Parish Council 1900

January 1900

[p.141] 1900 Janry 3        A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 3rd January 1900. Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman, Revd. J. G. Evans, Messrs. A. J. Clear, R. J. Coxill, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, J. White & T. Walker.

Upon the Minutes being read Mr. Varney pointed out there was a mistake in the record that he and Messrs. Monk and Walker voted against Mr. Ingram’s amendment, the fact being that they abstained from voting. He requested that the Minutes should be altered.
                This having been done the Minutes were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

Recreation Ground         A letter dated 3rd November 1899 from Messrs. Conquest and Clare stated that Mr. Maydon would not accept a less rent than £40 was read.

L.C.C. Welsh Water Supply         A circular from the London County Council requiring the Assent or Dissent of the Parish Council to the Welsh Water Scheme was read.
                On the proposal of Mr. Monk seconded by Mr. Clear it was resolved to Dissent & the Clerk was instructed to reply accordingly.

Parish Councillors Act 1899         A circular from the Local Government Board calling attention to the
Parish Councillors (Tenure of Office) Act 1899 (62 & 63 Vic. c.10) was
[p.142] read.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Bucks Herald, 13 Jan 1900
  THE RECREATION GROUND AGAIN.- Mr. Stevens protested against this matter being shelved merely because they could not get Gubbles Gore.  A Recreation Ground would be a public benefit, and he believed there was a strong feeling among the younger people of the town in this matter-.  Mr. Walker said he did not believe the ratepayers cared a bit about it.- Mr. Stevens did not think so; he believed there would be a reckoning for the Council at election time.- It was pointed out that the question need not be shelved, as the Committee was still in existence, and there were several other sites.- Mr. Monk said he was glad they could not get Gubbles Gore.  It was not the right piece at all.  It was far too big, and would want a lot of money spent in levelling it, besides being right at one end of the town.- It was decided, on the proposition of Messrs. Stevens and Monk, that the Committee be invited to look for another piece of ground.

February 1900

1900 Febry 7       A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 7th February 1900. Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman, Messrs. A. J. Clear, R. J. Coxill, J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, T. Walker & J. White.

                The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Water Supply    A letter from the Three Guardians for Winslow requesting that the Parish Council summons a Parish Meeting for the purpose of considering the Water supply in the parish was read. After discussion Mr. J. W. Ingram proposed and Mr. Walker seconded the following motion “That in the opinion of this Council the circumstances do not justify calling a Parish Meeting.”
                Messrs. Coxill, Ingram, Monk, Stevens, Varney and Walker voted for the motion. Mr. White voted against & Mr. Clear and the Chairman did not vote. The motion was therefore carried.

[p.143] Paving                   Mr. Clear moved that the attention of the County Council should be again called to the condition of certain parts of the Pavement in the High Street. This was seconded by Mr. Ingram and carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Buckingham Advertiser, 17 Feb 1900
  Mr. White reported that he had seen Mr. Wigley and he believed Hollow Farrow [=Furrow] could be got for £16 a year.- Mr. Ingram said it was too far away.- Mr. Coxill said it was too near Winslow’s suburb- Tinker’s End.- Mr. Monk said the matter had been about for six months, and he thought it was time it was dropped.  There were new schools and waterworks in front of them.  He thought a recreation ground was not sufficiently urgent for them to add it to their troubles as ratepayers.- The Chairman said he did not think Mr. Monk need worry himself about the schools; they would be provided.- Mr. Clear asked if the recreation ground scheme was to be definitely shelved.- The Chairman replied in the negative, and stated that its withdrawal had not been moved.- Mr. Monk said he did not make any proposition; he only said what he thought.

Special parish meeting

1900 March 1     A Parish Meeting convened by a notice signed by the following Parochial Electors, Austin Watson, Walter H. Lorkin, Frederick Benbow, Horace Lee, Ralph Benbow, William Walker, William S. Neal was held on Thursday March 1st 1900 in the Boys Schoolroom at 7 p.m. for the purpose of considering a Water Supply for the Parish of Winslow. Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman of the Parish Council (Chairman)  Messrs. W. S. Neal & E. A. Illing. District Councillors.  Messrs. J. Varney, T. Walker, W. H. Stevens, R. J. Coxill, W. Monk & J. W. Ingram. Parish Councillors, and Messrs. G. George, W. H. Lorkin, F. Benbow, W. Turnham, A. G. Stevens, W. Emmerson, Horace Lee, E. Sturgess, R. Benbow, E. Newman, J. Walker, A. Watson, G. Whichello and about 40 others.

The Notice convening the Meeting was read.

Mr. Walter H. Lorkin moved “That this meeting of Ratepayers of Winslow having been convened for the purpose of considering a Water Supply of Winslow are of the opinion that we have ample supply for the needs of the parish and do hereby approve the Action of the Parish Council in their efforts to frustrate the unnecessary expense of providing Water Works for the town of Winslow.” Mr. F. Benbow seconded this.
                After some discussion the Chairman put the proposition to the Meeting and declared it carried, 55 voting for it, and 1 against.
               Mr. Varney proposed the following resolution “That we as Ratepayers at this meeting protest against the action of the Ratepayers in signing the petition of enquiry before the other Ratepayers were consulted in the matter.”
                This was seconded by Mr. W. S. Neal and carried nem. con.

                Mr. A. G. Stevens  proposed “That a copy of the first resolution be sent to the Local Government Board.” This was seconded by Mr. E. Sturgess & was carried nem. con.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Leighton Buzzard Observer, 10 Apri, 1900
  Oil needs to be thrown on the troubled waters of Winslow.  Messrs. Matthews wrote to the Guardians complaining that Mr. Neal, one of their number, had charged them with signing the petition in favour of a Local Government inquiry for mercenary purposes.  Messrs. Matthews concluded their reference to Mr. Neal by adding “if he knew his duty as a Councillor he would consider the rights of the ratepayers in a more unbiased manner than by making spiteful accusations.”  Mr. Neal said he did not make use of the alleged objectionable expression in that room, and if he had done so elsewhere Messrs. Matthews should, he thought, in case they took exception to what he said, refer to him.  The Council [Winslow RDC] considered the complaint was not their business, and consigned it to limbo.  It may be remarked in passing that the petition referred to contained several influential names.
  The [RDC] Clerk submitted a letter received from the Local Government Board, accompanied by a list, for which request had been made, of the ratepayers of Winslow who had signed the petition in favour of establishing a public water supply in the town.  Their names were as follows:- J. R. Swain, F. J. M. Coates, Thos. Price Willis, T. L. Kennish, G. D. E. Wigley, T. F. Vaisey, A. L. Newcombe, N. McCorquodale, Susan L. Dalgleish, E. M. Greaves, Lord Addington, J. White, Chas. Osborn, W. Emerson, Wilfred French, George George, R. J. Matthews, Mary J. Reeves, W. J. Matthews, R. A. Easton, E. J. French, W. Wise, A. J. Clear, Ann Barbara Jones, B. Sanderson, G. A. Midgley, J. G. Evans, F. Lomas, H. Underwood, H. J. Russell, G. Gazey, and H. Sellar.

Annual parish meeting

1900 March 28                   The Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Boys School on Wednesday the 28th of  March 1900 at 7 p.m. Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman, Revd. J. G. Evans, Messrs. W. Burden, A. J. Clear, G. Ash, Jas East, E. Gowin, H. Lee, W. H. Lorkin & J. Varney & T. Walker.

The Notice convening the meeting was read.

The minutes of the Parish Meetings meetings held 16th November 1899 and 1st March 1900 were read and confirmed.
The Chairman explained that owing to the recent Act of Parliament under which Parish Councils were to be elected triennially there would be no election of Parish Councillors until April 1901.

The Accounts for the past year of the Winslow Charities were presented by Mr. George Ash, the Secretary.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

April 1900

1900 April 18           The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 18th April 1900. Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman,  Revd. J G. Evans, Messrs. A.J. Clear, W. R. Monk, J. W. Ingram, J. Varney, T. Walker and J. White.

                The minutes of the last Meeting were read & confirmed.

