Court baron and view of frankpledge, 25 April 1698
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/34
Originals in Latin unless stated (individual words are sometimes in English). Only entries concerning Winslow have been summarised here, apart from the lists of jurors and defaulters which also include Little Horwood and Granborough.
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with members. Court of View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Charles Twittey and Samuel Brewster gent., fiduciaries of William Lowndes esq., 25 April 1698 10 William III, by Nicholas Merwin, deputy steward
Essoins: none
Complainants: none
Homage: Thomas Blake gent., William Bigg, Joseph Glenister, John Greene, Philip Bayly, John Robinson, John Hearne, William Townesend
John Henley, Henry Townesend, Thomas Henley, Thomas Ward, William Illing, Thomas Oakely, Richard Barton, Arthur Smith
Henry Curtice, Robert Manwareing, Benedict Holland, Robert Stevens, Richard Worsely, John Seaton, William Stevens, William Britten
John Paradine, tithingman of Shipton, fined 1s for non-appearance.
William Elliott and Philip Budd were elected constables of Winslowe in place of Christopher Coates and Daniel Seaton, but not sworn in.
John Greene was elected tithingman of Winslowe in place of Edward Smith but not sworn in.
The jury is to sett out these Incroachments: John Stevens against William Holland, Benedict Holland against the Widdowe Hollyday
Thomas Blake, Henry Townesend, Joseph Glenister, Thomas Henley, John Seaton, Grant Hewett & Thomas Kenwrick certified that they inspected the incroachment complained of by John Crofts clerk against Stephen Bigg jr at the churchyard of Winslowe according to the order of the court of 11 Oct last. Stephen made an incroachment on the south-east corner of the churchyard.
John Henley sr died before the last court seised of 32½ acres of land. John Henley is his son and nearest heir, of full age, and sought admission. Rent 8s 1½d, fine 65s. Heriot a gelding worth 60s.
Thomas Willmott of the parish of Stepney alias Stebanheath, Middx, weaver, brother and next heir of William Willmott deceased who was eldest son and heir of Thomas Willmott of Whitchurch, tailor, deceased, together with Thomas Simpson of Stepney, tailor, and Hester his wife (who was examined by William Cherry, chief steward), out of court on 14 April last surrendered through William Cherry all that tenement scituate in or near the Sheepestreete of Winslowe, then or late in the occupation of William Daniell or his assigns, with yard and garden. Also a piece of meadow or pasture in the Demeram Feild of Winslowe containing 2½ acres lying next to the piece of meadow which Mr William Lowndes acquired from Robert Mitchell deceased. Also arable lands containing 2 acres in the common fields of Winslowe now or late in the occupation of William Short or his assigns, and all Thomas' customary lands within the manor. To the use of William Lowndes in perpetuity. Richard Whitehead and Ann his wife and William Short, customary tenants, in open court made the same surrender. William Lowndes came to this court and sought admission. Rent 1s 1½d, fine 9s, heriot [blank].
[Thomas had inherited from his cousin, also Thomas Willmott, d.1677]
Richard Letman a customary tenant and Ann his wife and Thomas his son and heir apparent surrendered a piece of land in Richard's own occupation previously acquired from Robert Gibbs and Ro[...] his wife with the land on which a house now stands or lately stood, containing together ⅓ acre. To the use of William Lowndes, who sought admission. Rent 1d, fine 8d.
[This became part of the rear garden of Winslow Hall. William Lowndes paid £45.]
[f.1v] Henry Hughes and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a tenement scituate in the Sheepe Streete adjoining the lane called Astons Lane, and a selion with hade containing ½ acre in Old Mill Feild in a furlong called Alderswell. To the use of William Lowndes, who sought admission. Rent 2½d, fine 5s.
[William Lowndes paid £85]
Robert Spooner and Ann his wife surrendered 5 acres of arable land and meadow:
- In Demeram Feild, 2 acres of arable land in Gores Bush Furlong, land of John Wyatt north
- 1 ley extending to Sparlowe Close, land of Thomas Hogg east
- In Newmill Feild, ½ acre of arable land in Hawkslowe, land of William Lowndes esq. south
- In Old Mill Feild, 1½ acres of arable land in Mins Peice extending into the road called Saltstreete Way, land of John Chennels west
- ½ acre in Shipton Feild in a furlong called All meade, land of William Lowndes esq. west
To the use of William Lowndes, who sought admission. Rent 1s 3d, fine 10s.
[William Lowndes paid £60. Presumably Saltstreet Way was Granborough Road; the 1599 shows "Saltway" as an earlier version of the Granborough - Hogshaw road.]
William Corbett and Benedict Scott (son and heir apparent of Robert Scott deceased and Ann his wife) and Elizabeth his wife and Ann Scott widow surrendered a close of pasture or sweard ground containing 3 acres in Course Furlong Feild, the king's highway south, with all trees etc. To the use of William Lowndes, who sought admission. Rent 9d, fine 6s.
[William Lowndes paid £80. He called it "a close by Shipton Lane".]
