Will of Zacharias Cooly, cooper, 1731/2 (proved 1744)
Herts RO 181AW2
In the Name of God Amen I Zacharias Cooly of Winslowe in the County of Bucks Cooper being something Indisposed in Body but of sound and perfect minde and memory Praised be God therefore and Considering the Certainety of death and the Uncertaine tyme thereof doe make and Ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner followeing (that is to say) First and Principally I Com(m)end my Soule into the hands of Almighty God who gave itt hopeing through the Merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour to be made Pertaker of Everlasting life and my Body I Com(m)itt to the Earth to be decently Buryed att the discretion of my Executrix herein after named And as for such Worldly Estate as I shall be Blessed with att the tyme of my decease I Give and Dispose thereof as followeth Impr(im)is I Give Will Devise and Bequeath All my Wareing Apparrel unto my Two Brothers Nehemiah Cooly and Jonathan Cooly to be Equally devided between them Item I Give Devise and Bequeath unto my said Brother Nehemiah Cooly the Sum(m)e of Two Shillings and Six Pence to be paid unto him by my Executrix .... within One moneth next after my death Item I Give ... All that my Coppyhold Messuage or Tenements in Winslowe aforesaid which were late in the Occupation of William Herritage and me the said Zacharias Cooly and the Outhouses Yards Backsides and Appertanances thereunto belonging unto my Sister Sarah Cooly and her Heires and Assignes forever Upon Condic(i)ion that She ... doe and shall out of the same in case She ... ever Marrieth well and truely pay or cause to be paid unto my kinsman James Cooly the Sonn of my ... Brother Nehemiah Cooly the Sum(m)e of Tenn Pounds of lawfull money of Greate Brittaine within Six moneths next after her Marriage But in Case ... Sarah Cooly ... shall Neglect or Refuse to pay the said Tenn Pounds or any part thereof unto ... James Cooly ... when due and payable Then I Give ... the said Messuage ... unto ... James Cooly ... his Heires and Assignes forever Item I Give ... All the Rest of my Goods Chattells and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever unto ... Sarah Cooly ... she paying my debts Legacyes Funerall Expences And doe hereby make Ordaine and Appoint ... Sarah Cooly ... full and Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and Lastly I doe hereby Revoke all former Wills by me before made and doe declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this Fourth day of February Anno D(omi)ni 1731
[signed] Zacharias Cooly
Signed Sealed Published and declared in the presence
of us who have hereunto Subscribed our Names as
Witnesses in the Presence of the Testator and Each
William Gibbs
James Budd
Peter Goldsworth
[added later]
The Nineteenth Day of October 1744
Sarah Cooly the Executrix in this Will was
sworn to the Truth of it
before John Cole Archdeacon
The burial of "Zacray Coley" was recorded at Winslow on 1 July 1743. He was probably the son of Daniel Coley, one of the Winslow Bap[ists, whose property in The Walk was destroyed by fire in 1697.
In 1744 Peter Goldsworth purchased "that Barn of two bays of building standing in the yard of Sarah Cooley and sometime before used by Zacharias Cooley for his workshop And also all that little garden plot lying at the south end of the said barn with appurtenances and liberty to make and continue a doorway out of the said yard belonging to the said messuage or tenement then late Gurneys unto the yard of the said Sarah Cooley". Along with the messuage called Gurneys (1-5 Bell Walk), the barn was purchased by Thomas Rawbone in 1778 for his school (Centre for Bucks Studies D 82/1/346). The Cooleys must have lived at 3 or 5 The Walk; see the 1744 manor court for Sarah's sale of Zacharias' workshop.