Vicarage Road, Verney Road and Furze Lane
Most of Vicarage and Verney Roads has changed since this photo was taken in 1947. The open spaces north of the road have been replaced by Furzedown School, the "Glade" estate, Byford Way and St Laurence and St Albans Roads There are also houses all along the north sides of Verney and Vicarage Roads themselves and in Parsons Close. Oak Lodge, 2-4 Vicarage Road and the Vicarage have all been replaced. You can see the first houses on the north side of Vicarage Road (above the "Parsons Close" label) which were built by the Ministry of Defence from 1946.
The present-day names of the roads are due to the Victorian Vicarage (built 1863) and Verney Junction Station (opened 1868). Before then, they were usually known as Back Lane and Addington Lane, and even earlier Cross Lane. An article of 1879 refers to "Reading-room lane, otherwise Duck-lane". The name of Furze Lane is first recorded in the 1870s (it was also sometimes called Back Lane and Featherbed Lane in the 20th century). The names were only established officially by Winslow Rural District Council in 1939:
Buckingham Advertiser, 20 May 1939
On circulation [to Winslow RDC] of the report on housing progress, the Surveyor called attention to the need of naming the street known as Verney Road, which, he pointed out, was sometimes called Back Lane, Verney Lane or Vicarage Road, and to the numbering of houses on the south side, including the new Council houses. The name Vicarage Road was adopted for the section up to the corner of the housing site and Verney Road from that point. The short section of road connecting Western Lane with Vicarage Road-Verney Road, is to be called Back Lane [= Burleys Road].
Furze Lane, Verney Road and Vicarage Road in the 1920s
Before Enclosure in 1767, Vicarage/Verney Road was only a minor lane and Furze Lane didn't exist at all, but the Enclosure Award required:
- a public road from the west end of Winslow beginning at Rose Close [Oak Lodge on the map above] to a gate leading to the Inclosures of Addington and towards Bicester, to be 60 feet broad [Verney Road]
- a private cart road and drift way of the breadth of 24 feet from the road to Bicester to the Turmpike [Furze Lane]
The gate at the boundary with Addington was later known as the Watergate. Furze Lane wasn't marked on Bryant's map of 1825 or the 1830 OS map, but was under the jurisdiction of the surveyor of highways (i.e. a public road) by the time the railway was planned and a bridge had to be built.
Click on the links below to go straight to the different sections of this page:
- Hogson's Close and 1-5 Vicarage Road (Punn's Cottages)
- 7-11 Vicarage Road
- 13-15 Vicarage Road and adjacent land
- 2-4 Vicarage Road [see also Arundel House]
- The Vicarage [separate page]
- Parsons Close [separate page]
- Oak Lodge
- South side of Verney Road
- 69 Verney Road
- Furze Down School site (Pond Leys) [separate page]
- Furze Lane: brickyard and cottage
Hogson's Close and 1-5 Vicarage Road (Punn's Cottages)
5 Vicarage Road (formerly known as Punn's Cottages) is Grade II listed, described like this in 1984:
House. C17, altered. Possibly timber framed in part, now covered with whitewashed render. Old tile roof, coped gable to left, central brick stack. T-plan with gabled projection part rubble stone, to north. 2 storeys, 2 bays. Projection has window with old mullion to first floor, similar window in S. front. Other windows C20. Entry to N.S. front has re-sited stone gargoyle heads at eaves. C20 conservatories to S. and in angle of N. front. C19 bay to E, formerly part of No.1, is not of special interest. (see Historic England photo)
1-5 Vicarage Road photographed from the church tower, early 20th century
The house has been attached to the buildings at the rear of 29 High Street since before 1880 (the earliest detailed map) but has always been in separate ownership. It was probably approached from the churchyard as well as (or instead of) from the road. It has often been identified as a former vicarage (Saving, Glimpses of Past Days, 13), but the current building doesn't seem to be any older than the vicarage which was demolished in the 19th century (see Vicarage). There are "four grotesquely carved faces, that are tucked up under the guttering" (Saving, 13), on the side facing the church, presumably reused stonework from the church or elsewhere.
The first clear reference is from the 1688 manor court: Anthony Deely and Margaret his wife mortgaged to Daniel and Ann Stevens for £50 "a messuage now in the occupation of William East and a yard commonly called William Hogsons Close, the Crosse Lane [i.e. Vicarage Road] on the north".
The name of the close probably came from William Hogson (1607-66). According to the survey of 1556, Robert Hoggeston held a cottage between the graveyard and the Queen's highway which might refer to the same location. Robert made his will in 1558, leaving sons John and Thomas, but the surname was very common; William could be the son of John's son Thomas (1571-1617).
According to the will of Ann Stevens made in 1705 the Deelys' mortgage was never paid off. Her will also says that "there hath since lately been a house erected" on the land, probably adjoining the original house. At the 1705 manor court she transferred her interest to William Hall of Addington husbandman and Margaret his mother with a condition that her heirs should pay them £25 after her death. She bequeathed her own interest to "my Loveing Brother in lawe William Shelton the Eld(er) of Winslowe aforesaid Shoomaker".
The 1708 manor court reported Ann Stevens' death and the admission of William Shelton to her interest in the property. It also recorded that it "was subject to equity of redemption for the heirs of Antony Deely deceased", i.e. his son Thomas could still redeem the mortgage. The original messuage was now in the occupation of Thomas Gally.
In 1709, all the interested parties (Thomas Deely jr, William Hall & Margaret Hall, William Shelton sr & Ellen his wife) sold to Thomas Whiteaves and Elizabeth his wife "a messuage in Winslow lately erected in the close called Hogsons Close with all outhouses, yards, gardens, backyards". It's not clear what happened to the rest of Hogson's Close at this stage but by 1781 the Land Tax shows that it was owned by Joseph Dudley and occupied by Richard Lomath (see below for the houses built there).
Thomas Whiteaves made his will in 1750 and died in 1754. The messuage in Hogson's Close is not mentioned specifically, so would have gone to Thomas' widow Elizabeth for the rest of her life, then to his son William.
In 1767 Joseph Cobb of Winslow yeoman and Elizabeth his wife mortgaged to Francis Cox of Winslow glazier for £70 "a Messuage in Winslow in a Close called Hodgsons Close now in the Occupation of the said Joseph Cobb and William Whiteaves their Undertenants or Assigns". In 1782 John Cox (son of Francis) was admitted to the property at the manor court because the mortgage had not been redeemed.
In 1791, Mary Barratt, widow, insured her household goods for £95, wearing apparel for £30, plate for £10 and utensils & stock in her thatched woodhouse for £15 (LMA, Sun Insurance 587544).
In 1795 the Land Tax shows that Joseph Dudley's property was occupied by John Cheney. In his will of 1799 he left all his property in Winslow to his son, also Joseph Dudley.
In 1805 John Cox sold to Joseph Dudley of Winslow, draper "a messuage (now divided into two tenements) in a close called Hodgsons Close heretofore in the occupation of Joseph Cobb & William Whiteaves, since of Mary Barrett & James Royce, now of William Punn & James Royce". The advert for the sale referred to "Two Copyhold Messuages or Tenements, adjoining each other, with the Barn, Yard, and Garden belonging thereto, situate near the Church-Yard, in Winslow aforesaid, in the Occupations of William Punn and James Royce" (Northampton Mercury, 23 Feb 1805).
The 1805 Land Tax shows Joseph Dudley as owner of properties occupied by John Cheney (1s 3½d, i.e. the land) and Wm Punn (late J. Cox's) 3s 4½d. Dudley now owned the whole of the property which was divided in 1709.
1813: will of Joseph Dudley, draper
I give and devise unto my wife Penelope Dudley and my son Thomas Dudley ... those two copyhold Cottages or Tenements situate in Winslow aforesaid now in the occupation of William Punn and Matthew Deeley With the Gardens thereto belonging
1814: Land Tax: owner Mrs [Penelope] Dudley, occupiers Matthew Deeley 1s 3½d, Willm Punn 3s 4½d
1815: manor court
Joseph Dudley held all that orchard garden or close of pasture ground heretofore in the occupation of Joseph Dudley his father and of John Cheney and now of Matthew Deely [to which he was admitted as his father’s devisee in 1799] ... and all that messuage or tenement (now in two tenements) in a certain close called Hodgson’s Close late in the occupation of Mary Barrett and James Royce and now of Matthew Deely and William Punn ... [Penelope and Thomas were admitted under the terms of his will]
1823: Land Tax
owner Mrs Dudley, occupiers Wm Punn Tailor [father & son] 1s 3½d & 3s 4½d
1827: death of William Punn aged 67
1832: Land Tax
owner Mrs Dudley; occupiers: Wid. Punn & Mark Bunce, house & garden, 3s 4½d; William Punn, house & garden 1s 3½d
1834: death of Elizabeth Punn (nee Bull) aged 74
1840: sale on 30 April advertised in Bucks Herald, 25 April 1840; the property apparently remained unsold:
- LOT 1. COMPRISES two substantially brick-built and tiled houses, in Winslow, in good repair, with stable, wood barn, and gardens attached, pleasantly situated adjoining the church yard, in the occupation of William Punn and Richard Goodwin.
