Thomas Ingram, father and son, of Winslow and North Marston
A note by Ed Grimsdale
Thomas Ingram senior was a leading figure in late 18th century Winslow. We know that he was a churchwarden in 1777 as his name is inscribed as such on one of the church bells along with those of John Gibbs and John Dudley. You’ll note his name is on the subscription list for Winslow of 1798 – he contributed one guinea towards England’s defence in the Napoleonic Wars. Thomas Ingram had farming interests and kept Tuckey Farm until 1800, but by the time of the Posse Comitatus in 1798 he’d probably diversified into carrying as he owned six horses, one wagon and two carts.
Thomas Ingram snr died in 1809 (see his will). He was succeeded by his son, another Thomas.
In 1812 Thomas Ingram jnr decided to sell his carrying business. It had been known for several years as the Buckingham & Winslow Butter Waggons and operated regularly, twice a week, carrying butter and other perishable commodities from Buckingham and Winslow through Aylesbury to London. The advertisements listed the firm’s assets: waggons, horses, harness, butter-flays, & cloths. The whole opened opportunity to anyone wishing "to engage in the Carrying business; the Concern being supported by a considerable number of Gentlemen, Dairymen and Traders… The horses [are] principally young, well seasoned and in high condition."
The advert suggested that the existing Winslow premises of Mr Ingram might be available from William Lowndes of Whaddon Hall. It consisted of a "very convenient and roomy Dwelling House with a large Yard and Garden, extensive barns and other outbuildings [probably the former Tithe Barn in Parson's Close] plus three closes (6 acres) of rich, old pasture". Mr Ingram, we’re told, was "taking a farm". Another advert that lists household effects for sale conforms that Mr Ingram was "leaving the town". One suspects that he moved to North Marston where a Thomas Ingram, possibly his son, was the local Overseer for the Winslow Union in 1842. A Sale of 53 acres of land in North Marston occurred in December, 1846. The land had been owned by the late John Dover and was "in the occupation of Mr Thomas Ingram".
Northampton Mercury, 18 & 25 April 1812
Buckingham and Winslow Butter Waggons in full Trade,
THE GOOD WILL of the CARRYING BUSINESS, with the WAGGONS, HORSES, HARNESS, BUTTER-FLAYS, CLOTHS, &c. belonging to the BUCKINGHAM AND WINSLOW BUTTER WAGGONS, which now, and for several Years past, have regularly started twice a Week from Buckingham through Winslow and Aylesbury to London.
The above is a very desirable Opportunity for a Person wishing to engage in the Carrying Business, the Concern being supported by a considerable Number of Gentlemen, Dairymen, and Tradesmen of the greatest Respectability, and is now in full Trade. — The Horses principally are young, well seasoned, and in high Condition.
For further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. THOMAS INGRAM, the Proprietor, at Winslow, Bucks (who has taken a Farm to which he intends shortly removing), or Mr. CHARLES WILLIS, Solicitor, of the same Place.
The Purchaser may, by applying to WILLIAM LOWNDES, Esq., of Whaddon-Hall, be accommodated with the Premises now occupied by Mr. Ingram, situate in Winslow aforesaid, which consist of a very convenient and roomy Dwelling-House, with a large Yard and Garden, extensive Barns and Stables, and other necessary Outbuildings; also, three Closes of rich old Pasture Ground, containing about six Acres, and the Whole together forms a most pleasant and comfortable Residence, with very suitable Convenience for exercising the Carrying Business.
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