Parish Meetings 1947

1947 April 22nd

The Annual Parish Meeting held in the St Lawrence Room on Tuesday April 22nd 1947 at 7:0. pm
Present Mr A Cox (Chairman of the Parish Council), Messrs A.E. Garlike. H.R. Langley, R.O. Langley, E.E. French, T.R. Gibbard, E.W.G. Spatcher, D.F. Seeley, Mr Allen and Another.

The Notice convening the Meeting was read.

Mr Alfred Cox was unanimously elected Chairman of the Meeting.

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th September 1946 were read and confirmed.

The Statement of Account of the Parochial Charities was produced by the Secretary to the Charity Trustees.
On the proposal of Mr French seconded by Mr Garlike it was resolved that representations should be made to the Charity Trustees to put Poors Piece Allotments on a proper basis and compile a record of allotment holders.

On the proposal of Mr H.R. Langley seconded by Mr Allen it was resolved that representations should go from the Meeting to the Public Hall Committee concerning the approach to the Public Hall.

On the proposal of Mr French seconded by Mr Garlike it was resolved that the Parish Council should proceed to obtain a seat to replace that destroyed on the Buckingham Road. On the proposal of Mr H.R. Langley seconded by Mr Corbett it was resolved that the Clerk to the Parish Council should write to the Police on the subject of the destruction of the seat.

On the proposal of Mr H.R. Langley seconded by Mr Seeley it was resolved that representations should be made to the Ministry of Health concerning the delay in providing a Public Convenience in the Square upon which no satisfaction could be obtained from the authorities and the lack of this facility resulted in a situation which was disgusting and unhealthy.

Alfred Cox [signature] Chairman
Sept 18th 1947

1947 Sept 18th                   

A Parish Meeting convened for the purposes of the “Lighting and Watching Act 3 & 4 Wiliam IV. C.90 and for taking into consideration the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said Act for the current year in this Parish” was held on Thursday  September 18th 1947 at 7.30pm. in the Public Hall.
Present Mr A Cox (Chairman of the Parish Council), Messr A.E. Garlike. H.R. Langley, R.O. Langley,  E.W.G. Spatcher and T.R. Gibbard.

The Notice convening the Meeting was read.

The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 22nd April 1947 were read and confirmed.

The Lighting and Watching Committee having recommended that the sum of £140 be raised on the proposal of Mr Garlike seconded by Mr Gibbard it was resolved that the Parish Council’s proposal be increased to £142:3:7 and that a sum not exceeding this amount be raised for the purposes of the Lighting and Watching Act for the current year in this Parish. The Meeting took note of the regrettably poor attendance.

Alfred Cox [signature] Chairman
April 22nd  48

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