Will of Thomas Adams of Little Horwood, maltster, 1704/5 (proved 1706/7)

National Archives PROB 11/492/210

In the Name of God Amen the twentieth day of January in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Seaven hundred and four I Thomas Adams of Little Harwood in the County of Bucks Malster being of sound mind and perfect memory commending \my/ Soul to God thro(ugh) Christ and committing my body to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executrix doe in Relation to my Temporall Estate dispose thereof and ordaine and constitute this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme as followeth First I give and bequeath unto William Adams one of my sonns the full Summe of twenty pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto him the said William or to his Executors Administrators or Assignes by my Executors hereafter named in manner following (that is to say) tenn pounds part thereof within the space of one yeare next following after my Decease and tenn pounds the remaining part thereof at or before the Decease of my said Executrix or within twelve monethes next after my said Executrix day of marriage to any person whatsoever which shall soe first happen Item I give and bequeath unto Anthony Adams one other of my Sonns the full Sum(m)e of thirty pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto him the said Anthony or to his Executors Adm(ini)strato(r)s or Assignes by my Executrix hereafter named in manner following (that is to say) twenty poundes part thereof within the space of one yeare next following after my Decease and tenn pounds the remaining part thereof at or before the Decease of my said Executrix or within twelve monethes next after my said Executrixes day of marriage to any person whatsoever which shall soe first happen Item I give and bequeath unto John Adams one other of my Sonns (who is at present beyond the Seas soe farr as I know of him) the full Summe of tenn pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto him the said John Adams by my Executrix hereafter named within one yeare after my Decease if he comes into England at or before the time of Payment before named or if he comes not by that time and yet shall afterwards come over at anytime within the space of four yeares after the time of payment before named to be paid to my said Sonn John by my said Executrix Item I give and bequeath unto Charles Adams my Grandchild (the only Sonn of Henry Adams) one other of my Sonns lately Deceased) the full Summe of twenty pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto him the said Charles by my Executrix hereafter named in manner following (that is to say) tenn pounds part thereof within the space of one yeare after my Decease next following and tenn pounds the remaining part thereof at or before the Decease of my said Executrix or within twelve monethes next after my said Executrixes day of marriage to any person whatsoever which shall soe first happen Provided he the said Charles shall have accomplished to the full age of one and twenty yeares by the times of payment before named or shall afterwards accomplish to the said age to be then paid by my said Executrix viz the whole Summe of twenty pounds And if it shall happen that he the said Charles doe depart this life before he accomplish to the full age of one and twenty yeares as aforesaid then my will and meaning is and then I give and bequeath the Summe of tenn pounds of lawfull English money part of the said Summe of twenty pounds given to Charles aforesaid unto Susan Adams my daughter in Law and mother to the said Charles to be paid by my Executrix hereafter named at or before the Decease of my beloved wife Elizabeth Adams Item I give and bequeath unto Benjamin Martin my Grandchild (the only Son of my beloved Daughter Elizabeth Martin deceased) the full Sum(m)e of tenn pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto him the said Benjamin by my Executrix hereafter named when he shall accomplish to the full age of one and twenty yeares Item I give and bequeath unto my eldest Sonn Robert Adams the Summe of tenn shillings to be paid unto him the said Robert Adams within the space of one yeare next following after my Decease by my Executrix hereafter named Item all the rest and residue of my Personall Estate Goods and Chattells whatsoever moveable and unmoveable my Debts being first paid and my Funerall expences discharged I doe give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Elizabeth Adams whom I doe make appoint and ordaine full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I doe further more desire my said Executrix that what shall accrew or come to her hands by her said Executorship over and above the Legacyes before in this my last Will menc(i)oned and besides the maintaining of herself dureing her life that she at or before her Death doe give to hers and my Grandchildren somewhat alike and not to give it all to any one of them but if they or any of them shall come by any misfortune either by Fire or breaking of their Limbs or any other Calamity whatsoever I shall leave that to her owne discretion to looke upon such a Child according as she is able In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale and published this my last Will and Testament the day and yeare above written

Tho(mas) Adams

Signed sealed published and declared to be the last Will and Testament of Thomas Adams in the presence of us Samuell Foster   Jane Hughes

Proved at London 23 January 1706 by the oath of Elizabeth Adams Widow of the deceased and Executrix.


Thomas was buried at Little Horwood on 10 Nov 1706. His eldest son Robert was baptised there in 1677. Elizabeth Adams the widow was buried at Little Horwood in 1710.

Copyright 19 December, 2020