- Lot 2.- An excellent piece of garden ground, in Winslow, next to Lot 1, with a brick wall, adjoining the church yard, in the occupation of Emmanuel Roads.
- Lot 3.- A large piece of garden ground in Winslow, adjoining the last lot on the east side, and the bowling green on the west side, well stored with fruit trees, and lying with a fine southern aspect, in the occupation of Emmanuel Roads. The division between lots 2 and 3 is staked out.
1841: Census
- William Punn, tailor & wife Mary
- Matthew Deely, ag.lab. & wife Susanna
1844: death of Penelope Dudley
1848: sale by Dudley & Son, 17 July
- LOT 4. Two substantially Brick-built and Tiled Houses, in Winslow, in good repair, with stable, wood barn, and gardens attached, adjoining the Churchyard, in the occupation of William Punn and Richard Goodwin.
- LOT 5. A large Piece of Garden Ground, in Winslow, adjoining the last Lot on the East side, and the Bowling Green on the West side, with a brick wall next the Churchyard, well stored with fruit trees, in the occupation of Mr. James Hazzard. [this was the former Hogson's Close]
Lots 4 and 5 are subject to a Land-tax of 4s. 8d. per annum, and to a Quit-rent of 9d. They are Copyhold of Inheritance of the Manor of Winslow.
1850: manor court
Admission of Thomas Dudley of Adelaide in South Australia, merchant, on the death of his mother Penelope, to:
- an orchard, garden or close of pasture in the occupation of James Hazard
- a messuage (now two tenements) in Hodgson’s Close in the occupation of William Punn & Widow Forster
Church rate
1850-56: Mrs Forster, house & garden
1839-59: William Punn, house & garden; 1859 Widow Punn
1851: Census, Buckingham Road
Susannah | Forster | Head | wid | 67 | Annuitant | b. Winslow |
Elizabeth | King | Niece | unm | 21 | Dressmaker | b. Winslow |
William | Punn | Head | mar | 70 | Tailor | b. Gt Horwood |
Mary | do | Wife | mar | 73 | b. Marketstreet, Beds [sic] | |
Matthew | Dealey | Head | wid | 76 | Pauper formerly brickmaker | b. Winslow |
Joseph | Teagle | Nephew | mar | 21 | Ag. labourer | b. Winslow |
Mary | Teagle | Niece | mar | 20 | Lacemaker | b. Winslow |
1853: manor court
Surrenders by Thomas Dudley, now residing near Sydney in Australia
- To John Kelland of Plaistow, Essex, gent for £120: an orchard, garden or close of pasture in the occupation of James Hazard
- To Joseph King of Winslow, victualler & wheelwright [owner of The Windmill] & Elizabeth his wife for £145: a messuage now in two tenements in Hodgsons Close, late in the occupation of Mary Barrett & James Royce, since Matthew Deeley & William Punn, now William Punn & Widow Forster.
1860: death of William Punn
1861 Census: Church Yard
The houses are listed after 25 High Street, indicating that they were still approached from the church side. Back Lane was recorded separately.
Thomas | Rodwell | Head | mar | 45 | Ag. labourer | b. Claydon |
Sarah | do | Wife | mar | 42 | Laundress | b. Winslow |
Julia | Walker | Dau | 12 | Scholar | do | |
Amelia | Walker | Dau | 10 | do | do | |
Mary | Rodwell | Dau | 9 | do | do | |
Rosetta | Rodwell | Dau | 2 | do | ||
Sarah | Rodwell | Dau | 6m | do | ||
Mary | Punn | Head | wid | 83 | Formerly lacemaker | b. Market Street, Herts [sic] |
Benjamin | Stevens | Lodger | wid | 72 | Annuitant | b. Middle Claydon |
1861: manor court, 1 May
Surrender: Joseph & Elizabeth King, for £195
Admission: William John Jones of Winslow, dealer in cattle, and Ann his wife [owners of 27 High Street, formerly the Three Pigeons]
Messuage now in the occupation of Widow Punn & Thomas Radwell.
Rent 3d, fine 10s.
William Jones probably built the Victorian addition between the original house and his own outbuildings in the High Street, clearly visible in the photo above.
1864: death of Mary Punn
1871: Census, Back Lane
Thomas Rodwell , 54, ag. lab., b. East Claydon + wife, stepdau, 2 daughters
Elizabeth Bates, wid, 50, laundress, b. Middleton Cheney + son, dau in law, granddau
Mary Bellow, unm, 56, infant schoolmistress, b. Winslow + nephew
1881: Census
Charles Walker 60 gen. lab. b. Winslow + wife, 2 children, lodger Elizabeth Alderman
Arthur F. Taunt 25 signalman b. Oxford + wife, 3 children, lodger Elizabeth Yates & son
Joseph Green 45 platelayer b. Winslow + wife, dau
1886: will of William John Jones
Leaves to his daughter Edith Jane Jones “my three cottages or tenements in the Back Lane in Winslow aforesaid called Punn’s Cottages”
1891: Census
John Mayne 42 carpenter b. Winslow + wife, 6 children
(4 rooms) Sarah Rodwell wid 72 laundress b. Winslow + dau
(3 rooms) Charles Walker 69 ag. lab. + wife, granddau
1901: Census, Vicarage Lane
Joseph French, 53, maltster’s lab., b. Buckingham + wife, 3 children
(4 rooms) Charles Walker, 79, wid + granddau
George Edwin, 49, gardener, b. Winslow + wife, 5 children
1910: Survey
Vicarage Road, 3 houses; owner Edith Jones; occupiers Charles Walker, George Edwin (late), Joseph French
1911: Census, Vicarage Lane
(6 rooms) Mary Ann Higgins, 70, wid, b. Helmdon + niece
(4 rooms) William John Viccars, 29, carter, b. Winslow + wife, 2 children
(3 rooms) Joseph French, 63, gen. lab., b. Buckingham + wife, 2 sons
Situation Vicarage Road
Description House
Gross Value: Buildings £6 Rateable Value: Buildings £4 – [deletion]
Occupier William Viccars
Owner Miss Edith Jane Jones, Moreton House Vale Sq Ramsgate
Interest of Owner Copyhold of Manor of Winslow with its members
Occupier’s tenancy, Term Week
Actual (or Estimate) Rent £5 - 17
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance }
Who is liable for repairs } L
Fixed Charges, Easements, Common Rights and Restrictions
Quit Rent of 1/4 in respect of all my copyholds
Site Value Deductions Claimed Yes
[green] 19/6/27 V35775 A F Midgley dec 3 cott let at £23 – 3 -8
[stamp] SEP 30 1914
Includes 466 & 467
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
3 Brick & Tiled Cottages
Viccars 2 up & 2 down Brick & Slate barn
Higgins 2 attics & 2 bedrooms & 3 down Brick & Slate barn
French 2 up & 1 down 14½ poles
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition 3900 sq feet £250
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land £200
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £200
Divided as follows:-
Buildings and Structures £50
Less value attributable to Structures, timber &c. (as before) £200
Gross Value (as before) £250
Less deductions in respect of –
Fee Farm Rent, rent seck, quit rent, chief rents, rent of assize £ 1
If Copyhold, Estimated Cost of Enfranchisement £19
Restrictions ___
Less value attributable to Structures, timber &c. (as before) £200
Expense of clearing site £200
1919: valuation for Edith Jones and her sister
These are a most unsalable lot of cottages; very cramped. They have practically no garden, and are badly shut in, and have a very poor approach. ... The cottages are very old and of a poor description.
1921: Census, Vicarage Lane
(4 rooms) Walter James Lapper, 43, scavenger for Winslow RDC, b. Winslow + wife
(6 rooms) Ernest J. Corbett, 44, garden labourer at Addington Manor, b. Adstock, + wife, 2 children, aunt
(3 rooms) Joseph French, 73, road labourer for Winslow RDC, b. Buckingham + wife
1922: will of Edith Jane Jones (proved 1926)
Leaves her property in trust for her adopted daughter Thirza Leah Connell
The property was apparently sold to Annie Frances Midgley (nee Mayne).
1929: Rating valuation nos.577-9
Houses & gardens, Vicarage Road; rateable values £4 each
Owner: W.N. Midgley
Occupiers: Jos. French, W.J. Lapper, Isaac Pettifer
1939: Hillier's Almanack
Vicarage Road
1 Keedle, C.
3 Skeet, D.
5 Porter, A.E.
1939: Register
Vicarage Lane
1: Claude A. Keadle b.1896 pensioner
3: David Skeet b.1867 gardener
5: Alice Porter [later Mathews] b.1901 wid
1950: Centre for Bucks Studies, D-WIG-2-8-476
Particulars of the Investment Properties Nos. 1, 3, and 5, Vicarage Lane, WINSLOW
Built of brick with part tiled and part slate roof, the cottages, a portions of which used to be the old vicarage, contain the following accommodation:
No. 1. Living Room and Two Bedrooms.
