1896 were presented as follows:-
Lighting Accounts             Receipts Balance in hand £38-1-1 From Overseers £70. From ditto £2-8-9. From Ditto £20. Rent of Armoury £1. Sale of Cheques 2s/2dAddington Parish Meeting £1-10-0  Hogshaw Parish Meeting £1 Grandborough Parish Council £1-6-0 Hogston Parish Meeting £1-10-0  Rent of Yard £1. Total Receipts £137-18-0
                Payments  Winslow New Gas Co. £95-6-9 Collector of rate £6. Fire Brigade Committee £3-0-2
The like £4-4-0 The like £4-4-0 The like £2-9-0 The like 18s/2The like £6. The like £1-14-6 The like £3-1-6 The like £1-9-6 The like £2-15-0  Balance in hand at Bucks and Oxon Bank £7-3-8 Total Payments £137-18-0
Fire Brigade Accounts    Receipts From Lighting Committee £3-0-2 The like £4-4-0 The like £4-4-0 The like £2-0-9 The like 18s/2The like £2-15-0 The like £6. The like £1-14-6 The like £3-1-6 The like £1-9-6 Total Receipts £29-7-7
Payments  Russell for Drills Feb March April £1-17-0 Rates 10½ Taxes 2/2 3s/0½d John Keys a/c £1-0-1
[p.85] Watson a/c £4-4-0 Burbury a/c £4-4-0 Russell for drills May June July £1-15-0 Rates 5s/3
Miss George a/c /6 Gas Company a/c 18s/2d  Russell for drills Augt. to Decr. 1895  £2-15-0 Russell for drills Jan Feb March £1-17-0 Russell a/c £4-3-0 Merryweather a/c £1-14-6 Chas Keys a/c £3-1-6 Kennings F. a/c 10s/-d  G. A. Midgley a/c   4s/10d   Gas Compy a/c 1s/7d  Rates 6/11 Taxes 2/2 9s/1d Stamps 4s/-Total Payments £29-7-6½ and on the motion of Mr. John Varney seconded by Revd. Eliot & carried unanimously these accounts were received and passed

Herbert Bullock [signature]

7 Sep 1896

1896 Sept 7         A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates School  on Monday  7th  September 1896.   Present  H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Revd. P. H. Eliot Messrs. J. Colgrove, J.W. Ingram, W.S.  Neal, T. Walker & J. Varney.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

[p.86] Grandborough P.C. re plank over Brook at Tuckey            Referring to the letter received from the Grandborough Parish Council the Chairman stated that he had received the further letter from the Clerk to the Grandborough Council.

                                                                                                                                Grandborough Parish Council
                                                                                                                                                Winslow, Bucks
July 14th 1896

Dear Sirs,
                On the 2nd inst by the direction of the Parish Council, I wrote to you  respecting repair to planks over the brook leading from Grandborough to Tuckey Farm, & requested that they be put in order.
                I am now directed by the Chairman to express his great regret that this letter was inadvertently sent, as it now appears that you are not liable for the matter in question.
                I request therefore that you will be so good as to consider the letter referred to withdrawn.

I am, Sir,
Yours Respectfully,
 John Mildenhall

H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman, Winslow Parish Council

Bad language in Streets          The Chairman moved in accordance with the notice “That in view of the constant complaints as to the bad language used in the Streets of Winslow the Parish Council request the County Council to have their byelaws on the subject more adequately advertised
[p.87] in the Town.” This was seconded by Mr. Neal and carried nem: con: Messrs Ingram & Walker not voting.

Posts & Rails at Fulk’s corner     Mr. Neal moved in accordance with the notice “That the County Council be requested to remove the Posts & Iron Rails round  Mr. Fulk’s corner.” This was seconded by Revd. P. H. Eliot and was carried nem: con: Messrs Colgrove, Ingram & Walker not voting.

Fulks corner with railings and view of The Bell
This photo must have been taken around 1896 and shows the posts and iron rails. They must have been removed soon afterwards as they aren't visible in other photos.

Footbridge at Water Gate           Mr. Neal moved in accordance with the notice “That the Parish Council request the Rural District Council to arrange with the Buckingham Urban District Council for a Footbridge and hand rail to be provided at the Water Gate between Addington and Winslow.” Mr. Walker seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Winslow Market L. G. B      The Chairman alluding to the Winslow Market read the following correspondence from the Local Government Board.

24th Augt. 1896

                                                Winslow Cattle Market
                The Board of Agriculture through the County Council have been in communication with the Lord of the Manor in whom the Winslow Market
[p.88] is vested, and the Winslow Parish Council with the view of having the market square brought into conformity with the regulations of the Diseases of Animals Act 1894.
                It does not appear to the Parish Council that they have any power to charge the rates with the expenses of carrying out the requirements of the Board of Agriculture. I as Chairman of the Parish Council with others interested in the market have today had an interview with Lieutt. W. H. Chamberlain the Inspector for this District under the Board of Agriculture when it transpired that the Lord of the manor did not consider his interest in the market sufficient to warrant him going to any expense in the matter, no tolls have for many years been paid on Cattle but tolls for Shows Merry-go-rounds and the like are periodically taken. He however has made an offer to sell his manorial rights in the market & market square & this was thought to be a possible way out of the difficulty.
                I am writing at the suggestion of Lieutt. Chamberlain begging to be informed whether the Parish or Parish Council have any power to purchase the Lord of the Manor’s rights and if so, whether the Local Government Board have power to sanction a loan to the Parish Council for the purpose of enabling them  to make the purchase to meet the Board of Agriculture’s requirements?
                A reply not later than 5th September would be much appreciated.
I am Sir,
 Your obedient Servant
Herbert Bullock
Chairman Winslow Parish Council

