Will of Richard Bell of Wynslow, 1506
Herts RO 2AR129
[Latin] In dei nomine Amen xxo die mensis maii anno domini mcccccvjo Ego Ricardus Bell de Wynslow in com’ Buck’ mentis p(ro)sp(er)’ tamen corpore eger condo testamentum meum in hunc modum. In primis do animam meam deo omnipotenti beate Marie & omnibus sanctis corpusque meum sepeliend’ in cimiterio Sancti Laurencii martiri in Wynslow predict’ Item lego nomine mortuarii mei hoc quod ius requirit Item lego feretro sancti Albani ij d Item lego torchiis in ecclesia predict’ de Wynslow comburend’ circa corpus meum in die sepulture mee xij d Item lego campanis in dicta ecclesia xij d Item lego luminaribus dicte ecclesie xvj d Residuum vero omnium bonorum meorum supra non legat’ do & lego Johanne uxori mee quam ordino facio & constituo meam veram executricem ut ipsa disponat pro salute anime mee ut ei melius videatur expedire hiis testibus Johanne Palmer de dicta villa Nicho Wendilborowe & Rico Davy vicinis ibidem dum vixit ad dict’ sp’i’alit’ vocat’ & rogat’ dat’ die mens’ & anno supradict’
[translation] In the name of God amen. On 20 May in the year of the Lord 1506 I Richard Bell of Wynslow in the county of Bucks, prosperous in mind although sick in body, make my will in this way. First I give my soul to almighty God, the Blessed Mary and all the saints, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of St Laurence the Martyr in Wynslow aforesaid. Item I bequeath in the name of my mortuary that which right requires. Item I bequeath to the shrine of St Alban ij d. Item I bequeath for torches in the aforesaid church of Wynslow, to be burned around my body on the day of my burial xij d. Item I bequeath to the bells in the said church xij d. Item I bequeath to the lights of the said church xvj d. The residue indeed of all my goods not bequeathed above I give and bequeath to Joan my wife, whom I ordain, make and appoint my true executrix, so that she may dispose for the salvation of my soul as seems to her most expedient. With these witnesses: John Palmer of the said vill, Nicholas Wendilborowe and Richard Davy, neighbours in the same place while he lived, specially called and asked to the said things. Given on the day, month and year stated above.
[Probate granted 9 June 1506 to the executrix]