Will of Nicholas Colles, 1433
Herts RO 1AR21
[translated from Latin]
In the name of God amen. I Nicholas Colles, of sound mind and memory, on the Saturday (before) the feast of St Nicholas [5 Dec] AD 1433, make my will, etc. First I bequeath my soul to God, etc., and my body to be buried in the churchyard of St Laurence of Wynslowe. Likewise to the fabric of the monastery of St Albans 6d. Likewise to the church of Wynslowe a quarter of barley. Likewise to John Colles my son 2 quarters of barley and 2 quarters of beans. Likewise to Henry Colles a gown, the best. Likewise to repair the road against the gate 12d. To do all the above well and faithfully I ordain and appoint William Knyghte and Henry Colles my executors, so that they, etc.
This will was proved on the eve of St Lucy the Virgin in the year stated above [12 Dec].
Nicholas' death is not recorded in the Court Books but his widow Felice, daughter and heir of John Albyn, surrendered a messuage in 1434 (WMCB p.556). She paid for licence to get married in 1430 (p.526).