Vestry, 19 November 1841
Centre for Bucks Studies, PR237/8/1
At a meeting of the ratepayers of Winslow held at the Vestry Room in the Church and by adjournment in the Chancel, on Friday the nineteenth day of November 1841 pursuant to public notice duly given for the purpose of the Inspectors appointed in pursuance of an act of parliament passed in the session held in the third and fourth years of the reign of King William the fourth for the lighting and watching of parishes in England and Wales producing their accounts and vouchers for the past year and for the election of inspectors for the execution of the said act and for determining the amount of the money to be raised for the purpose of the said act for the current year and also for the purpose of considering whether the adoption of the provisions of the said act shall be excluded for lighting.
Present The Revd Willm Walkinshaw McCreight, Vicar, Churchwarden \Chairman/ William Selby Lowndes Esq, Richard William Selby Lowndes Esquire, Messrs Charles Willis, John Cowley, David Thomas Willis, John St Thomas Wynter, Samuel Cole, John Bull, Charles Monk, Thomas Edwin, Joseph Neal, John Woodward, John Curtis, James Hawley, John Morecraft, Alfred Barton, George Mayne, George Maydon, Daniel Grace, Samuel Greaves Dudley Thomas Lomath, Richard Staniford, Giles Dickins, John Hemmings, Henry Rock West, Edward Jackman, Thomas Rivett, Richard Sharp, George Cross Junr, Grant King, George King, Joshua Lewin French, Emmanuel Roads, Thomas Roads, John Craker, James Tuckey, William Henry Lomath, John Bathe, George Roads, George Lomath, William Seton, William Bates, Thomas Moore, John Brownett, John Goodman, James Brooks, Charles Keys, James Hazard, Charles Maffey.
The Inspectors Accounts for the past year having been produced and examined as well as the vouchers in support of the same it was proposed by Mr Charles Willis, seconded by Mr Morecraft and resolved unanimously that the said accounts be allowed and confirmed.
Proposed by Mr Mayne and seconded by Mr Hawley
That the adoption of the provisions of the act shall be extended to lighting.
An objection then having been raised against the further continuance of the provisions of the act, the votes of the parties present were taken appeared to be :
For the continuing of the adoption of the act 85 Votes
Against it 17 D(itt)o
Mr Maynes proposition was accordingly adopted.
Proposed by Mr Willis seconded by Mr Grace and resolved unanimously.
That William Selby Lowndes Esquire, Mr Samuel Greaves Dudley and Mr John Cowley be re-elected Inspectors for the year ensuing.
Proposed by Mr Charles Willis seconded by Mr Maffey and resolved unanimously that any sum not exceeding eighty pounds be raised for the purposes of the act in the ensuing year.
See also:
- Winslow in the 19th-20th Centuries
- Parish council and vestry
- Gas comes to Winslow (the decision about lighting was in effect the go-ahead for this)