Inventory of Robert Daunce, Vicar of Winslow, 1590

Herts RO A25/1303

An Inventorye of all the goods and chattels of Rob(er)te Dawnce Clerk vycar of Wynslowe Deceassed taken the iiijth Daye of June in the yere of o(u)r lorde god 1590 And in the two & thirtyeth yere of the reigne of the reigne of o(u)r sovereign ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god of England France & Ireland Quene & Defender of the Fayth &C praysed by Rob(er)te Lownes Thomas Elyott & John Jackson

In the hawle
In primis in the hawle All the wenescott
xiij s iiij d

It(e)m all the glasse and Casement there

viij s vj d
In the p(ar)lo(u)r
It(e)m all the glasse w(i)th the Casement
xj s
It(e)m one dore of waynescott
xx d
In the Studye
Item all the glasse w(i)th the Casement
v s
In the kytchyn
It(e)m All the glasse there
xviij d
In the lofte over the p(ar)lo(u)r
It(e)m all the glasse and Casement there
xij s
It(e)m one candelstyck, one stoole table, and a potthanger of Iron, w(i)th a payre of pothooks
xij d
In the yard & garden
It(e)m All the Inner mownds hoppe poles, wood abowte the Arbors, benches, boords, Dores and the Dyall there
xl s xx s
Sum(m)a Total(is)
iij li ix s

[mark] Rob(er)te Lownes
[signed] Tomas Eliat
[signed] John Jacson

[signed] Ann Dans

[Inventory presented by Anne Dawnce widow and administratrix 4th June 1590.]


See also: Vicars of Winslow

Robert Daunce became vicar in 1565 and was buried at Winslow on 24 May 1590. He seems to have been in regular trouble with the church authorities: he was involved in cases at the Archdeaconry Court concerning absence from church (5 July 1567, Herts RO ASA7/7 f47), incontinence (23 Nov 1568, ASA7/7 ff143-62; 7 March 1571, ASA7/10 f277 f280), scolding (27 July 1584, ASA7/11 ff56-74). [original documents not yet seen] In 1586 he was obliged to do penance for his "unseemly behaviour" and issue an apology to the congregation; read more.

Presumably the lack of furniture was due to its all belonging to Robert's wife, a widow from London who married him in 1580. This was the first house in Winslow recorded as having window glass in all the rooms, wainscotting, a study, and an ornamental garden.

mownd: A hedge, a fence, esp. as forming a boundary to a field or garden (OED, s.v. mound, n.2, 1a).

Dyall: i.e. sundial

Copyright 22 January, 2022