No. 3. Living Room, Kitchen and Two Bedrooms.
No. 5. Living Room, Kitchen, Scullery, Two Bedrooms and Two Attic Rooms.
Main Water Standpipe to each Cottage. Gas, Main Drainage to W.C.’s.
Small Store Sheds and Gardens to each.
As now let to good tenants and producing £35. 2. 0. per annum gross (Landlord pays Rates)
To be sold by Auction, on the instructions of Mr. Wm. N. Midgley, on MONDAY, 30th OCTOBER, 1950
By Messrs. GEO. WIGLEY & SONS AT THE BELL HOTEL, WINSLOW, AT 3 O’CLOCK (subject to the conditions to be produced).
For further particulars apply to:
Solicitors:- Messrs. Boutwood, Simpson & Co., Leighton Buzzard, and at Woburn and Dunstable.
Auctioneers:- Messrs. Geo. Wigley & Sons. Winslow, and at Aylesbury.
7-11 Vicarage Road
Originally part of Hogson's Close (see above).
7-11 Vicarage Road (centre) and Punn's Cottages (right) all have their fronts on the church (south) side in this view taken from the church tower c.1885 after the Reading Room was removed and before 13-15 Vicarage Road were built
1874: Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News, 5 Sep
THE VICAR’S NEW PARISH ROOM is just completed, and is to be inaugurated with a harvest tea, we believe. It is by far the largest room in Winslow, covering an area of about fifteen hundred square feet, and is to be used for missionary meetings, a school, teas, &c. Some new cottages are built in connection with it, making altogether a decided improvement for the town. More about the Reading Room.
1881: Census, Back Lane
Mary Bellow unm 66 infant schoolmistress b. Winslow [d.1891 aged 76] + nephew no.11 (she died in 1891; see her will)
Alfred Loader 26 gardener b. Aston Oxon + wife, dau no.9
Elizabeth Bates wid 61 laundress b. Middleton Cheney + son, 2 grandch no.7
1891: D/WIG/2/7/1891 sale poster for Geo. Wigley, 23 March, by direction of the proprietors
LOT 1. Comprises 3 remarkably well-built brick and tiled COTTAGES of modern erection situate in the Vicarage Street, Winslow, and nearly in the centre of the Town, very pleasantly and conveniently situate and each containing 2 front sitting rooms and kitchen, and 3 bedrooms, with gardens, and brick and tiled wood and coal houses; 2 in the occupation of William White and Mrs. Sharp, and one lately occupied by Mrs. Bellow deceased, at very low rents, amounting to £19 10s. 0d. per annum; and adjoining a valuable piece of BUILDING GROUND with a frontage of about 27 feet, and a depth of about 60 feet, and containing about 180 square yards. [i.e. the site of nos.13-15]
It is copyhold of the Manor of Winslow, but nearly equal in value to Freehold.
The cottages were apparently bought by Thomas Walker.
1891: Census
(4 rooms) William White 41 bricklayer’s lab. b. Adstock + wife, 5 children no.7
(4 rooms) Elizabeth Sharpe wid 81 on parish allowance b. Aylesbury + dau no.9
1 unoccupied no.11
1901: Census, Vicarage Lane
Anne White, wid, 59, laundress + 2 daughters, 2 grandch no.7
William Mumford, 41, groom, b. Steeple Aston + wife no.9
George Whichello, single, 79, letter carrier superannuated, b. Dartford no.11
1910: Survey
Vicarage Road: 3 houses; owner Thomas Walker; occupiers Fanny White, Edward Keys, George Whichello
1911: Census
3 Vicarage Lane (5 rooms) George Whichello, 89, single, postman pensioned, b. Dartford no.11
Vicarage Lane (5 rooms) Charles Walker, 90, wid, formerly gen. lab., b. Winslow + granddau no.9
1 Vicarage Lane (5 rooms) Fanny White, 47, single, laundress, b. Winslow + son no.7
1921: Census
1 Vicarage Lane (5 rooms) Daniel Forster, 41, joiner for Mr Walker of Steeple Claydon, b. Wandsworth + wife, 4 children no.7
2 Vicarage Lane (5 rooms) Mary Elizabeth King, 52, single, laundress on own account, b. Winslow no.9
3 Vicarage Lane (5 rooms) Alfred Price, 30, fitter's labourer out of work, b. Hoggeston + wife, 5 children no.11
1929: Rating valuation nos.614-16
Cottages & gardens, Vicarage Road, rateable value £6 each
Owner: Executors of Thos Walker
Occupiers: Dan T.J. Forster, Mary E. King, Alfred Price
1939: Hillier's Almanack, Vicarage Road
7 Tucker, L.
9 Gibson, L.C.
11 Garner, A
1939: Register
Vicarage Lane
7: Lionel Tucker b.1884 labourer
9: Bernard Carter b.1901 gas worker
11: Archie E. Garner b.1905 sub ganger railway repairs
1946: Buckingham Advertiser, 27 June
Interest was created at Winslow on Monday by a property sale conducted by Messrs. George Wigley and Sons at the Bell Hotel, Winslow. ... Mr. F. W. Crook purchasing the block of brick and tiled cottages, Nos. 7, 9 and 11 Vicarage Road at £353. ... Each containing 5 rooms and let on weekly tenancies totalling £42 5s p.a.
13-15 Vicarage Road and adjacent land
According to A.J. Clear in 1932:
In Church Lane, at the back of the Old Windmill Inn, there has been considerable alteration. Where the little alley goes up [presumably he meant the access to 1-5 Vicarage Road], there was another blacksmith’s forge, kept by the Varney’s, but used chiefly for horse shoeing for which they had quite a reputation [this might mean James Varney/Verney in 1798; later Varneys were farriers but not in this location]. There was a farm yard standing there and the passage through was a short cut to the Church, coming out at the back of Mr. Holdens [27 High Street] and with a pond at the corner, into which some Winslow men once threw a young policeman. The farm house was pulled down and Mr. Preston built a fine big iron Reading Room on the site. When he died his widow sold it and it is now all cottages.
The land was originally part of Hogson's Close (see above). Some farm buildings were erected on it in the 18th century and passed into separate ownership in 1771.
1771: manor court
Francis Collins also held a malting barn, wheathouse and other buildings then in the possession of Robert Gibbs of Winslow malster. He devised them to Joseph Dudley by his will, and revoked it by a codicil, devising them to Robert Gibbs, who desired to be admitted tenant. Rent [blank], fine [blank]. Robert immediately surrendered them to his own use for his life, then to Jane Gibbs his wife for her life, then his right heirs.
Francis Collins also held an orchard or close of pasture ground with the malting barn, wheat house and other buildings, in the occupation of Joseph Dudley and Robert Gibbs. He devised it to the use of Joseph Dudley of Winslow draper. By a codicil of 5 Jan 1771 he revoked the devise of the buildings and gave Joseph only the ground. Joseph desired to be admitted tenant. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
1795: manor court
Robert Gibbs late of Winslow malster held ... a malting and barn and yard near the Churchyard late in his own occupation ... By his will dated 24 Jan 1794 he devised all his copyhold messuages & lands to his brother Richard Gibbs, subject to the legacies mentioned in the will. Richard Gibbs desires to be admitted.
Surrender: Richard Gibbs brother of Robert Gibbs late of Winslow maltster deceased
Admission: Francis Budd
All that malting and barn and yard thereunto belonging situate and being in Winslow aforesaid near the Churchyard late in the tenure or occupation of the said Robert Gibbs deceased
1799: manor court
Admission of Joseph Dudley junior to all his father Joseph Dudley senior's copyhold property including:
All that orchard garden or close of pasture ground situate and being in Winslow aforesaid late in the occupation of the said Joseph Dudley and of John Cheney
The malting was then converted into cottages.
1833: manor court
William Budd late of Goswell St, Leghorn merchant & straw hat manufacturer held ... 3 cottages formerly a malthouse near the Church Yard heretofore in the occupations of Richard Wilmer, Jane Woodward & William Hopkins with barn and yard, all now in the occupations of George Maydon, Jane Woodward, Ann Hopkins & Mark Morris. William was admitted 28 Nov 1823 on the death of his father Francis.
By will of 1831 he devised them to his wife Elizabeth subject to an annuity to his mother Mary. Reversion to his 3 sons Francis, William & John as tenants in common. Elizabeth Budd of Whiteheads Grove, St Luke, Chelsea, widow desires to be admitted.
1835: manor court
William Budd held ... 3 cottages [as above]. Francis Budd of Goswell Terrace, Parish of St Luke, Leghorn hat merchant, eldest of the sons, desires to be admitted to his reversion on the decease of his mother. He then surrendered it to his mother Elizabeth Budd of Whiteheads Grove, St Luke, Chelsea.
