Will of Oliver Denham, gentleman, 1581 (proved 1582)

Herts RO 23AW6

In the name of God Amen The ixth daye of August in the yere of o(ur) lord god 1581 I Olyver Denham of Wynslowe in the countie of Bucks gent being sicke in bodye but of good and p(er)fitt remembrance (thanks be to almyghtie god make this my last will & testament in man(ner) and forme following: Fyrst I bequeve my Soule to almightie god hopinge to be saved onely by the merites & death of Jesus Christ my redemer and my bodye to be buryed in the Churche yarde of Wynslowe aforsaid  It(e)m concerning my goods suche as it hath pleased god to endowe me w(i)th all I geve them wholy to Agnes my wyff whome I ordeine and make my full & sole Executrix of this my last will and testament to see my debtes payed and my funeralls discharged  Witnesses to the same Symon Stampe Willyam Chamberlane w(i)th others

[Probate granted at Watford[?] on 12 June 1582 to Agnes Denham the executrix]

Inventory of Oliver Denham, 1581

Herts RO A25/1032

An inventarye of all the goods of Olyver Denham late of Wynslowe deceassede taken the twentieth daie of October Anno d(omi)ni 1581 and praysed by

Imp(ri)mis one cowe price
xxiij s iiij d
It(e)m one coled price
vj s viij d
It(e)m one Bedstede price
xvj s
It(e)m ij clokes
xxx s
It(e)m ij doubletts
xxvj s viij d
It(e)m ij paire of hose
xxx s
It(e)m one Jerkyn
viij s
It(e)m iij paire of stockings
x s
It(e)m iiij shirts
xij s
It(e)m ij hatts
vj s
It(e)m vj bandes
xij s
It(e)m vj handkerchyffes
vj s
It(e)m j Rapier
iiij s
It(e)m j dagger
vij s
It(e)m ij paire of boots
ij s vj d
It(e)m a chare
xij s
ix li iij s ij d

Thomas Robson
Jhon Hogson
William Jacson
Thomas Lawes

Presented by Robert Talbot proxy of Agnes Denham executrix 12 June 1582


Oliver Denham was buried at Winslow on 4 Sep 1581. He married Agnes Hide at Winslow on 16 Feb 1579/80.

The witnesses to the will do not seem to be from Winslow, and it was probably made elsewhere. Oliver owned remarkably little apart from his very expensive (by Winslow standards) clothes. He probably came to Winslow after his marriage, as his surname is not attested otherwise.

Copyright 21 August, 2015