Parish Council 1905

March 1905

[p.183]  1905 Mar: 1        A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 1st  March 1905. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman) Messrs. A. J. Clear, W. R. Monk, J. Varney, C. Watson, J. White & Revd. W. F. Armstrong. 
                The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Parish Constable              The names of Edward Wilson, Blacksmith and Ernest Harold Lundy, Cycle Agent, were nominated by the Parish Council as fit and qualified persons for the office of Parish Constable.
County Rate       The County Rate Basis was received.
[p.184]  Beef Funds         A letter from Mr. W. S. Neal re the collection of Beef Funds at Christmas was read. After some discussion Revd. W. F. Armstrong proposed Mr. A. J. Clear seconded & it was unanimously carried that the consideration of Mr. Neal’s letter be deferred to a future meeting.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

April 1905

1905 April 19       The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 19th April 1905. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman)  Messrs. A. J. Clear, W. R. Monk, J. Varney, C. Watson and Josiah White.

                The Minutes of the last Meeting were read & confirmed.
Overseers           Mr. W. R. Monk proposed and Mr. J. Varney seconded that Messrs. S. P. Wigley and A. O. Fulks be appointed Overseers.
               Mr. J. Varney proposed and Mr. Monk seconded that Messrs. S. D. Bird & G. Fred George be appointed Overseers.                
                On these four names being put to the Meeting they were unanimously appointed to that office.

[p.185]  Xmas Beef Fund               The letter from Mr. W. S. Neal respecting the distribution of Beef at Xmas to the Poor, having been considered, Mr. John Varney proposed and Mr. J. White seconded that the Clerk be directed to reply that the Parish Council do not see their way clear to undertake the matter which has hitherto been carried out by the Guardians. Carried unan:

Assessor              A letter from the Winslow Overseers asking the Parish Council to request the R. D. Council to appoint a paid Assessor for the Parish of Winslow was read. Mr. Bullock proposed that the Overseers’ letter be forwarded to the Union Assessment Committee for their consideration, with the addition that in the opinion of the Parish Council it would not be advisable to employ a paid Assessor unless it be extended to the whole of the Union. Mr. A. J. Clear seconded & it was unanimously agreed.

Cheque             A cheque was drawn to pay Insurance 4/6, Audit stamp £1 Mr. Willis 12/- Total £1:16:6.

Alfred J. Clear [signature]

May 1905

[p.186]  1905 May 17                       A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 17th May 1905. Present Mr. A. J. Clear (Chairman) Revd. W. F. Armstrong, Messrs.  J. W. Ingram, W. R. Monk, W. H. Stevens, J. Varney, C. Watson & Josh. White.

                The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed.

Resignation of Mr. G. A. Monk                  Revd. W. F. Armstrong proposed & Mr. W. H. Stevens seconded that a vote of thanks be accorded to Mr. G. A. Monk for his services on the Parish Council in the past, with expressions of regret upon his removal from Winslow. Carried unanimously.

Action to fill Vacancy     Mr. W. R. Monk proposed & Mr. J. Varney seconded that Mr. Wm. Thos Walker be appointed a member of the Parish Council in the place of Mr. G. A. Monk.
                Mr. J. White proposed & Mr. J. W. Ingram seconded the appointment Mr. Austin Watson to fill the vacancy.
                On their names being put to the meeting four voted for Mr. Walker and two for Mr. Watson. The Chairman declared Mr. Walker elected.

Herbert Bullock [signature]

July 1905

[p.187]  1905 July 5        A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday 5th July 1905. Present H. Bullock Esq (Chairman)  Messrs. A. J. Clear, J. Varney, C. Watson, J. White & Wm T. Walker.

                The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.

Declaration        Mr. Wm T. Walker signed the Declaration of acceptance of office.

Alfred J. Clear [signature]

Parish meeting (Lighting & Watching)

1905 Novr 15th                  A Parish Meeting called for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching Act 3 & 4 Wm. IV & for taking into consideration the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said Act for the current year in this Parish was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday 15th Novemr 1905.       Present Mr. John Varney (Chairman) Messrs. C. Watson, T. D. Curtis & John Keys.

                The Notice calling the Meeting was read.

The Minutes of the last Parish Meeting were read & confirmed.

Mr. John Varney proposed & Mr. C. Watson seconded that a sum not exceeding £100 be raised for the purposes of the Lighting & Watching Act for the ensuing Year.                                                                             

Alfred J. Clear [signature]

December 1905

1905 Dec 6               A Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Yeates Schoolroom on Wednesday the 6th December 1905. Present Mr. A. J. Clear (Chairman)  Messrs. John Varney, C. Watson, J. White & W. T. Walker.

                The minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
Footway at Grandboro Brook     A letter from the North Marston Parish Council asking the Winslow Parish Council to join them in recommending the County Council to raise the footway at Winslow Brook, having been read, Mr. J. Varney proposed that this Council reply recommending the
[p.188] N. Marston P.C. to acquaint the County Surveyor of their views on the subject. Mr. Josh. White seconded & it was unanimously carried.

Alfred J Clear [signature]


Copyright 17 July, 2019