1838: Coronation of Queen Victoria, list of recipients of food and drink
Edward Taylor & Wife
James Ablethorpe & Wife 2 Sons & 2 Daughters
Mattw Deeley & Wife
1841: Census [identification of houses very uncertain]
Matthew Deeley 65 ag.lab.
George ?Scammell 45
Edward Taylor 67
1851: Census, Buckingham Road [identification of houses very uncertain]
William Yewlett, 24, rail labourer, b. Winslow + wife, 2 children
William Bellow, 76, ag.lab., b. Adderbury [d.1854] + wife, dau, 2 grandchildren
1861: Census, Back Lane [identification of houses very uncertain]
James Evans, 36, ag.lab., b. Winslow + wife
Joanna Bellow, unm, 46, lacemaker, b. Winslow [d.1865] + son 16
[listed at end] Richard Gordon, 34, platelayer, b. Bletchley + wife, 3 children
1866: manor court records (D82/7)
19 Feb: after the death of Elizabeth Budd, her son William was not admitted to his third share (see 1833) and has now died intestate; his brother John Budd of Dunstable, photographic artist, is his heir at law, and is admitted to the undivided third.
He is also admitted to his own undivided third.
Elizabeth Budd left the other third equally to her children: John Budd;
Mary Brown of Sandown Bay IOW widow;
Ann Collbrook wife of Walter Collbrook of St Heliers, Jersey, draper;
Clara Woodman wife of Henry Woodman of Tollington Road, Middx, warehouseman;
Frances Elizabeth Roberts wife of [blank] Roberts of [blank] Staffs
27 June: John Budd sold his two third shares to Mary Brown
1871: Census: Back Lane, after Vicarage
Thomas Weston, 44, ag. lab., b. Winslow + wife, 3 children
Richard Verney, wid, 74, ag. lab, b. Winslow + son
John Viccars, 42, ag. lab., b. Winslow + wife, 6 children
Joseph Green, 36, ag. lab., b. Winslow + wife, 2 children
1874: Bucks Herald, 26 Sep
On the spot where stood a short time since in the centre of the town of Winslow some very old and dilapidated cottages, almost unfit for human habitation, and nearly the only relict of Winslow cottage antiquity, has been erected at the entire cost of the Vicar of Winslow, the Rev. A. M. Preston, a very neat and commodious iron room ... . Read more about the Reading Room.
1875: Centre for Bucks Studies, D/WIG/2/07/1891/7: sale of the site [see nos.7-11]
Envelope labeled “Mrs Preston, Winslow”
Includes: Receipt dated 2 Feb 1875 by Walls, Abbott & Martin from Rev A.M. Preston for £254 3s purchase money and interest due to Mrs Brown on completion of sale of Winslow cottages. 29 Jan 1875: letter about copy of court roll.
Note of court roll entries: admission of coheiresses of John Budd; their (Mrs Roberts, Mrs Woodman) surrender to Mrs Brown; her surrender to Rev. Preston [no dates]
The Reading Room was removed and the site sold in 1891, apparently to Thomas Walker, who built two new houses.
1901: Census, Vicarage Lane
Esther Goodger, widow, 70, b. King’s Walden no.13
Charles Goodger, 42, coachman, b. Winslow + wife, dau no.15
1910: Survey
Vicarage Road: 2 houses; owner Thomas Walker; occupiers Harry Ingram, Mary Walker
1911: Census
5 Vicarage Road (4 rooms) Mary Walker, 28, single, dressmaker, b. Winslow no.15
Vicarage Road (4 rooms) Harry Ingram, 60, single, butcher, b. Winslow + sister no.13
1921: Census
5 Vicarage Lane (4 rooms)
Mary Maria Walker, 38, single, dressmaker, b. Winslow no.15
1929: Rating valuation nos.617-18
Cottages & gardens, Vicarage Road, rateable values £7 each
Owner: executors of Thos. Walker
Occupiers: Sarah Walker, A.V. Hamp
1939: Hillier's Almanack, Vicarage Road
13 Hobbs, J.A.
15 Walker, Sarah
1939: Register, Vicarage Lane
13: James A. Hobbs b.1910 grocer’s assistant
15: Sarah A. Walker b.1868 single, householder
1946: Buckingham Advertiser, 27 June
Interest was created at Winslow on Monday by a property sale conducted by Messrs. George Wigley and Sons at the Bell Hotel, Winslow... the brick and tiled cottages, Nos. 13 and 15 Vicarage Road were sold to Mr. T. H. Lewis at £670 ... Each having 5 rooms, one let at 6s per week and the other with vacant possession.
The former Hogson's Close and surrounding buildings shown on the 1880 OS map
The land (part of Hogson's Close) was inherited by Joseph Dudley in 1771. When he died in 1799 he held "an orchard, garden or close of pasture late in the occupation of himself and John Cheney" which his son Joseph inherited. It passed to Joseph's son Thomas Dudley of Australia in 1850 along with Punn's Cottages.
The land formed gardens with access from Church Walk. A piece adjoining Vicarage Road is shown as separate on the 1880 OS map with a building on it. This part was sold in 1923 by R.W. Saunders to Louisa Hendley and after other changes of ownership was bought by Thomas Burrow in 1954 and became his dairy.
1943: Buckingham Advertiser, 16 Jan
Sale by the Executors of the late Mrs. L. S. Hendley includes 36 High Street and:
Also the capital Slaughter House, Yard and Buildings, situate in Verney Road, close to the town, all in excellent condition and with
Vacant Possession On completion of the purchase.
The whole plot was bought by R.W. Saunders in 1919 from Norman McCorquodale after it had been considered for use as an extension to the churchyard.
2-4 Vicarage Road
The black building on the left is the end of 4 Vicarage Road. On the right you can see nos.7-15 and the building which became the dairy.
There were two houses on the north side of Vicarage Road at the east end (next to the site which became Grace's School / Arundel House). They are first mentioned specifically in 1807 but can be traced back to 1691 (although they must have been rebuilt in the 19th century).
1691 manor court:
William Gyles and Mary his wife surrendered a parcel of land in New Millfeild, parcel of a close called The Pickles, adjoining Philip Budd on the east and the common king's highway on the south, containing 54 feet from east to west and 90 feet from south to north, as now divided. To the use of Silvester Reddell. Rent 1d, fine 5s.
1714 manor court:
Sylvester Reddall and Susanna his wife, customary tenants, surrendered a messuage or cottage in the parish of Winslowe lately built by Sylvester and in his own occupation, standing on a parcel of land once part of a close called the Pickles, adjoining the house or yard of Philip Budd east, the common road south. The land contains 54 feet east to west and 90 feet south to north, with all buildings, yards, backyards, fences, ditches, "mounds", "fences". To the use of Katherine Smallwood, widow, on condition that the surrender is to be void if Sylvester and Susanna pay her £10 5s on 21 Oct next. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
1730: CBS D/X 1938
Admittance of George Barrett on the surrender of Silvester & Susanna Reddall [described as above, John Budd east]
1740: manor court
George Barrett, customary tenant, surrendered All that mesuage Cottage or Tenement situate in Winslowe aforesaid now in the occupation of Benjamin Dudley the Younger, the house and ground of John Budd being on the east part thereof, with barns, stables, gardens, etc. to the use of Richard Hurst (servant to Mrs Busby of Addington), who was admitted.
1751: manor court
Jane Hurst inherited from her uncle Richard Hurst: one messuage or tenement at the Upper End of Cow Street now or late in the occupation of John Burrall
1753: manor court
Robert Gibbs of Winslow, malster, and Jane his wife, formerly Jane Hurst, surrendered a messuage at the Upper End of Cow Street now or late in the occupation of John Mayne. After a procedure of common recovery, they were granted s to Robert and Jane for their lives and to the heir of the survivor.
1792: fire insurance
Robert Gibbs insured: House in Cow Street in tenure of Skilton [Shelton?] thatch’d;
Barn separate thatch’d;
Slaughterhouse, Stable Barn & Cowhouse adjoining separate thatch’d;
Wood Barn & Garners \adjoining/ separate Brick panneld & thatch’d;
Barn separate thatchd; Wheathouse separate thatch’d
1795: Robert Gibbs, maltster, bequeathed to his brother Richard Gibbs, who then sold to Thomas Morecraft, butcher:
a messuage at the upper end of Cow Street late in his own occupation
1807: Thomas Morecraft bequeathed to his son Thomas
"my copyhold close of pasture ground (lately divided into two several closes and called or known by the names of Jenning’s Close (which I bought and purchased of Richard Gibbs) and Dudley’s Close (and which I bought of John Dudley) and also all those my two copyhold cottages or tenements now occupied by Richard Cox and Francis Warner and being in the said close called Jenning’s Close".
