Easter Vestry, 1898
Bucks Herald, 16 April
THE EASTER VESTRY was held on Tuesday, the Vicar, Rev. W. F. Armstrong, presiding, supported by the churchwardens, Messrs. H. Bullock and J. C. Hawley. The accounts for the year were produced by Mr. Bullock, who said the churchwardens had to again thank the congregation for their liberal assistance. They started with a balance to the bad of £1:17, which they had not quite succeeded in clearing off; but they had every reason to be satisfied with the result, having, with the assistance of the Vicar, made several alterations in the direction of economy, including the reduction of the gas bill by nearly one-third. They had, however, spent more on the churchyard than had been done for years [see below], and had also expended an extra amount in the cleaning of the church. The organ and choir fund had also been dropped as a special fund, the contributors who originated it being no longer there to keep it up. The offerings for general purposes £133:6:11; societies and charities, £40:17:8; sick and poor fund, £22:16:7; special fund, £13:4:9; from church repairs,charity, £6:6:8, from church improvement fund, £4; donation from Mrs. Willis for repairing clock, £3:18:11; total, £246:17:7; and the expenditure was £250:8:3; leaving balance due to the churchwardens of 33:10:8, being 8s. 3d. less than last year.
The Vicar then produced the sick and poor and special fund accounts, and the whole was passed, a vote of thanks being accorded to the auditors, Messrs. T. F. Vaisey and J. Varney.- The Vicar next produced a copy of the ecclesiastical charity accounts, which had been audited by Mr. Ash.-
The Vicar, after expressing his thanks to both churchwardens and sidesmen, nominated Mr. Bullock as his warden, and Messrs. Vaisey, Varney, Wise and Russell as sidesmen.- Mr. Ingram proposed, and Mr. Clare seconded, Mr. Hawley as people’s churchwarden; and Messrs G.A. Monk, W. Ingram, C. Clare, and W. H. Stevens were nominated as the other sidesmen.-
The plan and specifications of the churchyard fence were produced, and the Vestry authorised application for a faculty for the same.-
Mr. G. George complained of the changes and innovations and Romish practices which he said had been introduced into the services. After speaking at some length, he moved a resolution to the effect that the services be conducted in the same way as before, without the formalities which were detrimental to the Church services, and to the feelings of those who had been used to the former services.- Mr. Walker supported the resolution, speaking especially on the matter of Confession.- The Vicar said the Prayer-book recommended confession in certain cases, and asked Mr. Walker if he had seen what the Archbishop of Canterbury said on the subject.- Mr. Walker said he was afraid the tendency was that way.- Mr. J. Varney said he thought there was dissatisfaction because the Vicar had not consulted the parishioners before introducing changes, upon which the Vicar asked him to name any change he had introduced.- Mr. Varney said the use of vestments at the Communion.- The Vicar said there were quite fifty present when he brought the matter forward, and explained the meaning of the vestments, and there was no objection expressed.- Both the Vicar and the Churchwardens pressed Mr. George for a more definite resolution, but he adhered to it as it was. On being put to the meeting Mr. George and Mr. Walker voted for it, the others present not voting
Bucks Herald, 19 Feb
THE CHURCHYARD FENCE.- A meeting of subscribers to the Churchyard fence fund was held in the Yeate’s Room on Monday, Mr. G. R. Greaves in the chair. The Vicar stated that up to the present 81 persons had subscribed to the fund, and that £133:16:6 had been promised. The following is the substance of the resolutions adopted:- (1) That the Churchyard be enclosed with a wrought-iron fence not exceeding 4tf. 6in. in height. (2) That tenders for the work be invited from persons residing in the town. (3) That a committee, consisting of the Vicar, Churchwardens, and four other subscribers, be appointed to carry out the above resolutions, and to make all further arrangements. The following were selected to form the committee:- The Vicar, Churchwardens, Rev. J. G. Evans, Messrs. G. R. Greaves, E. A. Illing, and J. Varney. A proposal that the Committee be directed to accept the lowest tender was not carried. It was further resolved that the balance left over (if any) be expended on planting shrubs and generally improving the appearance of the churchyard.
Bucks Herald, 20 Aug
Winslow churchyard is being surrounded by a substantial wrought-iron fence, manufactured by Messrs. A. and J. White, of North Marston, for Messrs. J. and A. Grace, of Winslow. This will be a great and much-needed improvement.
Bucks Herald, 5 Nov
CHURCHYARD FENCE.- The total cost of the fence amounts to £140:10:6, and (up to date) the total amount received, or promised, is £139:11:3. The principal subscribers include:- £10 each, Mr. Greaves and Mr. McCorquodale; £5 each, Mrs Lambton and Captain Lambton; £3:3 each, Bucks and Oxon Bank, Mr. Wigley, and Mrs. R. W. Jones; £2:2 each, the Vicar, Mr. Parrett, and Mrs. Lowndes; £2 each, Mrs. Newcombe, Mr. Hawley, and Miss Lambton. Lord Addington has most kindly promised some shrubs, and an ornamental hedge round the inside of the fence.
The fence which was installed in 1898
See also: