Parish Council 1901
January 1901
[p.148] 1901 Janry 2 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 2nd of January 1901. Present Mr. Thomas Walker (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear, R. J. Coxill, J. W. Ingram, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney and J. White and Revd. J G. Evans.
Pure Beer Bill Mr. W. H. Stevens proposed Mr. T. Walker seconded and it was unanimously carried that a resolution in favour of a Pure Beer Bill be forwarded to W. W. Carlile Esqre. M.P.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
February 1901
1901 Febry 6th A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 6th of February 1901. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. R. J. Coxill, J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, T. Walker and J. White.
The Minutes of the Meetings held 7th
[p.149] November 1900 and 2nd January 1901 were read and confirmed.
Her late Majesty Queen Victoria The following resolution proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Mr. T. Walker was carried unanimously. “That there be recorded in the minutes of the Parish Council for this parish the deep and sorrowful sense which the Council has, in common with every Parishioner, of the immeasurable loss which this Country, the United Kingdom and the British Empire, has sustained by the lamented death of Her Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria: and also their firm conviction that His Gracious Majesty King Edward VII now reigning over us, whom God preserve, will govern the Kingdom in the same Constitutional manner, as that which has had such beneficial results during the Reign of Her late Majesty.
P.C. Election Orders 1901 The Parish Council Election Orders 1901 was considered.
Footpaths Mr. Walker moved “That the attention of the County Council be called to the state of the Footpaths from the “Lion” Inn to the Addington parish boundary and more particularly that portion extending to the “Swan” Inn and to suggest to them the necessity of a paved crossing at the junction of the Station Road and also the state of the footpath leading from the corner of the Little Horwood
[p.150] Road to Shipton and that a copy of this Resolution be sent to Mr. Weston C.C.” This was seconded by Mr. Ingram and carried unanimously.
Thos. Walker [signature]
Annual parish meeting
1901 March 4 The Parish Meeting for the Election of Parish Councillors and the Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Boys School on Monday the 4th of March 1901 at 7 p.m. Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman Messrs. W. S. Neal, Geo. Ash, J. Varney, W. R. Monk, Josiah White, R. J. Coxill, A. Watson, W. H. Lorkin, C. Watson, John Walker, E. A. Illing, E. R. Midgley, J. W. Ingram, Thos. Walker, W. C. Cowell, W. Turnham, Jesse Smith, J. Jennings, J. Sear, H. Underwood, R. A. Easton, W. Emmerson, Revd. J. G. Evans &c &c.
The Notice calling the Meeting was read.
The following Nominations were handed to the Chairman
No. | Candidate | Proposed By | Seconded By |
1 | Stevens William Hall | Lomas Frederick | Keys Fanny |
2 | White Josiah | French Edwin J. | Turnham William |
3 | Walker Thomas | Dickins Robt. | Lorkin Walter Horatio |
4 | Monk Wm Redman | Neal Willm Saml | Ash George |
5 | Ingram Jno William | Turner George | Bathe George |
6 | Evans Jas Gwyronydd | Clear Alfd J. | Curtis Thos. D. |
7 | Cowell Wm Chas | Neal Willm Saml | Warr Arthur |
8 | Varney John | Turner George | Egleton George Jr |
9 | Clear Alfd Joseph | French Edwin J. | French Edwin J. |
At the expiration of fifteen minutes from taking the Chair, no further nominations having been handed in, the Chairman read the nominations to the Meeting and declared the 9 Candidates elected.
The Minutes of the Parish Meeting held the 22nd November 1900 were read and confirmed.
The Accounts for the past year of the Winslow Charities were presented by Mr. Geo: Ash, the Secretary.
Mr. Austin Watson mentioned the want of a Play Ground for the children of the Parish.
Mr. W. H. Lorkin asked for information respecting the Rogers Free School Charity. Read more.
Mr. William Turnham made some comments on the Bread Charity, suggesting to the Trustees that it would be wiser not to give it all away at one time.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
April 1901
1901 April 17th The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 17th April 1901. Present Mr. Thos. Walker (Chairman) Revd. J G. Evans, Messrs. A. J. Clear, W. C. Cowell, J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, J. Varney and J. White.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read & confirmed.
Chairman Mr. Varney proposed that Mr. Herbert Bullock be reappointed Chairman and that a vote of thanks be accorded him for his services in the past. This was seconded by Mr. J. White & carried unanimously.
[p.151] Vice-Chairman Mr. Clear proposed that Mr. J. W. Ingram be elected Vice Chairman.
