Probate of Joan Albyn, 1440
Herts RO 1AR34
[Translated from Latin]
The will of Joan Albyn of Wynslowe was proved on the Tuesday before Michaelmas [27 Sep] AD 1440. And administration of the goods of the said will was entrusted to Thomas Peris and John Cowper, executors of the said deceased, sworn in form of law.
Joan Albyn, daughter of William son of Robert Albyn, is recorded in the Court Books of 1440 (WMCB p.605) as surrendering a cottage and 10½ acres of land to Alice, wife of Thomas Tomlyn alias Pyers, for her life, after which they were to be sold. This must have been a deathbed surrender although it is not recorded as such. Joan paid gersum for the holding in 1437 (p.586), so she was presumably aged about 20 when she died. Alice may have been her mother. Her father William had made a deathbed surrender in her favour in 1420.
John Lane's will was proved at St Albans on the same day.