Will of John Burd, labourer, 1625
Herts RO 8AR142
In the name of god Amen, I John Burd of Winslow in the Countie of Bucks Labourer being sicke in body but in p(er)fect memorie, thanks be given to god doe make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in m(an)n(e)r and forme following that is to say First I Com(m)end my Soule to Allmightie God my Creator and maker and to Jesus Christe my Saviour and Redeemer by whose precious death and blood shedding I trust to be saved and by no other meanes and my body to the Earth It(e)m whereas Mr Edmond Maior the elder of Cowlie in the Countie of Bucks gent doth owe unto me x li by his bond and also xx s for the Consideraco(n) thereof I doe give unto my sonn Thomas Burd iij s thereof It(e)m I give unto Will(ia)m Burd his sonn the xx s that is due for the use thereof. It(e)m I give unto Christopher Burd my sonn jx pounds of the said tenn pounds It(e)m I give unto Will(ia)m Burd his sonn the other twentie shillings to be paid within one yeare after my decease [provided that?] both Thomas and Christopher for themselves and their sonns shall recover the said x li and not trouble my Executor with it It(e)m I give unto my Daughter Ursula the sume of viij li w(hi)ch her husband oweth for a Cowe he bought of me It(e)m I give her also the iij li w(hi)ch her husband borrowed of mee It(e)m I give unto my daughter Maries Children except him or her of them that shalbe heyre to their Fathers house xx li to be paid within one yeare after my decease and to be equally devided amongst them And p(re)sently after my decease to be lett fourth to and for theire best use by theire parents with the Consent of my Ov(er)seers untill they Come to xxj yeares of age and then to have it to theire owne use or uses but the heyre to the house to have no part of the said xx li And if any of them dye before they Come to age then that part to remaine and to be equally devided amongst them that are liveing and to be lett out as aforesaid Also I give amongst the said Childre(n) a Cow wh(i)ch is in theire fathers keepeing the value of her to be equally devided amongst them It(e)m I gaie unto my daughter Elizabethes Children xx li to be paid within one yeare after my decease and to be equally devided amongst them Also a Cow w(hi)ch theire Father hath of mine the price of her to be equally devided And to be lett out by theire parents with the Consent of my Overseers until they Come to the age of xxj years And then to make use of it themselves And if any of them dye in the meane time theire part to be equally devided amonst the rest. But my will is that w(hi)ch soever of them shalbe heyre unto theire Fathers house shall have no part of this my gift It(e)m I give to my daughter Elizabeth All my bedding except the featherbed w(hi)ch I doe lye on and the boulster belonging unto it and my worst Coverlett w(hi)ch said featherbed boulster and Coverlett I give unto my daughter Marie Item I give unto my daughters Mary and Elizabeth All my bees to be equally devided betweene them And each part after theire decease unto theire daughters Also I give unto my daughter Mary a table cloath a Christening sheete and a pillow beere It(e)m I give all the rest of my bedding and linnen whatsoever I have in the house unto my daughter Alice Also I give unto her a Chest and the worst Cupbord And after her decease I give unto her daughter Ursula the said Cheste and unto her daughter Alice the Cupbord It(e)m I give to my daughter Elizabeth my cloake to make her A Coate And my suite of Apparell to her husband It(e)m I give unto Will(ia)m Burroughes my sonn in law All the rest of my Apparell The residue of all my goods and Chattells moveables and unmoveables And my debts oweing met (my legacies being paid, my mortuarie, if any be due, the probat(i)on of my will being allowed and paid and all man(ner) of Charges dueties discharged as dueties to the Church and Charges att my burial bestowed and allowed out of my said residue of my goods I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary whome I doe make my Executrix of this my last Will and testament Furthermore my will is that my debts shalbe equally devided betwixt my two daughters Mary and Elizabeth Allso I give unto my daughter Maries daughter whose name is Mary after my daughters decease the feather bed and boulster to it and a warmeing pan and I doe make for my Overseers Thomas George of Padberry in the Countie of Bucks Yeoman and John Foster of Winslow in the foresaid Countie Baker of this my will In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale dated this ixth day of February in the yeare of the raigne of my most gracious Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England France and Ireland King defender of the Faith the two and twentieth And of Scotland the eight and Fiftieth [1625]
The marke of John Burd, Sealed and delivered in the p(res)ence of Nicholas Brinsall
Sign(um) Thome George Sign(um) Joh(an)nis Foster
[Probate 17 Feb 1624/5 to Mary Burrowes, executrix]
John Burd was buried at Winslow on 11 Feb 1624/5. His children do not seem to have been born or married at Winslow. William Hardewicke's will of 1610/11 and Thomas Overing's will made in 1622 mention £5 given by John Burt for the poor of the parish; it seems that this must have been done during John's lifetime.