1833: Register of electors
Morecraft Thomas (Newbury)
copyhold houses & land, Back Lane,
occupier: John Morecraft [1835 & 1838 registers refer only to land]
1838: Coronation of Queen Victoria, list of recipients of food and drink
Thomas Webb Wife & 6 Children
Richd Soton Wife & 6 Children Buckingham
1841: Census
Richard Soton 40 tanner
Thomas Webb 42 ag.lab.
1851: Census (Buckingham Road, after Egleton's)
Robert Ossitt, 45, shipwright & police constable, b.Hull + wife, father, niece (paid church rate 1845-54)
William Turnham, 64, butcher, b. Buckingham + wife Frances b. Winslow, son Thomas 32 butcher, dau Frances 18 lacemaker, lodger Richard Mayne 16 farmer's son assistant to father b. Winslow
1861: Census (High Street, after Grace's School)
Thomas Saving, 32, LNWR police constable, b. Winslow + wife, 7 children
James Warner, 37, tanner, b. Winslow + wife, 3 children
1863: manor court
Thomas Morecraft deceased held: a close of pasture (formerly in one close afterwards divided into two and then again laid into one) called Jennings Close containing 4 acres together with two cottages thereon built heretofore in the occupation of Robert Gibbs glover and of Thomas Morecraft, Richard Cox & Francis Warner; then of John Morecraft, Richard Cox & Richard Allen [margin DT Willis 25/10/75]
1871: Census, Back Lane [identification of houses uncertain]
Thomas Smith, 59, ag. lab., b. Winslow + wife, dau
Abel Chandler, 34, sawyer, b. Stewkley + wife, 5 children
1874: sale advert for Thomas Morecraft's property after the death of his widow Emma
LOT 1:
A VALUABLE CLOSE of PASTURE LAND, in the occupation of Mr. Silvanus Jones, at the apportioned rent of £20 per annum; also FOUR substantial BRICK-BUILT and SLATED COTTAGES, with Gardens back and front, and Brick and Tiled Wood Barns, let at rents amounting to £23:8 per annum, and containing altogether 4a. 0r. 0p. This Lot is very valuable for Building Ground.
The cottages seem to have been subdivided or extended to make four, then reunited in the 1880s to make two again. They were bought with the land by D.T. Willis, and inherited by his nephew T.P. Willis. They were probably occupied by his employees.
1881: Census
Thomas Walker 34 bricklayer master b. Winslow + wife, 6 children
William Verney 42 ag. lab. b Waddesdon + wife, 2 children
Thomas Smith 69 gen. lab. b. Winslow + wife
George Stevens 24 carpenter b. Gt Horwood + wife, dau
1891: Census, Back Lane
Arthur George Woodbridge 36 groom b. Swanbourne + wife, 4 children no.2
Richard Turney 53 gardener b. Hockliffe + wife no.4
1901: Census, Vicarage Lane
George Airey, 32, coachman, b. Easton Suffolk + wife, 2 children, mother-in-law no.2
Frederick Aitken, 29, gardener, b. Stanmore + wife no.4
1905: Buckingham Advertiser, 10 June
W. Elwood, 2 Vicarage Lane, Winslow [no.4?], begs to announce that he is prepared to undertake the sweeping of chimneys in and around Winslow.
1910: Survey
Vicarage Road: two cottages & gardens; owner T.P. Willis; occupiers George Airey, William Charles Goodger
1910: T.P. Willis sale
Lot 9, two freehold cottages with gardens, immediately adjoining the High-street and let at £15:12:6, bought by Messrs. Matthews Bros. for £230.
Lot 1, known as the Flower Show Field, comprising 7 acres, close to the High-street, was purchased by Messrs. Matthews Bros. at £600. They also purchased Long Close adjoining, and containing 3a. 3r. 17p., for £300.
1911: Census
Vicarage Lane (8 rooms) George Airey, 42, groom, b. Easton Suffolk + wife, 3 children
Vicarage Lane (6 rooms) William Charles Goodger, 48, gardener, b. Winslow + wife, 2 children
1911: Assessment (TNA, IR58/2351)
Situation Vicarage Lane Winslow
Description Cottage
Extent Unknown
Gross Value: Buildings £9 Rateable Value: Buildings £7/5/-
Gross Annual Value, Schedule A, £ 6
Occupier Airey George
Owner Exors of TP Willis decd
Interest of Owner Freehold
Occupier’s tenancy Term Weekly
Actual Rent £7 - 16 - 0
Outgoings - Land Tax, £ 11/3 with next paid by owner
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance L
Who is liable for repairs L
Fixed Charges, Easements, Common Rights and Restrictions None
Site Value Deductions Claimed Yes
[red] 31/1/11
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
Brick & Slate In good repair
Porch 2 Sitting Rms, Kitchen & Pantry
3 Small Bed Rms & Landing
Wash House Barn & W.C.
Well common to 2 houses
Rent 3/9 per week
10 p(oles)
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition
@ 17 y(ears’) p(urchase) £115
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land £ 20
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £ 95
Situation Vicarage Lane Winslow
Description Cottage
Extent Unknown
Gross Value: Buildings £9 Rateable Value: Buildings £7/5/-
Gross Annual Value, Schedule A, £ 6
Occupier Goodger Wm Chas
Owner Exors of TP Willis decd
Interest of Owner Freehold
Occupier’s tenancy Term Weekly
Actual (or Estimated) Rent £ Rent free as wages but equal to last one @ 3/- weekly
Outgoings - Land Tax, £ 11/3 with last paid by L
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance L
Who is liable for repairs L
Site Value Deductions Claimed Yes
[red] 31/1/11
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
As last
Rent 3/9 L.R.R. 35 x 180 lks = 0 – 0 - 10
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition £115
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land £ 20
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £ 95
1921: Census
Vicarage Lane (6 rooms) George Airey, 53, groom out of work, b. Easton Suffolk + wife, daughter
Vicarage Lane (5 rooms) Fanny White, 56, laundress on own account, b. Winslow
1929: Rating valuation nos.584-5
Cottages & gardens, Vicarage Road, rateable values £8 each
Owner: R.J. Matthews
Occupiers: George Airey, Fanny White
1939: Hillier's Almanack, Vicarage Road
2 Airey, G.
4 White, Fanny
1939: Register, Vicarage Lane
2: George Airey b.1868 horse man [died Oct 1939]
4: Fanny White b.1863 single laundress + Charlotte Odell b.1871 wid cook
The cottages were demolished in the 1970s along with Arundel House at the corner of the road which had also belonged to the Matthews family.
Oak Lodge
This was the first house built on the north side of Verney Road, in 1912 by Henry Stock who died in 1943 aged 81. At the first sale of T.P. Willis' property in 1910 it was reported that Rose Close, containing 4a. 1r. 29p., had been bought by Mr. Stock of Chiswick for £450. The 1911 Census records him as a laundryman in Chiswick, born at Portbury, Somerset, running the laundry with his wife and the oldest of his seven children. Although Oak Lodge appears to have been built as a private house, Stock started a dairy farming business. In 1912, when he was living at 1 Station Road, he negotiated to buy Pond Leys and Fag End (12 acres of land adjoining Furze Lane). He apparently rented other land until 1933 (see below).
1921: Census
Henry Charles | Stock | Head | mar | 58y 8m | Dairy farming, employer, at home | b. Portbury, Somerset |
Emma Ellizabeth | Stock | Wife | mar | 60y 3m | Home duties | b. Brentford |
Ethel Ada | Stock | Dau | single | 28y 11m | Home duties | b. Chiswick |
Edith Annie | Stock | Dau | single | 26y 10m | Bank clerk, Lloyds Bank, Winslow | b. Acton |
Elsie Mabel | Stock | single | 23y 8m | Postal Civil Servant, GPO, Trunk Exchange, Bristol | b. Acton | |
Hilda Grace |
Stock | Dau | single | 21y 2m | Home duties | b. Acton |
Gladys Dorothy |
Stock | Dau | single | 18y 6m | Dairy maid for H.C. Stock | b. Acton |
Lily Maud Nisbett | Garratt | Visitor | single | 32y 9m | Home duties | b. Chiswick |
8 persons | 9 rooms |
1930: Buckingham Advertiser, 29 March
Wanted, good lad, willing to milk and be useful. Apply H. Stock, Vicarage Road, Winslow.
1932: Buckingham Advertiser, 16 July
Sale Monday Next. 18th Inst. At the Bell Hotel, Winslow, 4 p.m. precisely. The Attractive Residential Property Oak Lodge, Winslow. 3 Reception Rooms, 6 Bedrooms, Bath room and Offices. Garage. Stabling. Gardens and Pasture Land, in all 4½ Acres. Vacant Possession, which James Styles & Whitlock Will Sell by Public Auction as above. Particulars of the Auctioneers, Estate Offices, Rugby, or of the Vendor’s Solicitor, G. Hatt-Cook, Esq., Winslow.