Thomas Rice and Elizabeth his wife surrendered 5 acres:
- In Demeram Feild, 2 ridges of arable land containing 1 acre in Clarkes Furlong, land of Mr John Townesend east
- In New mill Feild, 6 ridges of arable land in Breatch Furlong, land of Mr John Townesend east
- 5 ridges in Costend Furlong, land of William Gyles sr east
To the use of William Short of Winslowe, baker, and Elizabeth his wife for their lives, then Thomas Short their son. If Thomas dies without issue before he is 21 and before the deaths of William and Elizabeth, then to the use of John Short his next brother. If John dies, etc., to the use of Joseph Short his next brother. If Joseph dies, etc., to the use of Benjamin Short the youngest brother. If Benjamin dies, etc., to the use of William's heirs in perpetuity. Rent 1¾, fine 10s.
[f.2r] Henry King and Joan King widow surrendered a cottage now in the occupation of William Fennimore scituate in Tinkers End, the common street west, with yards, outhouses and orchards. To the use of Samuel Wilston and Dyonisia his wife. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
James Brittaine and Ann his wife surrendered 8 ridges of arable land in New Mill Feild in Mill Furlong, the highway on the west, north and east sides. To the use of Margaret Deeley of Winslowe, widow. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
Francis Dorsett and Grace his wife surrendered 3½ acres of arable land:
- In Demeram Feild, 4 ridges extending to Berry Hedge corner, land of William Lowndes esq. east
- In Newmill Feild, 1 acre in Hawkeslow Furlong extending west towards Addington Hedge, land of William Lowndes north
- 1 land in Anckersland Furlong extending east into Palmers Leyes, land of Joseph Glenister south
To the use of William Kurby of Winslowe, Carrier, and Jane his wife. Rent 10½d, fine 7s.
Richard Reading and Susanna his wife and William Reading surrendered a cottage in the occupation of John Harrison and Richard Reading. To the use of Robert Reading and Ellen his wife and Robert's heirs. Rent 3d, fine 5s.
[f.2v] James Britten and Ann his wife surrendered a cottage scituate in Shipton and:
- 1 acre of arable land in Blackgrove Feild in Swanbourne Style Furlong, land of William Lowndes esq south, William Townesend north
- 1 selion in Redd Feild in Weed Furlong, land of William Lowndes north, Mrs Holloway west
- 2 roods in Ames Furlong, land of William Britten west, William Lowndes east
- 1 acre in Licehill Feild in Licehill Furlong, land of Mr Lowndes east, William Townesend west
- 2 acres in the Cow Pasture of Shipton with common of pasture for 2 cows
To the use of James and Ann for their lives, then Ann's heirs in perpetuity. Rent 1s 3d, fine 10s.
[They sold this property to William Lowndes later in the year; see below]
[f.3r] John Shelton infant sought admission to 8 acres in the fields of Winslowe and Shipton which came into the lords' hands on the surrender of Joan Shelton his mother deceased according to a presentment made at the court on 26 Oct 1696. Rent 2s, fine 16s. Admitted as tenant, fealty respited.
[In 1696 Joan surrendered the land to her husband John until her son John was 21]
Frances Leach widow surrendered through the steward's hands the messuage in which John Spratley now lives scituate in Winslowe, the now domicile of Thomas Urlwin north-east, the common street on all other sides. To the use of Thomas Bishop of East Cleydon with Bottle Cleydon, Weaver, on condition that the surrender will be void if she pays him the full sum of £93 4s as follows: 44s on 25 Oct next, 25 April and 25 Oct 1699 and 1700, and £82 4s on 25 April 1701. Rent 4d, fine 5s. Thomas was admitted tenant.
[This could be what later became Grace's forge, surrounded by Horn Street, The Walk and Bell Walk; the adjacent property is mentioned below]
Charles King jr and Katherine his wife surrendered a cottage scituate in the Markett Place of Winslowe adjoining the messuage of John Greene called the Little Angell, with all appurtenances except the seat in the parish church of Winslowe belonging to it. To the use of William Gyles jr, on condition that the surrender will be void if they pay him the sum of £138 as follows: £6 on 25 April 1699 and 1700, £126 on 25 April 1701. Rent 3d, fine 5s. William was admitted tenant.
[Charles King acquired this from John Kenniston in 1694; according to a mortgage in 1692 by John to Samuel Norman he already lived in it. See below for another property adjacent to John Greene's.]
Benedict Scott (son and heir apparent of Robert Scott deceased and Ann his wife) and Elizabeth his wife and William Corbett surrendered a messuage lately in Benedict's occupation. To the use of John Wyatt of Grandborough, on condition that the surrender will be void if Benedict pays him the full sum of £20 10s on 26 October next in his now domicile in Grandborough. John was called and did not come. First proclamation made.
[John Wyatt was admitted as tenant at the court on 25 Oct]
Court baron, 2 Aug 1698
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/35
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with members. Court Baron of Charles Twittey and Samuel Brewster gent., fiduciaries of William Lowndes esq., 2 Aug 1698, by Nicholas Merwin, deputy steward
Homage: Henry Hughes, William Short, John Greene, William Hunt, William Bigg
John Henley, William Townesend, Thomas Ward, Henry Curtis, Thomas Oakley
Arthur Smith, John Hearne & Thomas Bett
Ordinances made by the inhabitants of Winslowe for the better regulation of common of pasture for the next 3 years, in English [not transcribed here, except;]
Richard Tring shall be Heardsman and Heyward for this year.
