Vestry, 1863
Buckingham Advertiser, 14 Feb
On Friday, the 6th inst., a meeting was held in the Vestry-room in the church - Mr. William Neal in the chair - for the purpose of nominating eight men to serve as constables for the ensuing year. The following were then proposed and seconded, viz.- Thomas Simons, Thomas Ray, John Woodward, John [?=James] Yeulet, John Turnham, John Gray, jun., Richard Gibbs, and William Matthews.
It was proposed by Mr. George Mayne, and seconded by Mr. S. B. Dudley - “That the following gentlemen form a committee to revise the Poor-rate, and make out a valuation list of the rateable hereditaments in the parish pursuant to the Union Assessment Committee Act, 1862, viz.- Messrs. M. Fulks and Benj. Todd (overseers); George Maydon, George Mayne, James King; and William Neal and Henry Monk (surveyors).” It was further proposed - “That notice be given that at the annual meeting in March, the desirability of appointing a paid collector of poor-rates for this parish be taken into consideration.”
Bucks Herald, 28 March
At a vestry, held on Thursday, the 19th inst., there were present - Mr. John Grace, churchwarden (in the chair); Messrs. D. T. Willis, Todd, Maydon, Monk, Woodward, J. Corkett, T. Allen, Hathaway, James King, J. Ingram, Rand, C. Mayne, R. Jones, W. Neal, D. Grace, and Dr. Newham. The accounts of the overseers for the past year were produced and allowed, as also are those of the surveyors of Winslow and the hamlet of Shipton. Surveyors were also appointed for the ensuing year, and several persons were nominated to serve the office of overseer. Mr. Henry Monk and Mr. R. W. Jones were nominated guardians. The question of having a paid collector of rates for the parish was taken into consideration, and it was proposed by Mr. Hathaway, and seconded by Mr. Monk, that the proper steps be taken for a collector at a salary of £15, with £5 additional, for making out the church-rate and highway rates for Winslow and Shipton, the collector to make out and collect the lighting rate, the pay for which is to be included in the £15. It was proposed as an amendment by Mr. J. Ingram, and seconded by Mr. James King, that there be no paid collector, which upon a division was lost.
Centre for Bucks Studies, PR237/8/1, 10 April
At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room of the Church on the 10th April 1863.
Present Mr D.T. Willis Chairman, Mr James King. Mr Wm Neal, Mr J. Corkett, Mr Henry Monk, Mr. R.W. Jones, Mr T.P. Willis, Mr George Cross, Mr John Grace, Mr Chas Mayne, Mr J. Hathaway.
It was proposed by Mr Monk and seconded by Mr T.P. Willis that the Accounts for the Churchwardens for the past year be allowed and passed.
The Reverend W.W. McCreight appointed Mr George Cross to be his Churchwarden for the ensuing year.
It was proposed by Mr Monk and seconded by Mr R.W. Jones that Mr John Grace be re-elected as Churchwarden for the Parish and resolved unanimously.
It was proposed by Mr Neal and seconded by Mr James King and Resolved unanimously that Messrs Willis be empowered to prepare a statement of the Charities, in the Parish of Winslow, for the Charity Commissioners, following vizt Egerton Charity, the Poor’s Allotment, Packer’s Charity The Church Houses and Bishop’s Charity and submit the same to a vestry previously to its being forwarded to \the/ Charity Commissioners.
Messrs Daniel Grace, John Brise and Samuel William French tendered for the appointment of Collector of Rates for the Parish.
It was proposed by Mr Monk and seconded by Mr Cross that Mr Daniel Grace be recommended as a proper person for the office of Collector of Rates. The other Candidates not having been put in nomination, the proposition was declared carried.
D.T. Willis [signature] Chairman
Centre for Bucks Studies, PR237/8/1, 30 April
At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room of the Church pursuant to public Notice for that purpose given on Thursday the 30th day April 1863.
Present George Maydon, Chairman Messrs D.T. Willis, Henry Monk, Jas King, Charles Mayne, Wm Neal, John Grace, Danl Grace & T.R. Brown.
Resolved that an application be signed and transmitted to the Charity Commissioners, for an order of the Board giving suitable directions by way of a scheme for the future regulation and management of the undermentioned charities and appointing trustees thereof vizt
Bishopp’s Charity – An allotment of 1a.1r.35p of Land adjoining Poor’s Allotment & received in exchange for a close at Shipton formerly called Robinson or Poor’s Close.
Ford’s Charity – An allotment contain(i)ng 7a.3r.24p
Packer’s Charity - £100 Reduced £3 per cent annl
Church Houses and Land – Two houses in Market Square and ten allotments of 1r.3p & 1r.25p alloted and received in exchange for the Church Headland & Buildings thereto belonging in Old Mill Fields in the Parish of Winslow.
The above statement of the Charities of the Parish having been submitted to the Ratepayers in Vestry was approved and the application signed accordingly by all present.
George Maydon [signature] Chairman
Centre for Bucks Studies, PR237/8/1, 22 May
At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room of the Church pursuant to public notice for that purpose given on Friday the 22nd day May 1863.
Present Mr George Cross Chairman, Messrs Geo Mayne, Geo Maydon, Wm Neal, D.T. Willis, Jno Grace, T.P. Willis & Henry Monk.
The draft scheme received from the Charity Commissioners for the regulation of the following charities belonging to this Parish vizt Thomas Bishopp’ Charity Joan Forde’ Charity otherwise the Poor’s Allotment, William Packers Charity, and The Church Houses was produced read and considered and it was resolved to submit the following alterations to the Charity Commissioners.
That the meetings of the Trustees should be held on the first Friday instead of the fourth Wednesday in January & July in every year.
That the Church Land be included in the scheme as well as the Church Houses.
That power should be given to the Trustees by the 9th Section of the Scheme to distribute the whole or any part of the surplus income in Bread among the Poor.
That Four Trustees should be appointed in addition to the Vicar and Churchwardens for the time being and that the Trustees should have power if they think fit to increase the number of Trustees to any number not exceeding Eight besides the Vicar & Churchwardens.
The following Gentlemen were nominated to be the four Trustees – Edward William Selby Lowndes Esq, Mr William Neal, Mr Henry Monk, Mr Thomas Price Willis.
It was resolved that the Scheme when approved by the Charity Commissioners should be deposited at the offices of Messrs Willis and Willis for inspection in the usual way.
Chairman [unsigned]
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