Parish Council 1903

January 1903

[p.167] 1903 Janry 7        A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Room on Wednesday 7th January 1903. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman)  Messrs. A. J. Clear, G. A. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney & J. White.

                The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Members            The Chairman proposed and Mr. W. H. Stevens seconded that the Revd. W. F. Armstrong be a member of the Parish Council in the place of Revd. J. G. Evans. Mr. W. Turnham Senr having declined to serve. Carried unanimously.

Bread Charity                    Mr. A. J. Clear proposed that the Clerk be requested to obtain a List of the Recipients of the Bread Charity distributed 2nd Janry 1903 to be produced at the next meeting of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr. John Varney & carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

March 1903

[p.168] 1903 March 4      A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Room on Wednesday 4th March 1903. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman)  Messrs. A. J. Clear, G. A. Monk, W. R. Monk, J. Varney, J. White & Revd. W. F. Armstrong.

                The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Declaration        Revd. W. F. Armstrong signed the Declaration of acceptance of office.

Parish Constable              In accordance with the notice regarding the Parish Council to nominate Two persons fit and qualified for the office of Parish Constable on the proposition of Revd. W. F. Armstrong seconded by Mr.  G. A. Monk the names of Mr. Josiah White Parish Councillor and William Viccars Junr Bricklayer were nominated.

Winslow Town Band      A letter from the Winslow Town Band requesting the Parish Council to provide them with movable stand for use on the Market Square was read.
Mr. Varney proposed & Mr. G. A. Monk seconded that the Clerk be instructed to reply that the Council regret that they are unable to comply with the Band’s request.
Mr. White proposed and Revd. W. F. Armstrong seconded an amendment that the matter be adjourned to the next meeting & that the Clerk be instructed to ask
[p.169] Mr. Mumford the Board secretary under which Section of the Local Government Act he thought the Parish Council was authorised to make this expenditure.
                On the amendment being put Messrs. White, Armstrong & Clear voted for it & Mr. J. Varney & G. A. Monk against & the Chairman declared the amendment carried.

Bread Charity                    The Clerk produced a List of the Recipients of the Bread Charities for 1903. Mr. Clear proposed that the Trustees of the Bread Charities be requested to consider whether they could improve upon the present method of administering the Bread Charities. This was seconded by Mr. W. R. Monk & carried unanimously.

Education Act 1902          A circular from the County Council with a Scheme for the constitution of an Education Committee under Section 17 of the Education Act 1902 was read.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

April 1903

[p.170] 1903 April 15       The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 15th April 1903. Present H. Bullock Esqre (Chairman)  Messrs. A. J. Clear, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney & J. White.

                The Minutes of the last Meeting were read & confirmed.

Charities              Mr. G. Ash presented the accounts of the Winslow Charities.

Overseers           Mr. Clear proposed and Mr. J. White seconded that Mr. W. Monk and Mr.  R. A. Easton be appointed Overseers to act with Messrs. E. A. Illing & G. Ash.

Bread Charities                 A letter from Mr. G. Ash re the Bread Charities was produced and read. On the proposal of Mr. A. J. Clear seconded by Mr. J. White it was resolved to defer consideration of the matter until the meeting on 20th May.

P C Accounts      The Clerk presented the Accounts of the Parish Council as prepared for the Auditor.

Station Road      Mr. J. Varney proposed that the attention of the District Council be called to the state of the Station Road as now kept by the Railway Co.  This was seconded by Mr. J. White & carried unanimously.

[p.171] Mr. J. Varney proposed & Mr. J. White seconded that the attention of the Rural District Council be also called to the bad state of the Gateway & path leading out of Hollow Furrow into the Grandboro’ Road. Carried unanimously.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

May 1903

1903 May 20                       A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Room on Wednesday 20th May 1903. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman)  Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, J. Varney, J. White & Revd. W. F. Armstrong.

                The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Bread Charities                 Mr. A. J. Clear proposed “That the Trustees of the Winslow Charities be advised to restrict the benefits arising from the Cox & Packers Charities to the most necessitous of the poor of Winslow, and to expend less upon the distribution of Bread than has been done of late years & further to consider whether it is advisable to make such distribution more than once in the  year.
                This was seconded by Mr. J. White and carried unan:

Herbert Bullock [signature]

July 1903

[p.172]  1903 July 1           A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Room on Wednesday 1st July 1903. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman)  Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, G. A. Monk, W. H. Stevens and Revd. W. F. Armstrong.

                The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Education Act 1902          Revd. W. F. Armstrong proposed that Mr. William Redman Monk should be elected as a Parish Council representative in accordance with the Education Act 1902 a Manager of the Winslow National Schools. This was seconded by Mr. W. H. Stevens.
                Mr. J. W. Ingram proposed Mr. E. A. Illing for the office, which was seconded by Mr. A. J. Clear.
                Revd. W. F. Armstrong, Mr. W. H. Stevens & Mr. G. A. Monk voting for Mr. W. R. Monk, he was declared elected.
                Mr. J. W. Ingram in compliance with the invitation of the County Council for Parish Councils to recommend persons for nomination by the County Council, proposed Mr. Ebenezer Alfred Illing be recommended.  This was seconded by Mr. W. H. Stevens & carried unanimously.

Churchyard Path              The Clerk was requested to draw the attention of Mr. Wise the Surveyor to the weeds on
[p.173] the path in the Churchyard near the Infants’ School and to suggest the use of a Weedkiller.   

John Varney [signature]

October 1903

1903 October 7                  A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday October 7th 1903. Present Mr. John Varney (Chairman)  Revd. W. F. Armstrong. Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens & Josiah White.

                The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Education Act 1902          The Clerk produced copies of the Final Order issued by the Board of Education & he was instructed to post same on the Notice Boards.

Lighting & Watching Act          Mr. W. H. Stevens proposed & Mr. J. White seconded that the Annual Parish Meeting for the purposes of the Lighting & Watching Act be called for Wednesday 4th November at 7pm in the Yeates Room.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

November 1903

 [p.174]  1903 Novemr 4      A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday 4th Novemr 1903. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman)  Messrs. W. R. Monk, G. A. Monk, W. H. Stevens, Jno Varney & Josiah White.

                The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Station Road                      Mr. J. Varney in accordance with his notice moved “that the Winslow Parish Council request the Winslow Rural District Council to at once move in the taking over of the Station Road from the L&NW Railway Company, or to compel the Company to keep the Road in proper order & as the new Sewer will shortly be laid it would appear a very suitable time to come to some arrangement with the Company.”
                This was seconded by Mr. W. H. Stevens & carried nem. con. and the Clerk was directed to send a copy of same to the Winslow District Council.

John Varney [signature]

Parish meeting (Lighting & Watching)

1903 Novr 4th                      A Parish Meeting called for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching Act 3 & 4 William IV & for taking into consideration the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said Act for the current year in this Parish was held in the Yeates School on Wednesday November 4th 1903.
                Present H. Bullock Esq. (Chairman) Messrs. W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, Jno Varney & J. White.

The notice calling for the Meeting was read.

The minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read & confirmed.

Mr. Josiah White proposed and Mr. J. Varney seconded that a sum not exceeding £100 be raised for the purposes of the Lighting & Watching Act for the ensuing Year.

William Samuel Neal [signature]
Chairman Parish Meeting


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