Simon Hogston, Daniell Gyles and Peter Lowndes the Younger shall be overseers of these orders.
[Regulations about the streets and roads follow]
Ordinances made at this Court for Winslowe
Imprimis It is Ordered that noe person or persons shall from henceforth permitt or Suffer his or their Stall Stallage or Stall Geere to be or remaine in the Markett place of Winslowe aforesaid Save upon the Markett day there upon payne for every one that shall make defaulte to forfeite and pay to the Lords of this Mannor Three Shillings and Four pence for every defaulte.
Item Whereas sev(er)all Com(m)oners haveing right of Com(m)on for Sheepe within the Com(m)onable Feildes of Winslowe aforesaid have contrary to the Custome of the said Mannor fraudulently demised such Com(m)on for some Few weekes or moneths which hath beene Prejudiciall to the Com(m)oners honestly Useing such Com(m)on Itt is thereof Ordered att this Court that noe person upon any pretence Whatsoever shall att any tyme hereafter demise his Sheepe Com(m)on to any person whatsoever for lesse tyme than Six moneths.
Item Itt is Ordered that the Widd(ow) Hams doe cause her Dunghill lyeing against her House in the Com(m)on Street to be removed out of the same within the Space of Fourteen dayes upon payne \to Forfeite/ to the Lords of this Mannor Three Shillings and Four pence One Moyety whereof by the Consent of the Lords of the said Mannor shall be given for the Use of the Highwayes of Winslowe aforesaid.
Item Itt is Ordered att this C(our)t att the sufferance of John Meakes that John Green Roger West William Kurby William Hunt George Elliott and John Hendley parte of this Jury doe meete together att the House of Robert Gibbs upon Munday the Seaventh day of November next ensueing And that they Veiwe and Sett out the Comp(laint) or Incroatchment made upon the Lands of the said John Meakes between the Lands of Wiliam Lowndes Esq. and William Gyles Sen(ior) And that the Jur(ors)above named certifie to this Co(urt) Baron how they finde the same att the next General Co(urt) Baron to be held for the said Mannor upon payne for everyone that shall make defaulte to Forfeite to the Lords of this Mannor Three Shillings and Four pence.
Item Itt is Ordered att this Co(urt) att the instance of Thomas Foster that William Gyles the Eld(er) Peter Lowndes John Green John Henley and Henry Townsend parte of this Jury doe meete together att the House of Robert Gibbs upon Munday the Seaventh day of November next ensueing And that they Veiwe and Sett out the Comp(laint) or Incroatchment made upon the ground of the said Thomas Foster by Benjamin Bigg att or neare a Tenement of the said Thomas Foster in the Occupacon of Richard Bendboe And that they the Jur(ors) above named doe Certifie to this Court how they finde the same att the next Generall Court Baron to be held for the Mannor aforesaid upon payne for everyone that shall make defaulte to fofeite to the Lords of this Mannor Three Shillings and Four pence.
Item Itt is Ordered att this Co(urt) att the Instance of Richard Letman that William Gyles the Elder Peter Lowndes John Green John Henley and Henry Townsend parte of this Jury doe meete together att the House of Robert Gibbe upon Munday the Seaventh day of November next ensueing And that they Veiwe and Sett out the Comp(laint) or Incroatchment made upon the ground of the said Richard Letman att Hollowe Furrowe and att the dwelling House of the said Richard Letman And that they the Jurors abovenamed doe Certifie to this Co(urt) how they finde the same att the next Generall Co(urt) Baron to be held for the Mannor aforesaid Upon Payne for every one that shall make defaulte to Forfeite to the Lords of this Mannor Three Shillings and Four pence.
[f.1v] 16 Noe person shall lay any Dunghill in any Markett place or any of the Common Streets of Winslowe and continue or suffer the same to remaine there by the Space of Fourteene dayes (except such Muck and Dung as shall be taken out of Pillowes Ditch).
Offenders will forfeit 3s 4d, half to the Surveyors of Highwayes for repaire thereof.
[Similar orders for Little Horwood follow]
Christopher Stutsbury has died since the last court. On 26 April last he surrendered through John Stutsbury and John Shelton the messuage with all yards, gardens, houses, maltings and outhouses in his own occupation, [blank] of John Shelton west, to the use of Elizabeth Stutsbury his wife in perpetuity, on condition that if she neglects or refuses to pay his debts and legacies to his children in his will, the messuage after her death is to be to the use of Henry Stutsbury his eldest son. If Henry refuses, to the use of Peter Stutsbury his youngest son. Elizabeth produced Christopher's will bearing date 15 Oct last. [recites will] She was admitted as tenant according to Christopher's surrender. Rent 5d, fine 5s, heriot by composition 30s.