Mr. Ingram having intimated his unwillingness to serve, Mr. Monk proposed Revd. J. G. Evans seconded and it was unanimously carried that Mr. J. Varney be elected Vice-Chairman.
Mr. J. Varney then took the Chair.
Overseers Mr. Ingram proposed and Revd. J. G. Evans seconded that Mr. G. Egleton Junr be appointed an Overseer.
Mr. Monk proposed and Mr. White seconded that Mr. Jos Colgrove be appointed an Overseer.
Mr. Cowell proposed and Mr. Clear seconded that Mr. H. Underwood be appointed an Overseer.
Revd. J. G. Evans proposed and Mr. Clear seconded that Mr. B. Sanderson be appointed an Overseer.
And these first four gentlemen were unanimously appointed to that office.
Clerk Mr. White proposed that Mr. T. D. Curtis be reappointed Clerk to the Council. This was seconded by Revd. J. G. Evans & carried unanimously.
Recreation Ground Revd. J. G. Evans proposed that a Committee consisting of Messrs. J. White, J. W. Ingram & Revd. J. G. Evans be appointed to further consider the question of a Recreation Ground for the Parish & report to the Council at their next meeting. This was seconded by Mr. J. White & carried,
[p.152] Messrs. Evans, White, Ingram and Clear voting for the motion. Messrs. Cowell, Monk, Varney & Walker not voting.
Lighting and Watching Act & Fire Brigade Committee Mr. Walker proposed and Mr. Ingram seconded and it was unanimously carried that the Nine members of the Parish Council be appointed the Committee for carrying out the provisions of the Lighting and Watching Act including the management of the Fire Brigade.
Technical Education Committee On the proposition of Mr. Walker seconded by Mr. Clear, Messrs. Cowell, Clear, Ingram, Varney, Walker & White and the Revd. J. G. Evans from the Parish Council and Revd. W. F. Armstrong, Revd. H. K. Byard, Messrs. G. Pass, R. J. Coxill, and T. Higgins were appointed a joint Committee to act as the Local Committee for the Parish to carry out the work of Technical Education.
Declarations On the proposition of Mr. Ingram seconded by Mr. Walker it was resolved that Mr. W. H. Stevens and Revd. J. G. Evans be allowed to sign their declaration of office at the next meeting.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
June 1901
[p.153] 1901 June 5 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 5th of June 1901. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. White, T. Walker.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Declaration Mr. W. H. Stevens signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
Recreation Ground No report was received from the Committee appointed to further consider the question of a Recreation Ground, beyond a letter addressed to Revd. J. G. Evans that Mr. McCorquodale was not disposed to let the field at present occupied by Mr. Varney.
Queen Victoria Memorial Fund The Chairman mentioned the Queen Victoria Memorial Fund enquiring whether the Parish Council would be likely to make any movement. The matter was adjourned for enquiry to learn whether it was likely to be taken up by the County.
Cheque A cheque was drawn to the Clerk to pay the following accounts. Postage 2s-6d, Insurance 4s-6d, Audit Stamp £1, rates 7s-2d, French (Stationer) 1s-6d. Total 1-15-8.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
July 1901
[p.154] 1901 July 3 A Meeting of the Parish Council was summoned for Wednesday the 3rd of July 1901. H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear & J. White being the only Members to attend, there was no quorum.
1901 July 10 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 10th of July 1901. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. A.J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, J. Varney & J. White.
The Minutes of the Meeting held 5 June were read and confirmed.
Mr. J. White proposed and Mr. J. Varney seconded that Revd. J. G. Evans be re-elected to fill the vacancy caused by his not having signed the Statutory Declaration of acceptance of office. This was carried unanimously.
Technical Education Committee The following letter from the Secretary to the Technical Education Committee was read.
Bucks County Council,
Technical Education Office,
Aylesbury June 8th 1901
Dear Sir,
I am directed by the Bucks Technical
[p.155] Education Committee to enquire whether the Parish Council of Winslow will undertake the responsibility of forming a Local Technical Education Committee in accordance with the Regulations given on Page 8 of the “Directory”, Section 2, for carrying on the whole of the work appertaining to Technical Education in the Parish of Winslow (including Science & Art classes) & upon which Committee all members of the existing Science & Art Committee must be elected should they so desire.
It is requested that an answer may be sent to this communication on or before June 24th instant.
A Form for Recognition of a Local Committee is enclosed.