Buckingham Advertiser, 23 July
Oak Lodge. Winslow. Messrs. James Styles and Whitlock, of Rughy offered by auction, on Monday last, at the Bell Hotel, Winslow, the very attractive family residence known as Oak Lodge, Winslow. It failed to reach the reserve price and the property was withdrawn, but can now be treated for on very advantageous terms. The solicitors concerned were Messrs. Hatt Cook and Vale, of Leamington, and Winslow.
1933: Buckingham Advertiser, 8 April: sale by the executors of J.C. Hawley
Messrs. Geo. Wigley and Sons conducted an important sale at the Bell Hotel, Winslow, on Monday last. Four enclosures of rich old accomodation grass land with farm buildings, on the West Side of Winslow were purchased bv Mr. H. C. Stock, the tenant, at £1,200, the area being about 30a. 1r. 38p. Barn Close was bought by Mr. F. G. Hancock, the tenant, at £220. the area being 2a. Ir. 3p. The commodious dwelling house, 13 Horn Street was not sold and the auctioneers are prepared to treat privately.
1939: Register
Oak Lodge
Henry C Stock b. 24 October 1862 dairy farmer
Emma Stock b. 23 May 1861 domestic unpaid
Edith A Stock b. 10 August 1894 solicitor’s clerk [d.1985]
Hilda G Stock b. 25 April 1900 domestic unpaid [d.1993]
Gladys Hazelton b. 6 December 1902 domestic unpaid [d.1992]
Philip Hazelton b. 12 April 1898
1941-42 Farm Survey: report on H.C. Stock's farm
1943: Bucks Herald, 24 Dec
Death of Mr. H. C. Stock.— We regret to record the death of Mr. H. C, Stock, Oak Lodge, Winslow, which occurred in the Ackland Home, Oxford, on Monday week. Mr. Stock, who was 81 years of age, had been in failing health for some time, but was working up to within a few weeks of bis death. He came to Winslow from London some thirty years ago, and after a time started the dairy business which he conducted until the end. He was an active member of the Parish Council and was always ready to do anything for the public good. A man of the utmost integrity, he was greatly respected by all. He leaves a widow and family comprising one son and six daughters. The funeral look place at the Parish Church on Friday. The Rev. St. J. H. Beamish, vicar, conducted the service. The hymn Sun of my soul,” and the 23rd Psalm ( The Lord is my Shepherd”) were sung. The mourners were Mr. Frederick Stock, son; Miss Ethel Stock, Mrs. King and Miss Elsie Stock, daughters; Mr. Philip Hazleton, son-in-law; Messrs. A. Pauli, P. W. Keys, T. H. Saunders and Miss A. Gaskell, employees. Among those in the church were:—Messrs. G. Pass, S. Holden, E.W. Green, G. Ingram. R.E. Caron, W. R. Gibbard, E. Randall, W. Saunders, F.H. Foster (Lloyds Bank), J. H. Gough, Baker, Mrs. Gordon-Dean, Mrs. McNeil, Mr. C. Dickins, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sear, Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Illing, Miss Thompson, Mrs. Gazey, Miss Read. Miss Matthews, Mr. and Miss Underwood, Sergt. Coulson, R.A.F., Mr. Ashby and Mrs. Walters. The N.F.U., of which Mr. Stock was member, sent a letter of sympathy.
Will of Henry Stock, farmer, 1941 (proved 1944): he left his property in trust for his wife and children.
1945: Buckingham Advertiser, 17 March
Transfer of Food Registrations. In consequence of a change of ownership, persons registered with H. C. Stock Oak Lodge Winslow, Bletchley for Milk will have their registrations automatically transferred to the new proprietor J. Brazier Fir Tree House North Marston, Bletchley (Retailing from Oak Lodge Winslow, Bletchley) unless application is made at the Winslow sub-office, High Street, Winslow, before 30th March, 1945 for transfer to another retailer of milk.
1945: death of Emma Eliza Stock aged 84, 6 June
Probate 20 Oct to Edith Annie Stock spinster. Effects £125 1s.
1954: Buckingham Advertiser, 30 Jan: deaths
At Oak Lodge. Winslow, on 24th January. 1954, Philip Hazelton, aged 55 years.
The Stocks were the only family to live in the original house. It became a nursing home when it was sold by Stock's trustees, and has now been replaced by flats.
Rose Close, the land on which Oak Lodge was built, was a close at the corner of Verney Road and the road which continued Burleys Road past the windmill to join the Great Horwood Road (this was blocked off after enclosure in 1767). It is first recorded in 1638 when it belonged to the Fige family, but probably took its name from the Rose & Crown Inn. It is mentioned in the Enclosure Award: "a certain ancient inclosed close belonging to William Lowndes now in the occupation of Augustine Seaton called Rose Close". Lowndes bought it in two parts in 1685 and 1692. It was sold by the Selby-Lowndes estate in 1865, which must be when the Willises acquired it.
1929: Rating valuation no.431
Owner J.C. Hawley, occupier H.C. Stock
Pond Close, Vicarage Road 6a 2r 31p
Rations valuations 432-7
Owner & occupier H.C. Stock
House, gardens, etc. Vicarage Road: 2r
Rose Close: 4a
Buildings & land, Hursts, Vicarage Road: 12a 1r 4p
Buldings & land, Horsemead, Vicarage Road: 7a 3r 4p [Miss Jones' executors deleted]
South side of Verney Road
There were two houses on the south side of Verney Road, one in front of where nos.21-23 now stand and the other in front of nos.45-47. Both were demolished in the 1930s to widen the road.
Site of 21-23 Verney Road
Jane Cook in front of her cottage on the south side of the road which was demolished in about 1930 to widen and straighten Verney Road. The house was in front of where 21-23 Verney Road now stand. The style of building is 18th-century or earlier. It might have been an encroachment on the 60-feet-wide road stipulated by the 1767 Enclosure Award, or a small plot separated from the field to the south.
This drawing by the local artist John Sear c.1855 was labelled "the Inn in Back Lane", but there is no evidence that the building was ever used as an inn
It's not certain which house is which in the rate and census records up to 1881
Church rate
Back Lane, house/cottage: Jane Davis 1847-9, John Allen 1849-52
1851: Census, Back Lane
John Neal, brickmaker, 44, b. Stockingford Warws + wife, 4 children
1861: Census, Back Lane
John Keys, 23, carpenter, b. Winslow + wife Sarah, dau Fanny 1m: church rate 1859-61 in place of Ossitt
William Burrows, 28, chimney sweep, b. Rowell Northants + wife, 2 children, boarder Samuel Smart chimney sweep
1871: Census, Back Lane
Samuel Rowe, 53, ag. lab., b. Stewkley + wife Elizabeth [d.1876 aged 75], lodger John Higgins [The Rowes kept The Boot until the 1860s; Samuel Rowe married Elizabeth Walker, widow, daughter of Joseph Gibbs, in 1848]
1879: Leighton Buzzard Observer, 10 June
A young man, 19 years of age, seeks a situation as UNDER-GARDENER, or to attend to a pony and trap. Apply to George Cook, Back Lane Cottage, Winslow, Bucks.
1881: Census, Back Lane
Samuel Rowe 63 gen. lab. b. Stewkley [d.1885] + wife Jane 60 b. Swanbourne [d.1886]
D/WIG/2/1/14, April-Sep 1885: Winslow: Valuation of property on Back Lane [Samuel Rowe, deceased]
Will of Samuel Rowe
1891: Census, Back Lane
1 unoccupied (occupier recorded at Northampton)
George Cook, the son of Jane Rowe, was recorded at Loddington, Northants, where his father-in-law Thomas Alderman had a farm.
1901: Census, Back Lane
(4 rooms) Jane Cook, single, 48, charwoman, b. Swanbourne + boarder Charles Parsons
She was the daughter of Jane Rowe.
1910 Assessment: no.41
Situation Vicarage Rd
Description Cottage & garden
Extent 30 p
Gross Value: Buildings £3
Rateable Value: Buildings £2 – 5 - 0
Occupier } Miss Jane Cook
Owner }
Interest of Owner Freehold
Estimated Rent £4
Particulars, description and notes made on inspection Brick & thatch cottage
1 up & 2 down
Ord No 73 113
Brick & tile washhouse
Brick & thatch barn
18 poles
Charges, Easements and Restrictions affecting Market Value of Fee Simple 26/6/26 V35031 J Rush dec
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition £60
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land £20
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £40
Divided as follows:-
Buildings and structures £40
1911: Census, Vicarage Lane
(3 rooms) Jane Cook, 59, single, b. Swanbourne
Jane Cook married Walter Rush in 1913, Luton Registration District
1921: Census, Back Lane
(3 rooms) Jane Rush, 70, married, b. Swanbourne, housekeeper
According to A.E. Grigg, Country Railwaymen (1982) the cottage "was often used as a billet for platelayers ... The establishment was run by an eccentric old lady named Jenny Rush".
1926: death of Jane Rush, aged 74
31 Verney Road
1948: Buckingham Advertiser, 16 Oct
The Choice Modern Freehold Detached Residence pleasantly situate and known as
“FAIRVIEW,” No. 31, Verney Road
standing high in ideal surroundings, having a frontage of 33 ft. and depth of 160 ft.