[See Christopher's will, with legacies to his two sons and two daughters]
John Chittam and Ann his wife (who was examined by William Cherry, chief steward) out of court on 6 May last through the chief steward arable land, pasture and meadow in Winslowe and Shipton containing 11½ acres:
- ½ acre or a ridge in Shipton in the Redd Feild in Lower Breatch, land now or late George Elliott's east
- In Cockwell, 1 ridge, land now or late William Norman's north
- 1 ridge in the same furlong, land now or late William Norman's west
- In Short Varnham, 1 ridge, land now or late George Elliott's west
- In Wheedon Furlong, 1 ridge, land now or late Robert Elliott's south
- In Armesland, 1 ridge, land now or late Robert Elliott's west
- 1 ridge in Coppin moore Furlong
- 1 headland next to the land of George Elliott south
- 1 ridge in the same furlong, land now or late George Elliott's east
- 1 ridge in Coppin Moore with 6 perches of hedges, land of George Elliott north
- In Blackgrove Feild, 1 acre over Blackgrove, land now or late Charles Bowler's east
- In the Five Acres, 1 headland, land now or late George Elliott's east
- In Broade Waters, 2 ridges, land now or late George Elliott's south
- [f.2r] In Lice Hill Feild, 1 ridge over Upper Knowle, land lately George Elliott's south
- 1 ridge in Woodway, land of George Elliott on either side
- 1 ridge in Langland, land of George Elliott east
- 1 other ridge in the same furlong, land late John Miller's east
- ½ acre in the Redd Feild in a furlong called Mares Sladd, land now or late George Elliott's east
- In Lice Hill feild in Snout Furlong, a Thorowland, land lately [blank] Sherrock gent's east, and common of pasture for 2 cows in the Cow pasture of Shipton
- 1 acre of meadow in New loane in Shipton
- In Winslowe, 1 headland in Change Furlong, close lately Robert Scott's south
To the use of William Lowndes, who was present in court and sought admission. Rent 2s 9d, fine 20s, heriot [blank].
[William Lowndes paid £115]
John Henley and Katherine his wife surrendered 5 acres of arable land, uncultivated land and meadow in the common fields of Shipton:
- In the Redd Feild, 1 acre in Weed Furlong, land of Henry Townesend north
- ½ acre in Peas Furlong, land of William Lowndes esq east
- ½ acre more there, land of William Lowndes esq on each side
- In Blackgrove Feild, 1 acre in Beane Hill Furlong, land of William Lowndes on either side
- 1 acre in Reedon Furlong, land of William Lowndes east
- ½ acre in Littleton Furlong, land of William Lowndes east
- ½ acre in New leane Furlong, land of William Lowndes east
To the use of William Lowndes sr esq., who was present in court and sought admission. Rent 1s 3d, fine 10s.
[This was an exchange for some land listed below]
Charles Bowler of Fenny Stratford Yeoman, and Jane his wife and Charles Bowler of Winslow Cordwainer his son, surrendered a messuage in Shipton now in the occupation of Richard Cox, and 48 acres in Shipton now in the occupation of Richard Cox:
Blackgrove Feild:
- 2 ridges at Smithswell containing 1 acre
- 2 ridges at Bulls deane containing 1 acre
- 3 ridges at Five acres containing 1½ acres
- 3 ridges at Due Furlong containing 1 acre
- 2 ridges at New laine containing 1 acre
- 2 ridges at Gravel Pitts containing 1 acre
- 2 ridges at Gravel Pitts containing 1 acre
- 3 ridges at Durtland containing 1½ acres
- 3 ridges at Short Blackgrove containing 1 acre
- 2 acres at Meadside containing 1 acre
- 2 acres at Meadside containing 1 acre
- 2 leyes at the Picks containing 1 acre
- 1 ley or ridge at Smithswell containing ½ acre
- 1 ley or ridge at Headland Gapp containing ½ acre
- 1 ley or ridge at New laine containing ½ acre
- 2 leyes or ridges at Liddenton containing 1 acre
- 1 headley at Durtland containing ½ acre
The Redd Feild
- 2 ridges at Coppid Moore contaning 1 acre
- 1 ridge at Coppid Moore containing ½ acre
- 1 ridge at Bryar Furlong containing ½ acre
- 2 ridges at Amersland containing 1 acre
- 2 ridges at Amersland containing 1 acre
- 2 ridges at Amersland containing ¾ acre
- 2 ridges at Maresland containing 1 acre
- 6 ridges at Blackpitt contaning 3 acres
- 1 ridge at Loe containing ½ acre, lately in the possession of Thomas Henley
- 1 ridge at Walls containing ½ acre
- 1 ridge at Reddmoor containing ½ acre
- 1 ridge at Reddmoor containing ½ acre
- 1 ridge at Elmetree containing ½ acre
- 2 ridges at Lower Cley Furlong containing 1 acre
- 1 ridge at Pease Furlong containing ¼ acre
- 1 ridge at Snout Bush containing ½ acre
- land or ground at Foxton containing 1 acre
- 2 ridges at Reddmoore containing ½ acre
- 2 ridges at Sheffeildes Hedge containing ½ acre
Licehill Feild:
- 1 ridge at Knowle containing ½ acre
- 3 separate ridges at Snouth containing ½ acre each
- 2 separate ridges in Saltstreete containing ½ acre each
- 2 ridges at Woodway containing ½ acre
- 3 dispersed ridges in Langland containing ½ acre each
- 1 ridge at Drymeade containing ½ acre
- 1 ridge extending into Durtmeade Close containing ½ acre
- 3 ridges at Snouthale containing 1½ acres
- 1 ridge at Knowle containing ½ acre
- A close containing 1 acre near the king's highway from Winslowe to Shipton
- 1 ridge or ley at Out Furlong containing ½ acre
- 1 ridge or ley at Drymeade containing ½ acre
- Land containing 1 acre in Rushmeade
And all those lands containing 8 acres with common of pasture for 8 cows in the Cowpasture of Shipton, and all their other copyhold lands except for 2 ridges at Headland Gapp in the Redd Feild containing ½ acre lately in the possession of Richard Cox and now of Thomas Henley. To the use of William Lowndes sr esq., who was present in court and sought admission. Rent [blank], fine [blank].