Chairman            Revd. J G. Evans proposed that Mr. Bullock be reappointed Chairman for the ensuing year & that a vote of thanks be accorded him for his services in the past. This was seconded by Mr. Walker and carried unanimously.
Vice-Chairman Mr. W. Monk proposed Mr. J. W. Ingram seconded and it was carried unanimously that Mr. T. Walker be re-elected Vice Chairman.

[p.144] Overseers           Mr. Walker proposed and Mr. J. White seconded that Mr. T. Ridgway and Mr. W. C. Cowell be appointed Overseers.
                Mr. Walker proposed and Mr. J. White seconded that Mr. E. Gowin be appointed an Overseer.
                Mr. Ingram proposed and Mr. W. Monk seconded that Mr. G. Egleton Junr be appointed an Overseer. And these first four gentlemen were unanimously appointed to that office.

Lighting and Watching Act & Fire Brigade Committee    Mr. Walker proposed and Mr. Ingram seconded that the Nine members of the Parish Council be appointed the Committee for carrying out the provisions of the Lighting & Watching Act including the management of the Fire Brigade. This was carried unanimously.

Technical Edn Committee                             On the proposition of Mr. Varney seconded by Mr. Walker, Messrs. Clear, Coxill, Ingram, Varney, Walker, White and Revd. J. G. Evans from the Parish Council and Revd. W. F. Armstrong, Revd. H. K. Byard, Messrs. G. Pass,  James East and T. Higgins were appointed a joint Committee to act as the Local Committee for the Parish to carry out the work of Technical Education.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

August 1900

[p.145]  1900 August 1                    A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 1st August 1900. Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman, Revd J.G. Evans, Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, J. Varney, T. Walker & J. White.

                The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Fire Brigade       A letter from the Steeple Claydon Parish Council asking for terms for the use of the Winslow Fire Brigade was read.
                The Clerk stated that he had forwarded them a copy of the scale of charges that had been approved by this Council but had received no further reply.

Supt of Fire Brigade        A letter from Mr. H. J. Russell Superintendent of the Fire Brigade resigning his office on account of the state of his health was read.
                On the motion of the Chairman seconded by Revd. J G. Evans the Clerk was directed to write Mr. Russell expressing the Council’s regret that his ill health should necessitate his discontinuing the office which he had filled with satisfaction to the Parish Council.

Herbert Bullock [signature]


October 1900

[p.146] 1900 Oct 3            A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 3rd October 1900. Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman, Messrs. W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, T. Walker & J. White.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Housing of Working Classes Act 1900     A circular from the Local Government Board calling attention to the Housing of the Working Classes Act 1900 (63 & 64 Vict.  c.59) was read.

Cheque                                A cheque was drawn for £1:12:5 to pay the following accounts
                                                Audit Stamp                     £1:0:0
                                                E. J. French stationer          12:5

Herbert Bullock [signature]


November 1900

[p.147] 1900 Novr 7                 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 7th November 1900. Present H. Bullock Esq. (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear, R. J. Coxill. J. W. Ingram, Thos Walker, J. White and J. Varney,
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

East Claydon Public Library         An invitation from the East Claydon Parish Council for the Winslow Parish Council to attend the ceremony of the opening of the Public Library and Reading Room at East Claydon on Saturday evening November 10th was received.
                No member of the Parish Council finding it convenient to attend the Chairman was requested to reply for the Council thanking the East Claydon Parish Council for the invitation, but regretting that no member would find it possible to attend.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

Parish meeting (Lighting & Watching)

1900 Novr.  22                    A Parish Meeting called for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching Act 3 & 4 Wiliam IV & for taking into consideration the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said Act for the current year in this parish was held in the Boys National School on Thursday 22nd November 1900.
                Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman, Messrs. Thos. Walker & T. D. Curtis.
The notice calling for the Meeting was read.

The minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read and confirmed.

Mr. T. Walker proposed and Mr. T. D. Curtis seconded that a sum not exceeding £140 be raised for the purposes of the Act in this parish for the ensuing Year.

Herbert Bullock [signature]


Copyright 5 March, 2022