Bucks County Council election, 1901
BCC elections were held every three years but there was no contest in 1898 so the last vote was in 1895. Most of the reports below came from the North Marston correspondent. There was another election in 1904.
Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News, 2 March
There promises to be a sharp contest for the Winslow division, including Northmarston, which takes a keen interest therein, between the Rev. A. E. T. Newman, vicar of Grandborough, an able and fearless Radical in politics, and Mr. N. McCorquodale, of Winslow Hall, who is much respected in Winslow and will make an interesting fight of the election. Northmarston was, on the whole, well satisfied with Mr. Fremantle, and would probably have gone on helping to elect him for ever, but his War Office duties are in the way.
Bicester Herald, 8 March
Two nominations have been made in the Winslow electoral division of the County Council: Mr. Norman McCorquodale, J.P., of Winslow Hall, and the Rev. Arthur Edwin Tweed Newman, of Grandborough. Mr. McCorquodale’s supporters were: Lord Cottesloe, Captain W. H. Lambton, the Rev. Arthur Gray, Messrs. T. Biggs, T. Tomes, H. Bullock, E. Kibble, and E. H. Baylis; and those who signed Mr. Newman’s papers were Lady Verney, Rev. C. Bass, Messrs. S. F. G. James, E. A. Illing, W. Tattam, and W. Turnham.
Bucks Advertiser and Aylesbury News, 9 March
Mr. Newman is popular in Marston which, it was thought, would poll two to one in his favour as against Mr. McCorquodale; Grandborough also going pretty solid in the same direction. Mr. McC. was busy canvassing Swanbourne on Saturday, and has been at work at Marston and in other directions. There are over 700 voters in the Winslow division, and the election (not over as we go to press) is thought likely to depend a good deal on the votes of some sixty women of Winslow. It is, in fact, to some extent a ladies’ election, there being female voters in the villages as well as in Winslow.
Buckingham Advertiser, 16 March
The Hon. T. F. Fremantle did not seek re-election, and the Rev. A. E. T. Newman, Vicar of Granborough, and Norman McCorquodale, Esq., of Winslow Hall, were nominated. The result was declared on Saturday morning as follows:-
NEWMAN……………………………………238 [majority] 103
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