Will of Robert Domynicke, 1543 (proved 1544)
Herts RO 3AR39
In dei n(omi)ne amen In the yere of our Lorde god a thousande
Five hoondred Forty and three and in in the xxxvjth yere of the reigne
of our Sooveraigne Lorde king Henry the viijth I Robert Domynicke
of Wynslowe being hole of minde and memory thanked be god and
somwhat sick of boddy ordain and make this my laste will and testament
in manner and forme following. Firste I bequeath my soule to almighty
god to our blessed Lady and all the holy company of heaven, and
my boddy to be buried in the churchyard of saint Lawrence of
Wynslowe aforesaid, allso I bequeath to the mother churche
of saint Albans iiij d Item to the high aulter of the church of saint
Edwyns Lawrence of Wynslowe two bushells of wheate. Item
to ev(er)y Aulter in the same church oon busshell of barley. Item
to the
Rode light two bushels of maulte. Item to the Sepulcre light
and the Torches two busshells of maulte. Item to the bells two
busshells barley Item I will to Will(ia)m Robynson two bushells of wheate
and a qwarter of barley Item I will to Thomas Robynson a Cowe
bullock of two yeres of age. Item I will to John Robynson my beste Cote
Item I will to every oon of his children besides, a busshell of barley
Item I will to John Robinson the yoonger a hemppen sheete. Allso
I will that my executor shall give to an honest preest \ten shillings/ of good
and Lawfull money of England for a Trentall, to be Doon w(it)hyn
two yeres after my burial for my soule my wives soule and all (Christia)n
soules. The rest of all my goods my detts & legacies paide I will
to Will(ia)m Domynyck my soon whome I make myne executor
to dispoase for my soule and all (Christia)n soules as he thinckethe best
And that I will that Will(ia)m Robynson to be ov(er)seer to this my
Laste will witness to the same Sir Will(ia)m Robynson Hobbys curate
there John Palmer Wallter Graunte Will(ia)m Robynson & Thomas
Thomplyns w(i)th other moe
[Latin] Probate granted 6 Oct 1544 to William Domynicke, executor.