Vestry, 13 March 1850

Centre for Bucks Studies, PR237/8/1

At a general Vestry held in the Vestry room at Church on Wednesday the thirteenth day of March 1850.

Present Mr Alfred Barton Churchwarden (Chairman) Messrs John Mayne, Joseph Bowden, James Hazzard

Resolved that the houses and premises occupied by Mr John King be in future assessed to the poor rate at a gross rental of twenty four pounds a year, and the houses and premises occupied by Mrs Catherine Morecroft at a gross rental of ten pounds a year.

The Overseers having produced a letter received by them from the Buckinghamshire Railway Company as to rating the line of railway it was resolved that the letter should be placed in the hands of Mr John King and that he should be instructed to act thereon on the part of the parish.

Resolved that Mr John King be instructed to reassess the houses and premises occupied by Messrs Alfred Barton, David Thomas Willis, Samuel Burnham Dudley, Daniel Grace, William Matthews and Thomas Willis for the purposes of the poor rate.

Alfred Barton [signature] Chairman

Vestry, 28 May 1850

At a Vestry held at the Vestry Room in the Church on Tuesday 28th May 1850.

Present  Mr George Cross, Chairman, Messrs Sam Cole, Danl Grace, A. Barton, Thos Edwin, G. Maydon, D.T. Willis, Jn King, James Hawley, Jn Curtis & Wm Neal.

Proposed that Mr King’s Assessment of the Railway be adopted by the Parish Officers for 12 months.

The list of paupers receiving out door relief was gone through and instructions given to the Guardians to recommend a reduction of the allowance made to several of them.

Geo Cross [signature] Chairman

Vestry, 15 Nov 1850

At a Meeting of the Ratepayers of the parish of Winslow held at the Vestry Room in the Church on Friday the 15th day of November \1850/ at ten o’clock in the forenoon pursuant to public notice duly given for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of declaring and ordering that the owners of Tenements in this parish the yearly rateable value whereof shall not exceed £6 shall be rated and assessed to the rates for the relief of the poor and to the rates for the high [sic] of the highways of such Tenements instead of the Occupiers thereof and also for the purpose of the Inspectors appointed in pursuance of an Act of parliament passed in the Session held in the third and fourth years of the reign of King William the fourth for the lighting and watching of villages in England and Wales producing their accounts and vouchers for the past year and/or the election of inspectors for the executions of the said act and for determining the amount of money to be raised for the purposes of the said act for the current year.

Present Revd W.W. McCreight Vicar in the Chair, Messrs Willis, Barton, Grace, Edwin, Neal, John King, James King, George King, Woodward, Veal, Geo Mayne, Josh King, Wigley, Hawley, Cole, Geo Roads, Boneham, Bainbridge, Forster, Richd Gibbs, Thos Lomath, Curtis.

Mr Russell having attended the Vestry as Agent to the Bucks Railway Company and offered that the Company should be assessed to the parochial Rates upon a rateable value of £130 exclusive of the Station masters house it was resolved that that offer be not accepted and that Mr John King be directed to negociate the matter on the part of the parish upon terms not less advantageous to the parish than Mr Russell’s offer. Proposed by Mr Neal seconded by Mr Grace and resolved unanimously

That the Owners of Tenements in this parish the yearly rateable value whereof shall not exceed £6 shall be rated and assed [sic] to the rates for the relief of the poor in respect of such tenements instead of the Occupiers thereof.

Proposed by Mr Mayne seconded by Mr Joseph King
That every Owner that has given due notice or shall hereafter do so be assessed at one half of the amount at which his tenements would be liable to be rated if occupied in case the act had not passed.

Amendment Proposed by Mr Neal seconded by Mr James King
That the amount be five eighths instead of one half.

A second amendment proposed by Mr Cole seconded by Mr Grace
That the amount be three quarters instead of one half.

A division was taken on Mr Coles amendment and the same was carried by a Majority of Votes.

Proposed by Mr James King seconded by Mr Grace and resolved that this regulation as to the amount shall be acted on till Lady day next and that owners shall who have given notice shall in the meantime be rated only while their Tenements are occupied.

The Accounts and Vouchers of the past year were produced and allowed.

It was resolved unanimously that Mr William Selby Lowndes Esq , Mr S.G. Dudley and Mr Cross be re-elected Inspectors for the ensuing year.

It was resolved unanimously that any sum not exceeding one hundred and forty five pounds be raised for the purposes of the said Act in the ensuing year.

W.W. McCreight [signature] Chairman

See also:

Copyright 16 February, 2021