Will of William Chewe, 1491
Herts RO 2AR61
[translated from Latin]
In the name of God amen. On 21 July AD 1491 I William Chewe of the parish of Wynslowe, sound of mind, make my will in this way. First I bequeath my soul to God almighty, the Blessed Virgin Mary and all his saints, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of the parish church of St Laurence of Wynslow aforesaid. Item I bequeath to the high altar 2 bushels of barley, and to the other altars in the church 4 bushels of barley. Item to the light of the crucifix 2 bushels of barley. Item to the repair of the bells j[?] bushel of barley. The residue indeed of all goods not bequeathed above I bequeath to my executors, and Walter Palmer and William Roper I ordain, make and appoint my executors to dispose for the salvation of my soul as will seem most expedient to them.
[Probate granted 10 Nov 1491]
The surname Chew(e) does not occur in the court books. William Roper was also known as Meadflower.