Agricultural show, 1880

Buckingham Advertiser, 18 Sep


  The twenty-second exhibition of this Association was held at Winslow on Thursday, September 16th, in a spacious field kindly lent by T. P. Willis Esq., and situate near Western House, the residence of G. E. Greaves, Esq.,  The weather during the previous day and night had been most inclement, rain pouring down in torrents, and this, undoubtedly somewhat dampened the spirits of the inhabitants of the town, whom, it was thought,  would have made a gala day of so memorable an event.  The decorations, however, fell very far short of those witnessed the previous week at Towcester, being limited to a few lines of streamers stretched across the road, and here and there a solitary flag suspended from a window.  The market-square, however, was filled with the usual array of pleasure-fair attractions, and towards evening the vendors appeared to be well patronised.  The show itself was about the average for entries, and the arrangements of the committee were remarkably good, especially under the unfavourable weather; and a word of praise should also be given to Mr. Fell, the energetic and obliging secretary.  The tents and stalls formed a square in the field, with the poultry to the left; stalls, implements, and cart horses to the south-west; and cattle to the north, with a large centre square for the jumping competition.
  Messrs. E. and H. Roberts, of Deanshanger and Buckingham, were the only exhibitors of agricultural implements (brought from their agent’s, Mr. W. H. French, stores at Winslow).  They included four champion prize ploughs, which were highly commended at the Northamptonshire show last week for superiority in their wheel fastenings; three horse hoes, also commended at the Northamptonshire show; chaff-cutter, also highly commended at the same show; and an assortment of harrows, rollers, clod crushers, &c.  They also exhibited one of Creig’s patent corn screens, which was awarded the silver medal at the Northamptonshire show; also one of the American Boss churns, in which all the working of the butter is made.
  Mr. F. J. Smith of Stony Stratford, had a stand of Hathaway’s Improved Barrel churns, and he also exhibited a model glass one to show the working, which created much interest.  He also had a stand of stoves on the most improved methods, one for warming a large room being ticketed at 15s. 6d.
  The stall of Messrs. Johnson & Co., of Wolverton Mills, attracted attention for its good display of his celebrated American cattle, sheep, and pig spice.
  Messrs. Spouncer and Sons, Gainsborough, had a stall for specimens of their noted milk substitute for rearing calves and pigs.
  T. Bowick and Co., Bedford, exhibited specimens of their Restorine, or the Bowick  patent botanic flavourer; and also Lactins, the Bowick patent substitute for milk.
  Thorley’s Food also filled a stand.
 Messrs. Lee and Son, of Winslow, exhibited a stand of new harness etc.
 Mr. E. L. Sear, of Winslow, exhibited three new traps.
  Mr. H. F. Pass, Aylesbury, had a new Craven dog-cart and a new Leopold.
  Mr. T. Perry, of Banbury, exhibited a quantity of specimen roots…
  During the afternoon the band of the Northamptonshire Rifle Volunteers, played some capital music which was much enjoyed.  The two grand stands were filled with the fair sex witnessing the jumping and driving competitions, the former creating considerable interest.  Refreshments were supplied by Mr. Ray, of the Old Crown, Winslow.  The attendance at the show was about 2,500, and included many of the clergy, gentry, and agriculturalists of the neighbourhood.

There were classes for:
Best managed farms.
Agricultural labourers and servants.
Hunters and Nags.
Horned Stock.

Was held in a large marquee at the rear of the Bell Hotel.  The President, Leopold de Rothschild, Esq. occupied the chair, and was supported by Lord Cottesloe, Lord Carington, Hon. Rupert Carington, M.P., Hon. T. F. Fremantle, M.P., W. G. E. Russell, Esq., M.P. Hon. Percy Barrington, Lieut-Col. Cecil Hubbard, H. Cozenove, Esq., (High Sheriff), Egerton Hubbard, Esq., Capt. Purefoy Fitzgerald, T. T. Drake, Esq., &c., the company numbering about 200.      

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