Parish Council 1904
February 1904
[p.175] 1904 Febry 3 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 3rd Febry 1904. Present Mr. John Varney (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear, G. A. Monk, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, & J. White.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Winslow Charities On the motion of Mr. Clear seconded by Mr. G. A. Monk, Mr. John Varney was unanimously re-elected a Trustee of the Winslow Charities as one of the Parish Council representatives.
Illness of Chairman The Clerk was directed to write to Mr. Bullock expressing the sympathy of the members of the Parish Council with him in his illness & hoping that he might soon be able to again take that active interest in Parochial affairs, he had formerly done.
John Varney [signature]
March 1904
[p.176] 1904 March 2 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 2nd March 1904. Present Mr. John Varney (Chairman) Messrs. W. R. Monk, G. A. Monk, W. H. Stevens, & J. White.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Parish Constable The names of Edward Wilson, Blacksmith and Ernest Harold Lundy, Cycle Agent, were nominated by the Parish Council as fit and qualified persons for the office of Parish Constable.
Cheque A cheque was drawn to pay the following a/cs, French, Stationer 17/- Crouch, Copy Register of Parochial Electors 1s/6d. Total 18s/1d.
John Varney [signature]
Annual parish meeting
1904 March 7 The Parish Meeting for the Election of Parish Councillors and the Annual Parish Meeting was held in the Yeates’ School room on Monday the 7th day of March 1904. Present Messrs. G. Ash, E. A. Illing, G. A. Monk, W. S. Neal, J. Varney, W. Turnham Junr, C. Watson, A. Watson, W. H. Stevens, Revd. W. F. Armstrong & Mr. J. White.
The Notice calling the Meeting was read.
On the proposition of Revd. W. F. Armstrong seconded by [blank space] Mr. W. S. Neal was appointed Chairman.
The following nominations were handed to the Chairman:-
No. | Candidate | Proposed By | Seconded By |
1 | Armstrong Wm Fredk. | Monk George Arthur | White Josiah |
2 | Clear Alfd. Josh. | French Edwin Jno | Curtis Thos. Daniel |
3 | Ingram Jno Wm | Illing Ebenezer Alfd. | Monk Wm. Redmond |
4 | Monk Wm Redmd | Ash George | Varney John |
5 | Monk Geo: Arthur | Armstrong Wm Fredk. | White Josiah |
6 | Stevens William Hall | Neal Willm. Saml | Midgley George Arthur |
7 | Varney John | Turner George | Midgley George Arthur |
8 | Watson Chas. | Byard Hy Kerby | Turnham William Junr |
9 | White Josiah | Monk Geo: Arthur | Armstrong Wm Fredk. |
At the expiration of 15 minutes from taking the Chair, no further Nominations having been handed in, the Chairman read the nominations to the Meeting and declared the 9 Candidates elected.
The Minutes of the Parish Meeting held the 4th November 1904 [1903?] were read and confirmed.
The Accounts for the past year of the Winslow Charities were presented by Mr. George Ash, the Secretary.
Mr. John Varney proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Neal for acting as Chairman. This was seconded by Mr. Josh. White & unanimously carried.
Mr. A. Watson proposed & Mr. E. A. Illing seconded “that a letter be sent to Mr. H. Bullock (Chairman of the Parish Council) expressing the sympathy of the Parish Meeting here assembled in his recent severe illness & hoping that he might soon be restored to his usual good health.”
Alfred J. Clear [signature]
April 1904
1904 April 13 The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 13th April 1904. Present John Varney (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. White & C. Watson.
[p.177] The Minutes of the last Meeting were read & confirmed.
Chairman Mr. J. Varney proposed that Mr. Herbert Bullock be re-appointed Chairman & that a vote of thanks be accorded him for his services in the past. This was seconded by Mr. J. White & carried unanimously.
Vice Chairman Mr. W. R. Monk proposed Mr. J. White seconded & it was unanimously carried that Mr. A. J. Clear be elected Vice Chairman.
Hour of Meeting Mr. J. Varney suggested that during the Winter months the Parish Council meet at 6 o’clock in place of 7.
It was agreed to consult the Chairman on the subject.
Overseers Mr. J. Varney proposed and Mr. C. Watson seconded that Messrs W. R. Monk & R. A. Easton be appointed Overseers.
Mr. W. H. Stevens proposed and Mr. J. White seconded that Messrs. S. P. Wigley and A. O. Fulks be appointed Overseers.
On these four names being put to the Meeting they were unanimously appointed to that office.
Lighting & Watching & Fire Brigade Committee Mr. W. H. Stevens proposed Mr. J. White seconded & it was unanimously carried that the Nine members of the Parish Council be appointed the Committee for carrying out the provisions of the Lighting & Watching Act including the management of the Fire Brigade.
[p.178] School Managers Mr. J. Varney proposed Mr. W. R. Monk be elected as a Parish Council representative in accordance with the Education Act 1902 a Manager of the Winslow schools. This was seconded by Mr. A. J. Clear & carried unan:
Mr. J. W. Ingram proposed that the name of Mr. E. A. Illing be recommended to the County Council for nomination by them, as a Manager of the Winslow Natl Schools. This was seconded by Mr. C. Watson & carried.
Churchyard Fence On the proposition of Mr. W. H. Stevens seconded by Mr. J. Varney it was decided to defer consideration of Revd. W. F. Armstrong’s letter re Painting Churchyard Fence, until the nest meeting of the Parish Council.
Cheque A cheque was drawn to pay Insurance 4/6, Audit Stamp £1 - Total £1:4:6 -
Declarations The Members present signed the Declaration of Office.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
May 1904
[p.179] 1904 May 4 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 4th May 1904. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Revd. W. F. Armstrong, Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, G. A. Monk, W. R. Monk, C. Watson & J. Varney.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Declarations Revd. W. F. Armstrong & Mr. G. A. Monk signed the Declaration on acceptance of Office.
Churchyard Fence Revd. W. F. Armstrong asked to be allowed to withdraw his letter to the Parish Council of 3rd April relating to the painting of the Iron Fence inclosing the Churchyard, & this was agreed to.
Footpath from “ Swan Inn” to Railway Bridge Revd. W. F. Armstrong proposed that the attention of the County Council be called to the state of the ground between Path and the Road leading from the “Swan Inn” to the Railway Bridge. Mr. J. W. Ingram seconded & it was carried.
Hour of Meeting Mr. J. Varney proposed that the meetings of the Parish Council from 1st October to 31st March be called for 6 p.m. & for the remaining months for 7 p.m. This was seconded by Revd. W. F. Armstrong & carried.
Winslow Sewage Connections The Chairman read a letter he had received from Revd. H. K. Byard & others asking him to call a Parish
[p.180] Meeting re Sewage Connections. After some remarks from various Councillors, Mr. Bullock stated he thought he had better accede to the request.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
June 1904
1904 June 1 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday 1st June 1904. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, C. Watson & Revd. W. F. Armstrong.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Footpath from Station Rd to Railway Bridge An acknowledgement to the Clerk’s letter to the County Council relating to the ground between Station Road & the Railway Bridge was produced.
The Chairman stated that he understood the matter would be considered by the Highway Committee tomorrow.
Higher Education Committee The Bucks County Education Committee’s Circular H. A. 4 & other papers from the Education Committee were produced, and after some discussion it was agreed that the Council should appoint 3 members to act with the School Managers as a Local Higher Education Committee. The following members of the
[p.181] Council having expressed their willingness to serve were chosen viz. Messrs. J. Varney, W. H. Stevens & A. J. Clear.
Gas A letter from Mr. Charles Watson referring to the extra consumption of Gas in connection with the Sewage Works was read, & the Chairman having replied to it Mr. Watson withdrew the motion on the same subject of which he had given notice.
Rogers Free School Charity On the motion proposed by the Chairman seconded by Mr. A. J. Clear it was unanimously carried “That an application be made to the proper authorities to sanction the appointment by the Parish Council of additional Trustees of the Charity known as “The Roger’s Free School” under Section 14 (3) of the Local Government Act 1894.”
Treasurer On the motion of Mr. W. H. Stevens seconded by Mr. J. W. Ingram , Lloyds Bank Limited was appointed Treasurer of the Council.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
July 1904
[p.182] 1904 July 6 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday July 6th 1904. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. W. Ingram, G. A. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney & Chas Watson.
The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Rogers Free School Charity The Chairman produced the correspondence with the Board of Education respecting Rogers Free School Charity.
RDC Ventilating Shaft near Engine House Mr. W. H. Stevens proposed & Mr. C. Watson seconded & it was unanimously agreed that the Rural District Council be allowed to erect a Ventilating shaft in Yard near Fire Brigade House subject to a 2nd rent of 1/- per ann.
