Vestry, 1865
Centre for Bucks Studies, PR 237/8/1
At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room in the Church on Friday the 21st of April pursuant to public Notice for that purpose given.
Present The Revd A.M. Preston Chairman, Messrs D.T. Willis, T.P. Willis, Wigley, Monk, Corkett, Hathaway, Elley, Josh Bowden, Wm Matthews, T. Allen, Wm Neal, Jas King, John Ingram, George Mayne & John Grace.
The Revd A.M. Preston (Vicar) appointed Mr George Mayne to be Churchwarden for the year ensuing.
Mr Charles Mayne was appointed Churchwarden for the Parish for the year ensuing.
Proposed by Mr James King and seconded by Mr Neal and Resolved that Edward Abbott’s salary as Parish Clerk be raised to Ten pounds per annum on condition that he scour the pews in addition to his other duties he pledging himself not to make any application for a further advance of Salary.
Proposed by Mr George Mayne and seconded by Mr Wigley that a pavement of about two feet in width and 2½ inches in thickness be made of hard York Stone from the Lion [=Golden Lion] to Dr Boisragon’s front gate [=Winslow Hall].
Proposed by Mr Monk and seconded by Mr Elley That the present pavement be repaired where it is necessary with the usual pitching.
For the amendment there were 8. For the original proposition 7. Majority in favour of the amendment 1.
It was unanimously Resolved that Wm Henry Lomath be guaranteed Five pounds for making and collecting the Surveyor’s rates for Winslow and Shipton and for making and collecting the Church Rates (if any) the payment to be made proportionably out of the amount to be paid for the Surveyor’s and Church rate, if a Church rate be made, and if not, the amount to be paid from the Surveyor’s rates, in addition to the Fifteen pounds paid by the Union.
Alfred M. Preston [signature] Chairman
At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room in the Church on Monday the 31st of July 1865 pursuant to public Notice for that purpose given.
Present Mr George Maydon Chairman, Messrs Matthews, Allen, Jas King, Jno Ingram, Wigley, T.P. Willis, Corkett & F. Roads
Resolved unanimously that a new drain from near the Bell Inn along the Bell Alley over the properties of Mrs Morecraft and Mr James King [Lawn House] to about 30 yards below its present outfall be constructed by the Surveyors and paid for out of the Highway rate.
Proposed by Mr Corkett and seconded by Mr Matthews that the drain be constructed by contract.
Mr Corkett proposed that the lowest contract be accepted no one seconded.
Mr King Proposed and Mr Matthews seconded that upon a tender of any person being accepted a contract be entered into by such person with the Surveyors of the Parish and be prepared by Messrs Willis & Willis.
Mr Matthews proposed and Mr Roads seconded that Mr James King prepare a plan and section & specification for the new drain.
Mr Corkett proposed and Mr King seconded that the Builders in the Town alone be invited to tender for constructing the above drain.
Mr King proposed and Mr Wigley seconded that all damage be paid to the parties over whose properties the drain passes.
Mr Maydon proposed and Mr Corkett seconded that the drain be a two foot drain in the clear.
Resolved unanimously that the drain be completed by the end of October next
George Maydon [signature] Chairman
Church rates were a controversial issue in the 1860s until their abolition in 1868. They were entirely for the purpose of maintaining Church of England buildings but all parishioners including Nonconformists had to pay them. The Bucks Herald was a pro-Anglican, Conservative paper, but the Bicester Herald and even more the Oxon Telegraph were pro-Nonconformist and Liberal. The "poetical scribe" was probably Silvanus Jones.
Bucks Herald, 23 Sep
CHURCH-RATE.- On the 14th inst., a meeting of the rate-payers was convened at the vestry room, pursuant to notice, for the purpose of considering the desirability of making and raising a church-rate at 2d. in the pound. The Rev. A. M. Preston, the vicar, occupied the chair; and there were present also, the Rev. J. W. Hanson, curate; W. Selby Lowndes, Esq.; D. T. Willis, Esq.; Messrs. T. P. Willis, Johnson, Monk, Rand, Woodward, Jas. King, Wigley, G. Mayne, C. Mayne, Elliott, J. S. T. Wynter, J. L. French, &c. Mr. G. Mayne, churchwarden, proposed, and Mr. John Smith seconded, that a rate of 2d. in the pound be made, and Mr. Wm. Johnson moved as an amendment, that no church-rate whatever be levied, which was seconded by Mr. Monk. Mr. Elliott protested against any rate being imposed. Upon a show of hands, there were for the amendment 38, which left a minority in favour of the rate. Mr. James King demanded a poll of the parish, which was seconded by Mr. J. S. T. Wynter. The poll was opened at one p.m. on the same day, and continued until seven p.m. It was resumed on Friday at ten a.m., and closed at seven p.m., when there appeared for the rate, 30; against, 90.
Bicester Herald, 22 Sep
The Bicester Herald printed the above report and also the following "from another Correspondent".
On Thursday, the 14th instant, a vestry meeting of the ratepayers of Winslow, convened by notice given by the churchwardens was held in the parish church, for the purpose of making a church rate at 2d. in the pound.
The Rev. A. M. Preston, vicar, in the chair.
Mr. George Mayne, churchwarden, proposed the rate, seconded by his brother officer, Mr. Charles Mayne.
Mr. Johnson then moved an amendment, that no rate be allowed, seconded by Mr. Henry Monk.
The amendment was then put by the chairman, when, by a show of hands, there appeared in favour of it 38. The original motion for the rate was then submitted, when 8 only supported it.
Mr. James King, seconded by Mr. Alfred Barton, then demanded a poll, which commenced at one o’clock the same day, the vicar sitting in the vestry to receive the votes till seven that evening; the poll was opened the following morning at ten o’clock, and closed at seven in the evening, when the members stood 36 for a rate, and 93 against.
So much for the struggle on church rates in Winslow. The more quiet churchmen of the parish were decidedly opposed to the attempt being made to impose a rate, while the fiery ruperts of their party were only happy to cry “havoc, and let slip the dogs of war.”
Oxfordshire Telegraph, 20 Sep
A poll on the Church Rate question has been taken at Winslow. The result is against a rate. A poetical scribe commemorates the event by the following verses:
“We’ve lick’d them clean and handsome,
And fought the battle out,
With three to one majority,
We’ve put them to the rout.
By show of hands we beat them,
Then by the King’s control,
We met them on a broader field,
And thrash’d them at the poll.
Two parsons in the strife appear’d
To give the Rate their aid,
Perhaps they thought a Parson’s frown,
Might make us all afraid.
Let those who love Old Mother Church,
Their free-will offerings make,
But Jacks in office shall no more
By law our pennies take.
Hurrah for Winslow ! let her name
Stand high in freedom’s cause,
And may she ever boldly stem
Injustice and bad laws.
Now to a grave five fathoms deep,
Let Church-Rates be consign’d,
And never more the hated theme
Distrust the public mind.”
“Winslow, Sept. 18th, 1865.”
See also: