Will of William Adames, husbandman, 1565 (proved 1566)

Herts RO 6AR292

In dei no(m)i(n)e ame(n).  The last day of October in the year of oure lorde god m ccccc lxv I Willia(m) Adames of Winslowe in the countie of Bucks husmanma(n) beinge of god and p(er)fytt memorye thankes be yeven to god do make & ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme Followinge  First I bequethe my soll to allmightie god and my bodye to be buriede in the churcheyarde of Winslowe aforsaid  Item I bequethe to the mother churche of St. Albones ij d  and to the mayntenance of the belles of Winseloe xij d  Item I geve to the poore mens boxe xij d  Item I bequethe to mye sonne Edwarde xl s and iiij shepe  Item to Jone Folde my doughter \by cowe/ and xl s  Item, I geve to mye father in lawe Edward Mayne a lambe and I geve to eche of mye doughters childerne aforsaide a cowe bullock a pece  Item I geve to mye godsonne Thomas Adames a sheppe and to John Jone Biggs a lambe  The reste of mye goods unbequethed I geve to my wyffe Jone whome I ordayne and make my sole executrix of this my laste will and Testament and she to have the gov(er)nance of mye childerne and ther porcyons untyll they come to lawfull agge  Wittness to this my p(res)ented will: Thomas Adams Edwarde Mayne Richard Edmonds and Anne Hawkyns

[Probate granted 18 June 1566]

Inventory of William Adams, 1565

Herts RO A25/611

The Inventory of the goods of William Adams deceased ye xth of Nove(m)ber yn the yere of o(ur) lord god 1565 p(ry)ced by William Tomlyns, Nicholas Lunt, Walter Hawkins & Rich(ard) Edmo(n)ds[?]

In the haule
In pr[i]mis a brasse potte p(ri)ce
ij s vj d
Item ij kettles p(ri)ce
iij s iiij d
Item iiij platters and one pewt(er) dishe
iij s iiij d
Item one Candelsticke p(ri)ce
vj d
In the chamber
Item iiij parre of sheetes p(ri)ce
xij s
Item one table clothe iij napkins
xx d
Item a matterys ij cov(er)letts & ij blanckts
ix s
Item three Cofers p(ri)ce
iiij s
Item ij cotes a gyrkyn & a pare of hose
viij s
Ite(m) ij sherts & a doublett
iij s iiij d
In the yearde
Item ij mares p(ri)ce
xx s
Item ij beaste & ij calves
xl s
Item ij showtes p(ri)ce
ij s viij d
Item xxviij shepe p(ri)ce
iij li 14s 8d
Item ij acres of wheate in the field
xiij s 4d
Item xij busshells of beanes
x s
Item ij tubbes & ij kevers
iij s iiij d
Item a Trevett & a gridyron
xvj d
Item an olde chayle p(ri)ce
xij d
Item ij lyvery bordes
ij s
Item carte & carte gere [deletion]
v s
Item ij parre of harrowes
iiij s
S(um)ma totalis
xj[?] li xj[?]s


William Adams was buried at Winslow on 5 Nov 1565.

by = my; the insertion replaced an erased word, possibly "myekowe"

lyvery: livery, probably in the sense of provision of food to servants etc.