Herbert Bullock [signature]
November 1904
1904 Novemr 2 A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday 2nd November 1904. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear, W. R. Monk, J. White & C. Watson
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
[p.183] Yeates School Some correspondence received from the Board of Education relating to the Yeates School, was produced.
Parish Meeting L & W Act Mr. J. White proposed & Mr. Clear seconded that the Annual Parish Meeting for the purposes of the Lighting & Watching Act be called for Friday November 11th at 7 pm in the Yeates Room.
Clerk’s Salary It was agreed that Mr. Curtis’ application be deferred for twelve months. [See below for what really happened.]
Herbert Bullock [signature]
Parish meeting (Lighting & Watching)
1904 Novemr 11 A Parish Meeting called for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching Act 3 & 4 Wm. IV & for taking into consideration the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said Act for the current year in this Parish was held in the Yeates School on Friday 11th of November 1904.
Present Mr. A. J. Clear (Chairman) Messrs. Chas Watson & T. D. Curtis.
The notice calling the Meeting was read.
The minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read & confirmed.
Mr. C. Watson proposed and Mr. T. D. Curtis seconded that a sum not exceeding £100 be raised for the purposes of the Lighting & Watching Act for the ensuing Year.
John Varney [signature]
Bicester Herald, 4 Nov 1904
The monthly meeting of this body was held at the Yeates’ Room on Wednesday evening ; Present : Mr. H. Bullock (Chairman), and Messrs. J. W. Ingram, J. White, W. R. Monk, A. J. Clear & C. Watson.
A letter from the Board of Education was read giving the Council notice, re the Yeates’ Charity, that in 21 days, unless objection was raised, permission would be given to the trustees to sell the building and devote the proceeds to the present National Schools. – The Chairman explained that two years ago permission was given them to sell the Infant School at the same time as the Boys’ and Girls’ School, but they were advised by Mr. Wigley that it would be almost impossible to sell the Infant School without selling the Yeates’ Room, owing to structural arrangements, etc., and as there were separate deeds and trusts for the two, the Yeates’ Room having been erected in 1846 the Infant School in 1870, the present delay had arisen.
Mr. J. Varney had given notice of motion “that the District Council be request to commence at once their proposed improvements in the Station Road and footpaths.” – Mr. Varney was not present, and the Chairman stated that he had seen Mr. Wise, the District Surveyor, who stated the Council were waiting until the connections with the new sewer were made, as otherwise they would have to upset the ground twice.- The Chairman thought it was a common-sense idea, and that the motion had better drop. – Mr. Ingram agreed with this, and said that the District Council contemplated grubbing up the hedge, filling in the ditch and widening the road and footpath, as well as kerbing and channelling it.
The Clerk to the Council (Mr. T. Curtis) produced a letter from the Board of Guardians, replying to an application of his for an increase of salary as collector of poor rates, and referring him to this Council for a recommendation on the subject. Mr. Curtis said his work was all the while increasing, and he did not think it was sufficiently paid for. Formerly the education rate was collected separately under the voluntary principle by a paid collector, now he was doing it for nothing. He was collecting about £1,400 a year for the poor rate. – In reply to questions, he said his salary for clerk to the Council was £10, collector of poor rate £25, with £6 each for special rates and lighting rates – After some discussion Mr. Ingram moved, Mr. Monk seconded, and it was carried, that Mr. Curtis should be asked to defer the matter for 12 months.
A letter was read from the Winslow Gas Co., in reply to a letter from this Council asking the Company to remove the Tinker’s-end gas lamp 45 yards further down, stating that the Company would do so at the Council’s expense if required. The matter was taken in hand at the request of the District Council, who wanted another lamp to show light on a rail recently fixed in the road ; and Mr. C. Watson moved that the letter be referred to the District Council. – Mr. Ingram, however, moved that the letter lay on the table. Mr. Varney seconded this and it was agreed to.
Mr. Curtis produced a bill for new uniforms and repairs, for £5 9s 6d., for the Fire Brigade, and the same was ordered to be paid. He, however, reported that two of the new members of the brigade had never taken up their duties, and he did not think it was any good giving them the uniforms. – The Council decided to store these two uniforms, and discussed the state of the brigade at some length, the opinion being that it was very unsatisfactory.
- Back to Parish Council