The Secretary
Local Government Board             

[p.89] 112,765. k.(1) 1896

Local Government Board,
                                                                                                                                                Whitehall S. W.
                                                                                                                                                2nd September 1896

                I am directed by the Local Government Board to advert to you letter of the 24th ultimo & in reply to state that the Parish Council of Winslow would have no power to purchase the market rights referred to,
I am Sir,
 Your obedient Servant
Alfred D. Adrian               
Assistant Secretary
H. Bullock Esq.
Chairman of the Parish Council

Winslow Market R.D.C.                 The Chairman moved that the letter of the Local Government Board be sent to the Rural District Council and that they be requested to write to the Local Government Board to ascertain what powers the Rural District Council have in the matter.  This was seconded by Mr. Walker & carried unanimously.

Cheque                                A Cheque for £1-11-5 drawn to the Clerk was signed for the following accounts.
Mr. T. P. Willis 12s/7d   Fire Insurance 4s/6d   Miss George 2/6  Mr. Curtis 1s/6d   Mr. E. J. French 10s/4

Herbert Bullock [signature]

5 Oct 1896

[p.90] 1896 Oct 5th       A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates School  on Monday  5th  October 1896.   Present  H. Bullock Esqre. (Chairman) Messrs. Colgrove, E. Gowin, John Varney, & T. Walker.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Posts & rails at Fulks corner        A letter from the Clerk to the County Council was read stating that the request of the Parish Council respecting the Rails at Mr. Fulk’s corner had been referred to the Highways Committee.

Churchyard Paths                            Mr. Varney asked what was being done in the question of the Churchyard Paths and the Chairman undertook to write again to Mr. Crouch to enquire.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

2 Nov 1896

[p.91] 1896 November 2            A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates School  on Monday  2nd  November 1896.   Present  H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. Colgrove, Gowin, Ingram, Loffler, Monk, Neal, Varney and Walker.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Churchyard Paths            Mr. W. S. Neal moved in accordance with the notice “That this Council again bring the matter of the Churchyard Paths to the notice of the County Council & inform them that the Rural District Council have not yet done any of the repairs required to them.”
Mr. Varney seconded and it was carried unanimously.

Pavement round Market Square              Mr. W. S. Neal moved in accordance with the notice “That this Council call the attention of the County Council to the disgraceful and dangerous state of portions of the pavement round the Winslow Market Square & inform them that the Rural District Council refuse to repair this pavement & request that they will bring pressure to compel the Rural District Council to do what is necessary.”
                Mr. Monk seconded and it was carried nem  con.  Messrs. Neal, Monk, Varney, Loffler & Bullock voting for. Messrs. Colgrove, Ingram, Gowin & Walker being neutral.

[p.92] County Council Byelaws           A reply from the Clerk of the County Council respecting the resolutions referring to the County Council Byelaws\ passed/ on the 7th September, to say that it had been referred to the Chief Constable and that new Byelaws would very shortly be published throughout the County.

Winslow Market              A letter from the Clerk to the Rural District Council with a copy of a letter received by him from the Local Government Board to say that the Rural District Council have no power to raise money for the purposes of Winslow Market & a discussion took place on the advisability of taking the opinion of the parish whether it is desirable to petition for the formation of an Urban Council and it was decided to adjourn the discussion in order to obtain some further information as to the financial effect of an Urban Council.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Lighting & Watching Meeting

A Parish Meeting called for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching 3 & 4 William 4th. and for taking into consideration the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said Act in the current year in the Parish was held in the Boys National Schoolroom on Thursday 19th of November 1896.

Present H. Bullock Esq. in the Chair. Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. Varney, T. Walker, W. S. Neal, Jas. Sear, C. Saving &c.

                The Notice calling for the Meeting was read.

The Minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read and confirmed.

The Accounts of the year ending March 23rd 1896 as audited by the District Auditor were presented showing a balance in hand of £7.3.8.

The Chairman gave a statement of receipts and payments from that date showing a balance at the present time of £24.15.7.

Mr. W. S. Neal proposed that a sum not exceeding £140.0.0 be raised for the purposes of the Act.  This was seconded by Mr. A. J. Clear and carried.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

7 Dec 1896

[p.93] 1896 Decr. 7           A  Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates School  on Monday  7th  December 1896.   Present  H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. J. Colgrove, E. Gowin, G. A.  Monk, W. S. Neal, J. Varney & T. Walker.
The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Winslow Cattle Market                The only business before the Council was the discussion with reference to Winslow Cattle Market adjourned from the last meeting.
                It was further discussed at some length, but no member of the Council making any proposition in respect of it the matter was allowed to drop.

Herbert Bullock [signature]





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