Herts RO 2AR176
[translation from Latin] In the name of God amen. In the year 1519 on 10 July I John Alyn, sound of mind and of healthy memory, make my will in this manner. First I bequeath my soul to almighty God, lady Mary the virgin and all the saints, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of the holy Laurence of Wynslowe. Item I bequeath to the high altar of the same holy place [sacellum] two bushels of barley. Item to the altar of the lady virgin Mary 2 bushels of barley. Item to the altar of the visitation of the most blessed Mary 2 bushels of barley. Item to the altar of the Trinity the same amount. Item to the \altar/ of the holy Thomas the same amount. Item for funeral rites 2 bushels of barley. Item to the bells four bushels of barley. Item to the light of the Crucifix 2 bushels of barley. Item to the shrine of the holy Alban one bushel of barley. The residue of my goods not bequeathed I give and bequeath to Joan my wife whom I appoint my executrix to dispose for my soul, and Thomas Miller supervisor (to do) as seems msot expedient to them. With these witnesses: Master Richard Stratton the vicar, Thomas Miller with other neighbours.
Probate granted 22 May 1520 by the master commissary stated above. And administration was entrusted to the executrix named in the same will.