THE HOUSE approached by a gravelled sweep with front lawn and flower beds is soundly constructed of Rustic Brick with sand-faced Asbestos tiled roof, and contains all modern conveniences:-ACCOMMODATION : - Entrance Hall (6’ x 13’); Drawing Room (11’6” x 10’ 6”); Dining Room (14’ x 10’); Kitchen with fittings; Larder, Staircase (250 gal. S.W. Tank concealed in head) leads to : - Three Bedrooms; Bathroom-Lavatory.
Covered way to Side Entrance leads to : GARAGE (14’ x 7’3”), Two Fuel Stores; W.C. Open Shed, and useful fitted WORK-SHED.
Approached by concreted slab Paths at the rear:- Small Lawn, Productive VEGETABLE GARDEN (Semi-rotary Pump and S.W. Tank) bounded on the West and South sides with newly erected Diamond mesh Fencing on concrete supports.
Rateable Value £17.
Certain Fixtures and Fittings included in the sale of the property, with Vacant Possession on Completion of Purchase
has been instructed by Mr. Thomas W. Brooks, to offer the above for Sale by auction at THE BELL HOTEL, WINSLOW, on MONDAY, 15th OCTOBER, 1948 at 3 o’clock prompt
Site of 45-47 Verney Road
There was a piece of land stretching from Western Lane to Verney Road, part of which was called the Great Baulk, which was bought by Francis Warner in 1813. A house was built on the Verney Road side after 1813; it is probably listed in the 1841 Census after The Boot, and was occupied by James Warner (son of Francis). There don't seem to be any photographs.
1832: Land Tax
Francis Warner owner & occupier: house & land, 11s 0d.
1845: manor court
Francis Warner late of Winslow dealer in sheep held two closes now laid together as one close containing 4a 31p [acquired in 1813], and the messuage and other buildings erected thereon by Francis Warner and now in the occupation of James Warner... Francis Warner died intestate leaving Thomas Warner of Winslow his eldest son and heir. Thomas desires to be admitted. Rents 2s 6d, fine 18s. Thomas in consideration of £420 then surrendered to James Warner of Winslow yeoman his brother.
1848: manor court
Surrender: James Warner of Winslow yeoman & Mary his wife on 28 Sep for £616 18s
Admission: George King of Winslow grocer
Two closes now laid together as one close containing 4a 31p, and the messuage and other buildings thereon now in the occupation of James Warner.
1861: Census, Back Lane
William Bates, 41, tanner, b. Buckingham + wife, 5 children, father in law Daniel Holt
1871: Census, Back Lane
Sarah Bates, unm, 29, housekeeper, b. Winslow + 2 brothers + Daniel Holt grandfather 90 b. Winslow
1873: Will of George King (proved 1884)
Leaves to his son George King "My field of arable land in Winslow . . . called “Warner’s Ploughed Field” with the Cottage standing thereon and which said Field and Cottage are now in the occupation of the said Edward Dickins or his undertenants" [Edward Dickins of Granborough d.1891]
1881: Census, Back Lane
Joseph Warner 37 gen. lab. b. Winslow + wife, 3 children, stepdau
1891: Census, Back Lane
(4 rooms) William Verney 52 ag. lab. b. Waddesdon + wife, son
1893: Will of George King (proved 1894)
Leaves to his son
Frank Edgar King "my ploughed field and the Cottage and barn and garden thereto adjoining situate in the Back Lane in Winslow aforesaid in the occupation of Thomas Price Willis"
1901: Census, Back Lane
(4 rooms) George Verney, 40, cattleman on farm, b. Winslow + wife, 2 children
1910: Survey
Vicarage Lane: house; owned by executors of George King; no occupier + agricultural land (4a 3r 22p) occupied by John Buckingham
1911: Census, Vicarage Lane
(4 rooms) Mary Foskett, 47, wid, b. Aldershot + dau & son-in-law, 6 children, 1 grandson
1921: Census, Back Lane
(4 rooms) William Norman, 69, b. Winslow, farm labourer at Tuckey Farm + wife
1929: Rating valuation no.414
Occupier: William Norman
Owner: Executors of George King
House & garden, Vicarage Road, rateable value £6
1932: Buckingham Advertiser, 16 July: Winslow R.D.C.
There was some discussion with reference to a request, from the County Council, for the granting of land in connection with proposed improvements to Back Lane, Winslow, near where houses were to be built. It was generally agreed that the improvement was much needed.
1938: Buckingham Advertiser, 26 Feb: Winslow R.D.C.
Cottage purchased from Mr H.G. Carter for widening Verney Road, Winslow.
Council houses
The council houses in Verney Road (nos.1-27) were built in 1938-39 by Gibbard & Ingram: their occupants are listed in the 1939 Register but not in Hillier's Almanack. There was some other piecemeal development to the west during the 1930s. According to the Farm Survey return by E.W. Green in 1940, there was about 3 acres left to build on; this became Missenden Road and Demoram Close later.
1939: Hillier's Almanack, Vicarage Road
French, G.E. – Northney
Brooks, T.W. – Fairview
Carter, H.G.
Holmes, R.S.
Tame, A.E. – The Laurels
Crook, C.J.
Phelps, Mostyn
21 Norman, A.
1939: Register,
Verney Road
1: Thomas Saunders b.1879 cattleman
3: Albert Norman b.1898 dairyman
5: John A. Dunkley b.1911 fitter & motor engineer
7: Daniel T. Forster b.1880 carpenter
9: John W. Viccars b.1881 builder’s labourer
11: Frederick Langston b.1889 pensioner
13: Arthur Atkins b.1900 lorry driver petroleum distrib
15: Amos C. Phillips b.1897 general labourer heavy work
17: James Adams b.1887 builder’s bricklayer
19: Harold G. Barber b.1890 groom
21: Edward Pegg b.1889 builder’s labourer
23: Edward E. French b.1901 builder’s labourer
25 missing
27: Walter Orme b.1901 gen. labourer brickworks
29: George French b.1910 joiner & carpenter [Northney]
31: Thomas Brooks b.1908 carpenter [Fairview]
33: Mostyn Phelps b.1908 bricklayer
35: Herbert Carter b.1881 smallholder
The Limes: Robert S. Holmes b.1895, branch manager grocery
The Laurels Villa: Doris W. Tame married b.1901 + name obliterated + Gordon Evans single b.1905 schoolmaster
45: Charles Crook b.1897 overhead ??? telegraph
47: Annie Jenkins b.1918 married + name obliterated + Jean A. Hill b.1924 (later Thomas) + Hilda E. ?Strallon b.1924 = Bucks + Doris M. ?Strallon b.1928 (later Ealey)
49: Harry Nicholls b.1910 sanitary inspector [plan for new house submitted to Winslow R.D.C. Sep 1938]
69 Verney Road
This house is built on a very narrow plot of land. It probably began as an encroachment on the road laid out in 1767. It was adjacent to the glebe land, some of which William Roads farmed.
1871: Census, Back Lane
William | Roads | Head | mar | 47 | Ag. lab. | b. East Claydon |
Elizabeth | Roads | Wife | mar | 48 | b. Hockliffe | |
William | Roads | Nephew | 15 | Shoemaker | b. Wellingborough | |
Alfred | Roads | Nephew | 12 | Ag. lab. | b. Whitchurch Salop. |
1872: Buckingham Advertiser, 3 Aug
A PLOT OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD BUILDING GROUND, WITH A PARTLY ERECTED HOUSE, Pigsties, and Hovel thereon, situate in Addington Lane, Winslow; Three Acres of capital Wheat, Beans, and Oats, on the Vicarage Allotments; Donkey Cart and Harness, Brawn, quantity of useful Timber and Building Materials, and various other effects,
WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. JAMES KING On WEDNESDAY, August 7th, 1872, at Five o’clock in the afternoon, on the Premises as above, recently occupied by Mr. William Roads, deceased.