[William Lowndes paid £550. According to his will made in 1724, Charles Bowler, cordwainer, still held 17 acres of land in Shipton which he divided between his younger children, and presumably more which went to his eldest son Charles.]
William Lowndes esq. surrendered 5 acres in the common fields of Shipton:
- In Licehill Feild, ½ acre lately Alice Mayne's in Langland, John Henley's land on each side
- ½ acre lately Richard Phipps' in the same furlong, John Henley's land west
- In the Redd Feild, ½ acre lately Alice Mayne's in Clay Furlong, John Henley's land west
- ½ acre lately Richard Phipps' in Peas Furlong, John Henley's land west
- ½ acre lately Richard Phipps' in Mareslad, John Henley's land on each side
- In Blackgrove Feild, 1 acre lately Alice Mayne's over Shade Furlong, John Henley's land on each side
- ½ acre with the Hade Butt belonging to it lately Alice Mayne's in the same furlong, John Henley's land west
- [f.2v] ½ acre lately Alice Mayne's in New laine Furlong, John Henley's land east
- ½ acre lately Richard Phipps' in Littleton Furlong, John Henley's land west
To the use of John Henley of Shipton, who was admitted as tenant. Rent 1s 3d, fine 10s.
[This was an exchange for 5 acres which John Henley surrendered to William Lowndes (see above) and shows that they were both trying to consolidate scattered strips of land]
Charles Bowler sr and Charles Bowler jr and Frances his wife surrendered a half-acre and half an acre [sic] of arable land and pasture in the common fields of Shipton in the Redd Feild in Pease Furlong extending over Licehill Feild, the land of Joseph Dandridge west. To the use of John Henley of Shipton who was admitted as tenant. Rent 4½d, fine 3s.
[Evidently an exchange for the land below:]
John Henley and Katherine his wife surrendered 1½ acres of arable land in the common fields of Shipton:
- In Licehill Feild, 1 acre in Woodway Furlong, land of William Townesend east
- In the Redd Feild, ½ acre in Stonny Stitch Furlong, land of Jane Townesend widow north
To the use of Charles Bowler jr of Winslowe Cordwayner, who was admitted tenant. Rent 4½d, fine 3s.
William Kent of Buckingham Tallowe Chandler and Sarah his wife surrendered a cottage scituate in the Markett Place of Winslowe now in the occupation of Joseph Glenister, the tenement of John Greene east, fronting north on the Markett Place. To the use of Joseph Glenister of Winslowe Grocer, who was admitted tenant. Rent 3d, fine 5s. William gave for heriot by composition 15s.
[See above for another property adjacent to John Greene's. John's was to the east of both the others, so presumably they formed a block with this one on the north side.]
Richard Tring and Margaret his wife and Sarah Hobcroft Spinster surrendered all that slipe or parcel of land in Winslowe between the houses and yards in the occupation of Richard Tring and Henry Hughes of Winslowe, lately burned by fire and rebuilt. And liberty to sett and place a post 6 inches square at the south end of Richard Tring's house. And liberty to sett and place piles [vacerras], posts and pales to range even and straight from the said post east to the post standing on Henry's mound. With the ground on which such fencing will stand and liberty to come over the ground of Richard, Margaret and Sarah to drive his Nailes homeward to mend the piles, posts and pales at all reasonable times whenever necessary. Reserving to Richard, Margaret and Sarah liberty at all reasonable times to come in the Chewar at the south end of Richard's house to mend the house whenever necessary. To the use of Henry Hughes of Winslowe Ironmonger, who was admitted tenant. Rent 1 peppercorn, fine [blank].
[A number of English phrases were used as well as their Latin equivalents. Richard's house appears to have been north of Henry's, which is probably not the property in Sheep Street he sold to William Lowndes in 1698 (see above).]
John Amborough of Winslowe surrendered the messuage now in his occupation with houses, maulthouses, malt kilnes, cisterns and yards (except the posts at the south end of the buildings). To the use of Joseph Meakes of Bourton in the parish of Buckingham Daryman [sic], on condition that the surrender will be void if John pays him the full sum of £115: 50s on 9 Feb and 9 Aug next, 9 Feb and 9 Aug 1699 and 9 Feb 1700, and £102 10s on 9 Aug 1700. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Richard Tring was elected Heardsman and Heyward of Winslowe.