Yours faithfully,
(signed) C.G. Watkins
Organising Secretary
The Clerk to the Parish Council of Winslow Bucks
Mr. Varney proposed that 5 members of the Parish Council namely Messrs. J. Varney, J. White, A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram & T. Walker with such members of the old Science & Art Committee as will consent to serve be elected to form a Local Technical Education Committee. Mr. A. J. Clear seconded & it was carried unanimously.
Nordens Stile Mr. J. White proposed Mr. Clear seconded that a letter be sent to Messrs. Conquest & Clare of Bedford calling their attention to the present large and dangerous stile
[p.156] leading from Mr. Willis’ field into Mr. Maydon’s property. This was carried unanimously.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
August 1901
1901 August 7 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday 7th of August 1901. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Revd. J G. Evans, Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, J. Varney & T. Walker.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Declaration Revd. J G. Evans signed Declaration of acceptance of office.
Accounts The Parish Council Accounts as audited were presented.
Nordens Stile The Clerk stated that he had received a letter from Messrs. Conquest & Clare informing him that they had asked Mr. L. C. Maydon of Mursley to inspect the Stile in Mr. Maydon’s field, that he had done this and recommended that they should put a Gate similar to the one on the other
[p.157] side of the paddock.
Notice of Motion Revd. J G. Evans gave notice that at the next Council meeting he should move that for the future the Council meet on Friday evenings in place of Wednesday as at present.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
September 1901
1901 September 4 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 4th September 1901. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Revd. J G. Evans, Messrs. W. C. Cowell, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, T. Walker & J. Varney.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Day of Meeting The Revd. J G. Evans moved the motion of which he had given notice “That in future the monthly meetings be held on Friday in place of Wednesdays as at present.” This was seconded by Mr. Walker.
Mr. Cowell proposed an amendment “That the Council shall continue to meet on Wednesday evenings”. This was seconded by Mr. W. R. Monk and
[p.158] carried. Messrs. W. Cowell, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens & J. Varney voting for it.
R.D.C. and Winslow Sewage The following letter from the Clerk to Winslow Rural District Council was read by the Chairman.
10th August 1901
Dear Sir,
I am directed to forward you a copy of a resolution passed by this Council at their meeting held yesterday and to request that you, as Chairman of the Parish Council, will take such steps as you may think best, either to convene a Parish Meeting, or otherwise, to give effect to the resolution.
The copy resolution will be found on the fly-leaf: -
Yours truly,
(signed) Thos. Price Willis
H. Bullock Esq. Solr.
Chairman of the Parish Council Winslow
Copy “Mr. Neal proposed Mr. W. H. Lorkin seconded & it was carried that the following form a Committee, viz: - The Chairman, The Vice-Chairman, Messrs. Lorkin & Neal of this Council; the Chairman & 3 other members of the Parish Council, to be called “The Winslow Parochial Committee” with power from the
[p.159] Winslow District Council to go thoroughly into the question of the disposal of the Sewage of Winslow & that a sum not exceeding £50 be granted for the purpose of their enquiry.”
Mr. J. W. Ingram, proposed by Mr. W. H. Stevens, seconded Mr. J. Varney, Mr. J. Varney, proposed by Mr. W. R. Monk seconded by Mr. W. Cowell, and Mr. W. R. Monk, proposed by Mr. J. Varney, seconded by Mr. W. Cowell were nominated on the Committee.
Cheque A cheque was drawn for £1-4-0 to pay the following accounts :- T. P. Willis Esq. 11s/3d, E. J. French 12s/9d.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
Chairman, 1 Jan 1902
November 1901
1901 Novr 6 A Meeting of the Parish Council was called for on Wednesday 6th November 1901 but Messrs. Varney, Evans & Clear only attending there was not a quorum and no business was transacted.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
Chairman 1 Jan 1902
Parish meeting (Lighting & Watching)
1901 Novr. 22 A Parish Meeting called for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching Act 3 & 4 William IV & for taking into consideration the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said Act for the current year in this Parish was held in the Boys National School on Friday the 22nd November 1901.
Present H. Bullock Esq. Chairman, Messrs. John Varney, J. White, A. J. Clear, W. H. Stevens & T. D. Curtis.
The notice calling for the Meeting was read.
The minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read and confirmed.
Mr. A.J. Clear proposed and Mr. J. White seconded that a sum not exceeding £140 be raised for the purposes of the Lighting & Watching Act for the ensuing Year.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
- Back to Parish Council