Will of John Brand, ship's captain, 1815 (proved 1818)
National Archives PROB 11/1601
In the Name of God Amen. I John Brand at present Master of the Ship Grantham bound for Berbice and whose residence when in England is at Winslow in the County of Buckingham Do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following. First I give my soul to God to hoping by the merits of my Saviour to obtain a Blessed Eternity Secondly I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Brand all my property real and personal that I may die possessed of after \the/ payment of my lawful Debts for her sole use and benefit. My Close of Land and dwelling house Outhouses and Garden in the Parish of Winslow aforesaid with all money outstanding debts any interest I have or may have in Ship or Ships or Vessels of any kind whatsoever and profitts from any benefit of this my property my Brother Andrew Brand of Renfrew Sister Cusins or any person or persons of whatever degree of kin they may be to me provided in one year after my decease is known my said wife Sarah Brand pays or causes to be paid to my aforesaid brother Andrew Brand of Renfrew aforesaid provided he survives the Sum of thirty Pounds Sterling of good and lawful money of Great Britain and also in one year my said Wife Sarah shall pay or cause to be paid unto my sister Janet Brand of Renfrew aforesaid twenty Pounds Sterling which I hope she my said wife will do to prevent any dispute after my decease my said wife may either life at Winslow or where it is most convenient for herself and that the whole of the Property I may leave at my death over and above the two Legacies above mentioned is at her own disposal to keep or to dispose of as she thinks most for her own benefit begging her to be kind to my God-daughter Maria the daughter of my C(o)usin James Robertson of Bowers Street Commercial Road in the County of Middlesex Watch-maker having now disposed of all my Worldly Goods I hope sincerely that no informality of or in this my last Will \quite/ in any way whatsoever affect the interest of my Wife as it is my desire she may be left in full and peaceable possession of all my lands houses furniture Plate Linen Books Wearing Apparel and of all I did possess of be it what it may. In Witness of the truth of this being my last Will I have signed the same in presence of three Witnesses hereby making null and void any Will made by me in former times Dated this 14th day of February 1815 at Ryde Isle of Wight.
[signed] Jno Brand LS Witnesses Thomas Lowe John Stephens Wm Lowe
Proved at London 20th February 1818 before the Worshipful Samuel Pearce Parson Dr of Laws and Surrogate by the Oath of Sarah Brand Widow the Relict and Executrix according to the tenor to whom admin(istration) was granted having been first sworn duly to administer.
Berbice was acquired by Britain from the Dutch in 1782-3, 1796-1802 and finally in 1815; it later became part of British Guiana (now Guyana).
John Brand owned some property at Swanbourne which he purchased in 1817 from Robert Seaton of Thirsk (abstract of title = Centre for Bucks Studies D/FR/8/6/3). This descended to his brother Andrew Brand of Glasgow, yeoman, who sold the premises in 1819, along with John's widow Sarah, by then "of Camberwell".