Court baron and view of frankpledge, 25 October 1698
Centre for Bucks Studies D175/36
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with members. Court of View of Frankpledge with Court Baron of Charles Twitty and Samuel Brewster gent., fiduciaries of William Lowndes esq., 25 Oct 1698 10 William III, by Nicholas Merwin gent., deputy steward
Essoins: John Seaton carryer, Christopher Coates, Charles Bowler jr, [blank] Tomlin widow, Robert Stephens
[blank] Miller widow, James Woodward, Thomas Woodward, John Williatt, Benedict Holland att Pound
John Wyatt, Robert Manwearing with many other tenants
Thomas Foster, Joseph Rogers & Thomas Wainwright being residents
Complainants: none
Jurors for the lord king with the homage:
William Gyles sr, Peter Lowndes, John Greene, Roger West, William Kurby, William Hunt, George Elliott, John Henley
Henry Townesend, Thomas Rice, Philip Bayly, John Holland, John Rutland, Benedict Holland, John Stevens de Newhouse, John Bence
William Illing, Thomas Oakley, Arthur Smith, Robert Norman, Thomas Rutland, Thomas Mountague, William Stevens & William Shelton
Default: Tenants:
William Eding 2d, George Blake 4d, Richard Worsley 2d, Richard Seaton sr 2d, Thomas Blake 4d, John Keniston 2d, Robert Wyatt 2d
Thomas Wright 2d, William Bigg 2d, Robert Eding sr 2d, Grant Hewett 4d, Joseph Dandridge 3d, John Chennells 4d, Thomas Smyth 2d, [blank] Smalbones gent. 4d, [blank] King widow [no sum]
William Townesend 4d, John Wyatt 4d, [blank] Holloway gent. 4d, Richard North 4d, Thomas Kenwrick gent. 4d, William Bayly gent. 4d, Edward Markham 4d, Henry Curtice 4d, John Hodgekins 3d
John Cooper 4d, Joseph Cox 4d, John Hawkins 3d, John Varney 2d, Thomas Curtice 2d, Richard Barton 4d, John Deverell 2d, Robert Grainge sr gent. 6d, Robert Grainge jr gent. 6d, Benedict
Holland att Elme 4d, William Stephens att Tildehouse 2d, Ralph Stephens of Merston 3d & John Haynes 2d
Residents: Benjamin Dudley 4d, Emar Firth 3d, Thomas Urlwin 4d, John Spratley 4d, Joseph Collins 2d, William Firth 2d, Charles King sr 2d, Michael Ginger 2d, Richard Punn 2d, Thomas Prentice 4d
Joseph Dandridge 3d, Daniel Kirby 2d, Mark Morris 4d, Edward Smith 2d, Robert White 2d & Edward Swanhill 2d
Tithingman of Winslowe: David East in place of Edward Smyth deceased
Constable of Shipton: William Perkins in place of Henry Townesend
Tithingman of Shipton: William Glenister in place of John Parradine
John Parradine, tithingman of Shipton, paid 1s for non-appearance at the last court
Orders for Winslow and Granborough in English - to follow
Incroachments at Winslow in English - to follow
John Shelton late of Winslowe Labourer, Robert Eden sr late of the same Carpenter, and John Seaton sr late of Winslowe Butcher on 10 Sep 1698 by force and arms did lay 5 cartloads of wood and timber in the common streets of Winslowe, setting a bad example to all others, against the orders. Amerced 3s 4d each, of which the lords gave half to the overseers of the highways for repair thereof.
[By force and arms (vi et armis) was the formula traditionally used for misdemeanours brought before the manor court]
Thomas Urlwin late of Winslowe Mercer, William Edmonds late of the same Inholder, William Kurby late of the same Carryer, Samuel Norman late of the same Grocer, Thomas Smalbones late of the same Hatter, Stephen Bigg sr late of the same Blacksmith and Nicholas Pleastead late of the same Carryer on 20 Oct 1698 did lay 20 cartloads of Muck and Dung in the common streets of Winslowe for 40 days, against the orders. Amerced 3s 4d each, of which the lords gave half to the overseers of the highways for repair thereof.
[f.1v] William Lovett late of Winslowe Labourer, Thomas Guesse late of the same Yeoman, and Richard Letman late of the same Inholder on 1 Oct 1698 by force and arms in the common highway dug and carried away 10 cartloads of clay for their own private use, and did not fill up the places within 6 days according to the orders. Amerced 3s 4d each, of which the lords gave half to the overseers of the highways for repair thereof.
No person has the right to place and leave Stalls in the Markett Place of Winslowe except on Markett day only.
Thomas Blake gent (22s), George Blake (12s), John Seaton sr (7s), Philip Budd (3s), Thomas Bett (2s), Richard Reddell (2s), Robert Wyatt (1s) on 1 Oct last surcharged the common with horses in the fields of Winslowe, so were amerced.
William Eden, Joseph Glenister jr, William Greene Drover, George Blake and John Seaton Carryer surcharged the common with sheep in the fields of Winslowe, so were amerced 2d.