1881: Census, Back Lane
Henry Dunkley 42 hurdle maker b. Lillingstone Dayrell + wife, 3 children
1891 Census: unoccupied
1901: Census, Back Lane
Harry Saving, 43, chimney sweeper, b. Winslow + wife, 6 children, 1 grandchild
1903: directory
Saving Henry, chimney sweeper, Back lane
1910: Survey
Vicarage Lane, house; owner Mrs Cripps, Union St [Elizabeth Ann Cripps, d.1922]; occupier [added in pencil] Cordell
1911: Census, Vicarage Lane Verney Road
(4 rooms) William Thomas Cordell, 59, pensioned brewers clerk, b. Stepney + wife
1912: 3 Sep: sale by Geo. Wigley & Sons of property of Cripps & Sons included:
A brick and tiled freehold house with garden, in Addington Lane
1914: Assessment (TNA, IR58/2349 no.349)
Situation Vicarage Lane
Description House
Gross Value Buildings £6 Rateable Value £4 - 15
Occupier Thomas Cadell
Owner Elizabeth A. Cripps, Winslow
Interest of Owner Freehold
Occupier’s tenancy, Term Weekly
Actual (or Estimated) Rent £6 – 10 - 0
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance }
Who is liable for repairs } Owner
Site Value Deductions Claimed [red] £120
[stamp] SEP 30 1914
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
Brick & Slate Cottage
2 bedrooms & 2 rooms down & wash house
Wood & Corrugated iron shed
15 poles
[red] V4600 HC Stock purchaser [pencilled in margin at top of page]
Charges, Easements and Restrictions affecting Market Value of Fee Simple
[red] V16073 Stock to Merry @ £225 28/5/19
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition £120
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land £ 15
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £105
1921: Census
The Cottage, Back Lane (5 rooms)
Thomas John Roads Merry, 75, widower, b. Steeple Claydon, farmer (retired) + daughter Hannah Elizabeth, single, 57, b. Wiltshire
1929: Rating valuation no.420
Owner & occupier: H.A. Roads-Merry
House & garden, Vicarage Road, rateable value £10
1939: death of T.J. (Thomas) Roads-Merry, retired farmer aged 97, at The Cottage.
1939: Hillier's Almanack
23 Roads-Merry, Hannah E.
1939: Register, Verney Road
The Cottage: Hannah Roads Merry b.1864 housekeeper + Amelia Ling b.1868 housewife + Isaac Ling b.1868 sub station master retired
Furze Lane: Brickyard and Cottage
This was land allocated at Enclosure in 1767 to Stephen Gibbs.
1840: Northampton Mercury, 7 March
With a neat COTTAGE and CLOSE of old Pasture Land,
On Tuesday, March 19th, 1840, at Three o’clock in the afternoon, at the King’s Head Inn, Winslow;
COMPRISING A FREEHOLD CLOSE of Fine Old PASTURE LAND, containing about 2A.2R.0P. with a newly erected brick-built and slated COTTAGE, and a capital BRICK-YARD with KILN, large Hovel, &c., and an excellent Bed of Clay and Sand, conveniently situated near to the Market Town of Winslow, and now in the occupation of Mr. William Forster.
The above offers a very eligible and safe Investment, as the Situation is remarkably good, the Land of the best quality, and the Materials required for the Business are obtained on the spot at little expense; and the constantly increasing demand of the Neighbourhood insures a profitable return.
Part of the Purchase Money may remain on security of the Premises.
For further Particulars, apply to SAMUEL YEATES, Esq., or to Messrs. WILLIS & SON, Solicitors, or to the AUCTIONEER, Winslow.
Furze Lane Cottage. The photo shows the side facing away from the road. The 1840 advert says it had a slated roof, but it was actually tiled as the photo and later adverts show.
Church rate
1843-50 & 1863: John Mayne, house
Brickyard: 1838-40 William Forster, 1840-63 George Mayne (cottage from 1861)
1851: Census
Brick Field: John Mayne, cordwainer, 33, b. Stony Stratford + wife, 2 children
1851: Bucks Herald, 12 April
Valuable Freehold Brick Yard,
With a Neat COTTAGE, and CLOSE of Excellent LAND, WINSLOW, BUCKS.
On TUESDAY, APRIL 15th, 1851 at the KING’S HEAD INN, WINSLOW, at Five o’Clock in the Afternoon, by direction of the Proprietor, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract.
THE Property comprises a FREEHOLD CLOSE of Valuable Land, containing about 2a. 2r. 0p., with a newly-erected Brick-built and Tiled COTTAGE, containing 2 sitting rooms and 2 bed rooms, and wood barn attached, and a capital brick yard with kiln, 18 feet by 17, capable of burning 25,000 bricks and 40 quarters of lime; hovel and drying shed, about 120 feet long; and a capital bed of clay and sand, and conveniently situated near the market town of Winslow, and now in the occupation of Mr. George Mayne.
Possession may be had on the 29th Day of September next.
The Timber will be included in the Purchase. The Kiln and Hovel to be taken at a valuation. The Land is of the best quality, and the situation remarkably good.
The Materials required for the Business are obtained on the spot at little expense.
The constantly increasing demand in the Neighbourhood, insures a profitable return.
For further particulars apply to Mr. George Mayne, the Tenant, or to G. F. Congreve, Esq, Solicitor, Stony Stratford; or to Messrs. Dudley and So, Auctioneers and Land Agents, Winslow.
George Mayne must have bought the property.
1861: Census
Back Lane: John Mayne, 42, hay dealer, b. Stony Stratford + wife, 3 children
1867: will of George Mayne, proved 1868
I devise unto my Daughter Matilda the Wife of Frederick Goodchild ... my Close of Arable Land, called the Brick Field situate . . . in Winslow . . . with the Cottage standing thereon
1871: Census, Back Lane
James King, 48, ag. lab., b. Gt Horwood + wife, 6 children
1875: purchased by Silvanus Jones, apparently by private sale, according to 1914 assessment
1881: Census,
Furze Lane
James King 59 ag. lab. b. Gt Horwood + wife, son
1888: Buckingham Advertiser, 29 Sep
Reference to "Silvanus Jones's Brick Field" in a case at the magistrates' court.
1891: D-WIG-2-7-1891-7, poster for sale by Geo. Wigley, 23 March, including 7-11 Vicarage Road, by direction of the proprietors.
LOT 2. A neat Freehold brick and tiled COTTAGE in the Addington Road, Winslow, with gardens and outbuildings, and recently let at £6 4s. 0d. per annum.
1891: Census
William Norman 39 farm lab. b. Winslow + wife Mary, 3 children
In 1886 Mary Norman described her house as being in "the Featherbed Lane" (Buckingham Advertiser, 25 Sep).
1901: Census, Furze Lane
William Norman, 48, cattleman on farm + wife, 5 children, 1 grandchild
Buckingham Advertiser, 31 Aug 1934: William Norman, who worked for many years for Silvanus Jones, died at his cottage on Verney Road aged 82.
1910: Survey
Back Lane: house; owner H.A. Jones; occupier John Thomas Boyall
Back Lane: Kiln Field 2a 1r; owner H.A. Jones; occupier Mrs John Newman
1911: Census, Furze Lane
(5 rooms) James Francis Marks, 37, gardener, b. Gt Horwood + wife, 7 children
1914: Assessment (TNA IR58/2350 no.469
Situation Back Lane
Description House
Extent 29½ perches
Gross Value: Buildings £4 - 5 Rateable Value: Buildings £3 - 10
Occupier John Thos Boyall (late)
Owner Henry Arthur Jones 6 Arkwright Road Avenue Hampstead
Interest of Owner Freehold
Occupier’s tenancy Term year from 29 Sep 1906
Actual Rent £28 – 3 which includes 13 & 14
Outgoings - Land Tax, £ - 8/1 with No 14 paid by L
Who pays (a) Rates and Taxes (b) Insurance (a) T (b) L
Who is liable for repairs L
Former Sales Dates 13 May 1875
Owner’s Estimate Gross Value Geo Wigley & Sons, Winslow
Site Value Deductions Claimed Yes
[stamp] SEP 30 1914
Particulars, description and note made on inspection
Brick & Tile Cottage
2 up & 2 down
2 Brick & Tile barns W.C. & garden 28 poles
Valuation – Market Value of Fee Simple in possession of whole property in its present condition £100
Deduct Market Value of Site under similar circumstances, but if divested of structures, timber, fruit trees, and other things growing on the land £ 15
Difference Balance, being portion of market value attributable to structures, timber &c. £ 85
1919: Buckingham Advertiser, 10th May
MESSRS. GEO.WIGLEY & SONS Are instructed to Sell by Auction, on MONDAY, MAY 26TH, 1919,
At 3 o’clock (subject to conditions to be then produced),
THE BRICK and TILED DETACHED FREEHOLD COTTAGE, situate in Addington Lane, containing 5 rooms. YARD, Corrugated Iron Roofed BARN, E.C. Good GARDEN, the whole covering about 10 POLES.
Let on a weekly tenancy at the low rent of 4s. per week or a gross rental of £10 8s. 0d. per annum. No Land Tax.
Further Particulars of Messrs. Whitehorn, Solicitors, Winslow; or of the Auctioneers.
D/WIG/2/8/112 1919: Sale particulars for auction of cottage on Addington Lane in Winslow
Vendor: H.C. Stock
Tenant: D. Foster
1921: Census
Furze Lane Cottage (4 rooms)
James Marks, 46, b. Great Horwood, ag.lab. for Captain Lambton + wife, 5 children
1929: Rating valuation no.521
House & garden, Back Lane, rateable value £5
Owner B.W. Gadsden, occupier Jas Wm Austin
1939: Hillier's Almanack
Furze Lane: Brazier, Chas.
1939: Register
Furze Lane Cottage: Charles Brazier b.1899, builder’s labourer