Vestry, 17 Feb 1848
Centre for Bucks Studies, PR237/8/1
At a Vestry held on Thursday the eighteenth \seventeenth/ day of February 1848 and by adjournment on Saturday the nineteenth day or the same month.
Present Mr George Cross, Churchwarden, in the Chair, Messrs Barton, Edwin, Cole, Dudley Junr, Brooks, Curtis, Grace.
Resolved that the rate on Mr Grant King for his house should be increased to the rateable value of fifteen pounds.
That enquiry should be made as to the outbuildings occupied by William Selby Lowndes Esquire, the Mansion [=Winslow Hall] being unoccupied.
That in consequence of alterations made by Messrs Joseph Bowden, William Forster, George Mayne, George Yeulet and John Law, Mr John King be instructed to amend the rates on them.
John Craker to be excused from rates on the ground of poverty and Catherine Fry on account of illness.
George Cross [signature] Chairman
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