Thomas Bett, Henry Tims, Joseph Glenister, John Spratley, Richard Reddell, John Shelton, John Smalbones, Richard Bendboe, Walter Herbert and Michael Ginger each depastured a horse in the common fields of Winslowe against the orders. They paid to Simon Hogston, Daniel Gyles and Peter Lowndes the overseers of the orders 12d each, half to the overseers and half to the Heyward.
John Wyatt sought to be admitted tenant to the messuage which Benedict Scott and Elizabeth his wife and William Corbett at the court on 25 April last surrendered to his use according to the condition specified. Seisin granted. Rent [blank], fine 5s.
Robert Stevens of Shipton and Mary his wife surrendered 2 acres of Sweard ground lying together in the Redd Feild in Clay Furlong, the common highway lying west and the land of William Lowndes esq. east, with hedges on the north, east and west sides and all ditches, frontages, etc. To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster, who sought admission through John Wyatt his attorney. Rent 6d, fine 4s, fealty respited.
William Benson and Jane his wife surrendered 2 leyes belonging to and used with the house in the occupation of [blank] Glenister widow now in the possession of William Hunt, the orchard of Robert Gibbs and William Lowndes esq. on the south side, the land of John Chennells north. To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster, who sought admission through John Wyatt his attorney. Rent 3d, fine 2s, fealty respited.
John Chennells and Sarah his wife surrendered 3 acres of arable land, Ley, meadow and pasture in the common fields of Shipton:
- In Blackgrove Feild, a half-acre in Bewls Deane Furlong, the land of Mr Lowndes south-west
- a half-acre in Beane Hill Furlong, the land of Mr Lowndes north-west
- In the Redd Feild: 3 ridges at Sheffords Hedge containing 1 acre, the land of Mr Lowndes south-west
- 1 acre in the Cow Pasture with common of pasture for 1 cow
To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster, who sought admission through John Wyatt his attorney. Rent 9d, fine 6s, fealty respited.
James Brittaine and Ann his wife surrendered a cottage in Shipton and 5 acres of land:
- 1 acre of arable land in Blackgrove Feild in Swanbourne Style Furlong, the land of William Lowndes esq. south, William Townesend north
- 1 land in Redd Feild in Weed Furlong, the land of William Lowndes esq. north and Mrs Holloway east
- 2 roods in Ames Furlong, the land of William Britten west, William Lowndes east
- 1 acre in Licehill Feild in Licehill Furlong, the land of Mr Lowndes east, William Townesend north
- 2 acres in the Cow Pasture of Shipton with common of pasture for 2 cows
- and all other lands and holdings
To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster, who sought admission through John Wyatt his attorney. Rent 1s 3d, fine 10s, fealty respited. James gave for heriot by composition 10s.
[D/BASM/375/22/43/1 is an agreement by James Brittain and his wife to make this sale. The price was £110 + 2 guineas.]
Robert Gibbs sr, a customary tenant, and Alice his wife and Robert Gibbs jr surrendered an orchard or piece of land containing 2/3 acre in Winslowe, the orchard of Nicholas Merwin south, abutting east on the orchard of William Lowndes esq. lately acquired of Richard Letman, the orchard or land now or late Mrs Benson's in the occupation of William Hunt lying north, the road lying on the west side. To the use of William Lowndes of Westminster, who sought admission through John Wyatt his attorney. Rent [blank], fine 1s 4d, fealty respited.
[f.2r] Francis Dorsett surrendered 2 acres of arable land in the common fields of Winslowe:
- In Old Mill Feild at Old Mill Furlong, 1 acre, the land of William Gyles sr west, William Lowndes esq. east
- 3 ridges in Short Deane Hill Furlong, the land of Mr John Townesend south, Thomas Kirby north
To the use of Samuel Norman of Winslowe Grocer and Martha his wife for their lives, and Samuel's heirs and assigns forever. Samuel and Martha were present in court and sought admission. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
Thomas Bett and Elizabeth his wife surrendered 2 acres of arable land in the common fields of Winslow, in Demoram Feild in Towne Furlong, the land of Robert Wyatt west. To the use of William Kirby of Winslowe Carryer and Jane his wife, who were present in court and sought admission. Rent 6d, fine 4s.
Thomas Brickwell of Swanbourne and Priscilla his wife surrendered a messuage in the Sheepe Streete of Winslowe adjoining the house of Thomas Deeley on the east side, with privilege to go in and through the gate with carts and horses and flocks (Hostry horses and sheep only excepted). Reserving for Benjamin Bigg of Winslowe the liberty to use the well now within the premises. To the use of Thomas Foster of Winslowe Tallow Chandler and Elizabeth his wife, who were present in court and sought admission. Rent 4d, fine 5s, heriot by composition 12s.
[This seems to refer to property next to The Bell]
[f.2v] James Hunt and Ann his wife and John Plomer and Alice his wife surrendered a messuage now in the occupation of Thomas Urlwin, scituate in the vill of Winslowe, the common street lying south, north and east, the tenement of [blank] Leach widow west. To the use of Peter Lowndes jr who sought admission. Fine waived, he did fealty, admitted as tenant.
