Will of Elizabeth Busby of Addington, spinster, 1661
National Archives, PROB 11/305/53
In the name of God, Amen the third day of June one Thousand Six hundred sixty one accordinge to the Computac(i)on by the Church of England I Elizabeth Busby of Addington in the County of Bucks Spinster beinge of perfect memory and remembrance praised bee God Doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge First I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Maker hopeing that through the merits and death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to receive free pardon and forgivenesse of all my Sinns and
[p.2] As for my body to be buryed in Christian buriall att the discretion of my Executor Item I give to my mother Mrs Abigail Busby the sum(m)e of twenty pounds to buy her mourninge. Item I give to my brother John Busby sum(m)e of twenty pounds to buy him mourninge Item I give to my sister Judith Busby the sum(m)e of twenty pounds to buy her mourninge Item I give to my brother Thomas Saunders the sum(m)e of Twenty pounds to by him mourninge Item I give to my sister Hester Saunders the sum(m)e of Twenty pounds to buy her mourninge Item I give to my sister Abigail Busby the sum(m)e of twenty pounds to buy her mourninge Item I give to my brother Wiliam Busby sum(m)e of Twenty pounds to buy him mourninge and a hundred pounds besides as a Legacie Item I give to Mr Richard Howse the sum(m)e of twenty pounds Item I give to Thomas Saunders of Mungwell the sum(m)e of Tenne pounds to buy him a Ringe Item I give to Mr Retchford the sum(m)e of Five pounds I give to Dorcas Quarly[?] the sum(m)e of Tenne pounds Item I give to John Dandrig and his wife five pounds Item I give to the Widdowe Ambrig Forty shillings Item all the rest of my portion I give to my brother Robert Busby whom I make my heir and sole Executor Revoakeinge all other wills and Testaments I hereunto sett my hand and seal Elizabeth Busby [signature] Sealed and subscribed in the presence of Dorcas Quarly[?]
[Proved at London 5 June 1661 on the oath of Robert Busby brother and executor]
Elizabeth was one of the children of Robert (d.1653) and Abigail Busby. She was baptised at Addington on 17 June 1638 and buried on 16 June 1661. Mr Retchford was the Vicar of Addington.