Will of Hannah Anson of Granborough, 1767
National Archives, PROB 11/933/350
In the Name of God Amen I Hannah Anson of Grandborough in the county of Bucks being weak in body but of sound Mind and Memory praised be God for the same do make this my Will as followeth first and principally I Recommend my Soul to God hopeing through the Merits of Jesus Christ to obtain Remission of all my sins and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter mentioned First I Give and bequeath to my Brother John Butcher my House in which I now dwell to him and his heirs and also Ten pounds and to \my Brother Ten pounds and to/ Stephen Gilks five pounds to Ann Coles five pounds and the Land of William Morecraft Mortgaged to me lying in Grandborough fields I Give to the six poorest Widows of Grandborough that is to say the Interest or yearly Rents for ever and I Give to Ann Norman and her Daughter Sarah my striped Gown and light coloured quilt two under petticoats my best cloak and best Coat and to Ann Gilks my blue quilted petticoat and to Ann Coles my brown Gown and brown quilt and as to my personal Effects Moneys and all Estates not before given I Give and bequeath to John Stevens Farmer of Grandborough aforesaid and I make and ordain the said John Stevens my sole Executor and I make and ordain this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I Hannah Anson Testatrix have hereunto set my hand and seal this nineteenth[?] day of May in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and sixty seven.
The mark of Hannah Anson.
Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of us whose Names are hereunto subscribed as Witnesses and in the presence of Hannah Anson Testatrix
John Stevens George Stevens John Read
Proved at London on 24th November 1767 before Francis Simpson Doctor of Laws by the oath of John Stevens Executor to whom Administration was granted having been first sworn to Administer.
Hannah's surname is given as Hanson in the Granborough parish register: she was buried in June 1767, and Robert Hanson was buried in January of that year. Robert Hanson married Hannah Butcher at Whitchurch in 1725. The name was recorded as Anson in the Winslow Court Book.