A procedure of common recovery followed. Robert Gibbs complained against Peter Lowndes on a plea of land. James and Ann Hunt called to warrant John and Alice Plomer. John and Alice called to warrant William Bigg. It was decided that Robert should recover seisin against Peter. Robert Gibbs sr the minister of the court certified that he had delivered seisin to Robert Gibbs jr.
Afterwards Robert, Peter, James and Ann, John and Alice surrendered the messuage to the use of James Hunt and Ann his wife and John Plomer and their heirs, who sought admission. Rent and fine [blank].
Afterwards James and Ann and John and Alice surrendered the messuage to the use of John Spratley of Winslowe Tallow Chandler and Jane his wife for the term of their lives, then the eldest son begotten by John on Jane, or the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th son, or the eldest daughter or daughters, or for want of such children to the heirs and assigns of the one living longer. Rent 3d, fine 5s.
[This appears to be the present 3-5 Market Square (known later as the Butter Market); Frances Leach's adjacent premises are mentioned above. The Hunts and Plomers also seem to have been co-owners of The Bell (see below), as heirs of Henry Pym (d.1667). Dorothy Pym married John Plomer at Stone in 1668 and was buried there in 1671; John Plomer (b.1669) was her son.]
James Hunt and Ann his wife surrendered half a messuage (in which William Edmonds, David East, William Shelton and [blank] Hams widow now dwell separately) commonly called the Bell Inn, with all houses, buildings, structures, malthouses, barns, stables, yards, orchards, gardens, backyards, sheep penns, ways, waters and watercourses. And half of 1½ acres of land belonging to it. And all their other hereditaments in Winslowe. To the use of Stephen Bigg sr of Winslowe Blacksmith, who sought admission. Rent [blank], fine 5s, heriot by composition 5s.
Francis Dorsett surrendered 3½ acres of arable land in the common fields of Winslowe:
- In Demoram Feild: 1 acre at Tuckey Hill, Samuel Norman west
- In Newmill Feild: 1 acre at Orrell Hill, Mr Thomas Blake's north; ½ acre more there, Mr Blake north
- Old Mill Feild in Coldam Furlong: 3 ridges containing 1 acre, William Lowndes esq.'s north
To Francis' use for his life, then to Robert Dorsett his son in perpetuity. Rent [blank], fine 7s.
Signed: Nicho: Merwin. plus postea
[f.3r] Charles Bowler sr surrendered 2 acres of arable land in the common fields of Shipton in Redd Feild at a place called Headland Gapp, the land of Martha Beckley east, Charles Bowler jr west. To the use of Charles Bowler jr of Winslowe Cordwayner, who sought admission. Rent 1½d, fine 1s.
Philip Bayly and Mary his wife surrendered a cottage now in his own occupation (the shop belonging to it excepted) to the use of Richard Wiseman of Bourton in the parish of Buckingham Daryman. On condition that the surrender will be void if they pay him the full sum of £30 15s on 26 April following at his dwelling in Bourton. Richard sought admission. Rend 6d, fine 5s.
Thomas Rice and Elizabeth his wife surrendered a piece of Sweard ground containing 3 acres at Westerne Willowes, the land of John Seaton sr east. To the use of Robert Wyatt of Winslowe Butcher. On condition that the surrender will be void if they pay him the full sum of £42 on 26 Oct 1699. Robert was called and did not come.
2nd proclamation made for Robert Meade.
End of this court
Signed: Nicho: Merwin
Court baron, 7 November 1698
[f.1r] Manor of Winslowe with members. Court Baron of Charles Twitty and Samuel Brewster gent., fiduciaries of William Lowndes esq., 7 Nov 1698 10 William III, by Peter Goldsworth gent., deputy steward
Essoins: none
Complainants: none
Homage: William Gyles sr, Peter Lowndes, Joseph Glenister
William Hunt, Thomas Wright, Robert Reading
John Henley, Richard Letman, Robert Eden sr
Robert Wyatt, Philip Budd & William Spooner sr
Nicholas Merwin gent. and Elizabeth his wife surrendered all their orchard or piece of land scituate in Winslow containing 2/3 acre, the land or orchard of William Lowndes esq. lately acquired of Robert Gibbs and Richard Letman lying north, the land or orchard of William Lowndes esq. lately acquired of William Shelton east, the garden of William Lowndes south, the land of Nicholas Merwin on which the road is there west. To the use of William Lowndes esq. of Westminster, who sought admission through John Wyatt his attorney. Rent 2d, fine 1s 4d, fealty respited.
[f.3r] William Spooner sr surrendered a close of pasture or Sweard ground containing 3½ acres in Newmill Feild called Upper Mill Close, the lane there lying east, the land called Little Hill west, the close of William Lowndes esq. called Lower Mill Close south, except for 2 ridges and part of a hade belonging to Mr Thomas Blake. To the use of William Lowndes esq. of Westminster, who sought admission through John Wyatt his attorney. Rent 10½d, fine 7s, fealty respited.
[William Lowndes acquired Lower Mill Close from the Spooners in 1696]
End of this court
Signed: Peter Goldsworth