Will of Thomas Curtes of Little Horwood, yeoman, 1609
National Archives PROB 11/114/496
In the name of god amen. The thirtenth day of August in the yeare of our Lord God A Thowsand six hundred and Nyne I Thomas Curtes of litle Harwood in the Countie of Buckingham yeoman being sick in body but whole in mynde and of good and perfect remembrance (thanks be to God) and not willing to dye intestate, doe constitute ordayne and make this my Testament wherin is conteyned my last will in manner and forme following that is to say Fyrst I give and bequeathe my soule to Allmighty God my Creator and redeemer in whome I trust to be saved And my body to be buryed in the parish Churchyeard of litle Harwood aforesayd
And as for my goods I bequeathe as followeth First I give and bequeathe unto my sonne John Curtes the somme of Twentie poundes of good and lawfull english money To be payd unto him at Michaellmas next. And furthermore it is my will that my sayd sonne John shall have twentie pound more payd him by Henry Curtes my eldest sonne, which I will he shall give him bonde to be payd him within three yeares after my death And also I give and bequeathe unto my sayd sonne John Tenne sheepe out of one score which was betweene him and me undevided. And I doe give and bequeathe unto my sayd sonne John two heyfars of two yeares of age th’one a brinded, and th’other a redd. Also I give unto my sayd sonne John one litle black Chest. Item I give and bequeathe unto my sonne William Curtes Tenn poundes to be payd him at Michaellmas next. And further more I will that my sayd sonne William shall have Tenn pounds more payd him at Annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary next ensuing. Item it is my will that my sayd sonne William shall have Twentie pounds more payd him by his brother Henry To be payd him within fower yeares after my deathe, which I will he shall give his bonde to be payd him well and truly. Item I give and bequeathe unto my daughter Bridget Curtes Twentie pounds to be payd her so soone as she shall accomplish the age of One and Twentie yeares or when she shall chaunce to marry whether shall first happen Item I give and bequeathe unto my daughter Alice Curtes Twentie pounds to be payd her so soone as she shall come to the age of One and twentie yeares or at the day of her marriage whether shall first happen Item I give and bequeathe unto my daughter Elizabeth Adams three poundes Six shillings eight pence To be payd her by her brother Henry Curtes at the feaste of St. Michaell the Archangell which shalbe in the yeare of our Lord God one Thowsand six hundred and Tenne. Item I give and bequeathe unto Alice Adams daughter unto John Adams Three pounds six shillings eight pence so soone as she shall accomplish the age of Tenn yeares. And yf it so chaunce that the sayde Alice Adams shall dye before she shall accomplish th’age of Tenn years Then her Father or mother to have the sayd three pounds six shillings eight pence Item I gyve {I gyve} and
bequeathe unto Helen Curtes my wife Twenty markes which my sonne Henry Curtes shall pay unto her or her Executors Administrators or Assignes at the day of her death for the payment whereof it is my will he shall give her good securities Item I give and bequeathe unto the Church three shillings fower pence to helpe to make newe Beere Item I give and bequeathe unto my sonne Henry my Teame with all furniture therunto belonging with Carts plowes and harrowes. The Rest of all my goods moveable and unmoveable I give and bequeath unto Helen my wife whom I doe constitute and make my sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament And I doe appoynt Supervisors of this my last will and Testament John Butcher and George Varney And I will they have for their paynes taken two shillings a peece Item I give and bequeathe to every godchylde Twelve pence a peece.
Signum Thom(e) Curtes
Delivered in the presence of us Thomas Williamson signum Thome Adams George Varney Henry Curtes Signum Johannis Butcher
Probate granted at London on 15th November 1609 to Helen Curtes widow and Executrix