Will of Richard Bonyon of Wynslowe, 1540 (proved 1543)
Herts RO 5AR56
In dei no(m)i(n)e amen in the yere of oure lord god m vc xl I Ric(hard)
Bonyon beynge hole of memorye & mynd thankyd be god & sycke yn bodye
Doe ordeyne & make this my last wyll the xxixth Daye of June in the yere
before named, Fyrst I bequeth my sowle to allmightye god &c & my body to
be buryed yn the churchyard of Seynt Lawrence of Wynslowe, also to the
mother churche of Seynt Albans iiij d, It(em) to the hye aut(er) of the churche of
Seynt Lawrence of Wynslowe ij bushells malt, It(em) to the Rod lyght to the
bells & the torchys (½) quart(er), ij bushells to the Rod, a bushell to the torchys
& a bushell to the bells, also I wyll that Rob Ric(hard) Botton[?] or who that
shall injoye my house aft(er) the Decease of me & my wife shall yerely
by the space of iiij yeres aft(er) Dystrybute yn the name of an obytt to pore
folks iij s a yere Durynge the iiij yeres, The rest of all my goods not
bequest I wyll to Alys my wife & John Boton Whome I make myn Executors
to dyspose as they thynke best for my Souls helthe & all chrysten soules, wytnes
to the Same S(ir) Will(ia)m Hobbys curat John Boston Bayle, John Palmer John
Boton wyth other mo(re)
[Probate granted to the executors 18 April 1543]