Will of John Adam of Wynslowe, 1517 (proved 1520)
Herts RO 2AR176
In nomine dei Amen. Be it knowen that I John Adam in a hole & stedfast mynde make my testament in this man(er). First I bequethe my soule to almyghty god to his blessed mod(er) Mary & to all the holy co(m)pany of hevyn & my body to buryed in the churchyard of saint Laurence of Wynslowe. It(e)m I bequethe to the mother church of saint Alban iiij d. Item to the high awt(er) in the churche of saint Laurence in Wynslow a boshell of malt. It(e)m to ev(er)y awt(er) in the same church a boshell malt. It(e)m to the bells a bushell malt. Item to the torches a boshell malt. It(e)m I bequethe to my son Richard Adam the yong(er) a cofer that standith at my beddstete a brasse pott & a bras pan ij plats of the best a canstyk oon of the best a cov(er)lett & a pair of shets next the best a blankett & a course pair shets. It(e)m I bequethe to the same Richard all my weryng geyre It(e)m I bequethe to Alice my dought(er) in mony vj s viij d It(e)m I will & charge myn executor to kepe ev(er)y moneth dirige & masse the space of xij monthes next after my dep(ar)tyng for my soule & all cristen soules The residue of all my goods to Richard Adam my eldest son myn executor to dispose as he thynketh best for my soulle & all cristen soules. Also I wyll that Walt(er) Palm(er) & Thomas Leyche be ov(er)sears & ev(er)y of them to have for their labor viij d This will made the xxth day of December the yere of our lord mdxvij.
[Probate granted 22 May 1520 to the executor]
John Adam appears to have had two sons called Richard.