Inventory of John Cooper, 1563

Herts RO A25/555

The Inventory of all and singular the goods of John Cooper late of Winslow deceased the first daye of July anno domini 1563 praysed by Nicholas Lamb William Tomlyn Anthony Wendelborow Robert Webbe, Geffery Coop(er) & Richard Edmondes

In primis one cubbarde p(ri)ce   iij s iiij d
Item a table one forme iiij stowles      v s
Item iij coyffers a paynted cloth, ij pott hangins ij cobyrons and a spytt       v s
Item viij platters, xiij pewtre dishes  iiij sawcers, iij[?] pewter [-----]  xv s
Item a latten basen & v candelsticks ij s
Item v kettles, ij pan(n)es, v potts & ij posnetts xxj s iiij d
lj s viij d
Item v bedsteades       v s
Item vj cofers, one chest    x s
Item iiij mattrisses  iiij bolsters and iiij coverings xx s
Item iiij blancketts   iiij s
Item iiij pillowes with pillobers and xiiij payres of shetes    xxx s
Item iiij table clothes ij towells and iiij napkins v s
Item the paynted clothes there  ij s
iij li xvj s
Item vj tubbes ij vates, ij kymmeles and ij payles   viij s vj d
Item a boltinge vat & one upstance xij d
Item a dosen of olde spones ij [-----] of trenchers & vj dishes viij d
Item an axe a hatchett ij wedges and a mattocke iij s iiij d
xiij s vj d
In primis one lowme with tapp(er)ten(an)c(e)s x s
Item a querne  v s
Item ij clevers           ij s
Item iiij sacks & a mustarde querne ij s viij d
xix s viij d
In the [-----] felde[?]  
In primis an acre & one butt of wheate x s
ij acres and dimi(dia) of baley & a lande of otes xxij s
one lande of pease[?]         xx d [?]
fyer woode and ij ladders iiij s iiij d
Item a nagge iij keyne[?], ij heifers and a bullocke viij li
Item ij smale[?] sowes, ij shots & vj piggs   x s iiij d
Item iiij henes, a cocke, iij gese, v goslings iij s iiij d
Item his weringe apparel  v s iiij d
ix li xvij s
Summa totalis  xvij li xvij s xd
[page 2]
Detts demaunded which the within named John dyd owe att the tyme of his death
In primis to Anthony Sympson s(er)va(n)t to mr Edmunde Winsore of Adington  xiij li viij s iiij d
Item to mr Standidge of Thorneborow          xlij s
Item to mr Bowton of Buck(ingham) xx s
Item to William Saunders of Winslow               xlvij s
Item to Illinge off Buck(ingham) chaundler xx s
to Jone Chaundeler of Grenborow xxiij s iiij d
to John \Harry/ Warde of Murseley   xiiij s
to goodwyff Meade of Claydon viij s
to Thomas Tann(er) of Lytle Myssendo(n)       xx s
to Thristrame Bracknell of ye same xx li
to Robert Tomlyn of Adstocke           xviij s iiij d
to William Parratt of Swa(n)borne           vij s
to John Graunte of Shipton  xx s
to the churchwardens of Winslow xi s
to Anthony We(n)delborow of ye same xiij s
to William Gyles off the same iiij s iiij d
Item to one of Shenley  iiij s
Summa debitor(um)         xlvj li xix s iiij d


upstance: unidentified (reading is clear)

dimi(dia): half

shots: litters of piglets

ix li xvij s: the individual sums add up to £10 16s.

Copyright 20 August, 2015