Will of William Edmunds, gentleman, 1630/1 (proved 1632/3)

Herts RO 74AW6

In the name of god, Amen.  The xxijth day of March, anno domini 1630.  I William Edmunds of Winslow in the County of Bucks being sicke in bodie, but in perfect remembrance (god be praysed for it) do make this my last will and testament in maner and forme following.  First I bequeath my soule unto Allmightie god, who created me, and redeemed me by his sone Jesus Christ, by whose merites onely I trust to be saved.  And my body to be decently buried in the church or chauncell of Winslow aforesayd.  Concerning my worldly goods, I give unto my daughter Joan Stutsberie the summe of twentie pownds to be payed her within three moonthes after my decease.  Item to as many of my other daughters as shall happen to survive their husbands I give five pownds a peece.  Item I give & forgive Nicholas Evering my sone in law that five pownds which he oweth me.  Item I give ten pownds to remaine for a stocke to the use of the poore of the parish, and this to be delivered unto the churchwardens for the time being, within one yeare after my Executor shall come to the age of one and twentie yeares.  Item to all my household servants I give ten shillings a peece.  Item I give unto my sister Fyge and my sister in law Maynwaring twentie shillings a peece.  To my nephew Peter Fyge five shillings, and to all my god-children two shillings six pence a peece.  Item I give unto Margaret my wife all such plate and houshould stuffe as she brought with hir.  And my will is that she shall have hir dyet with my sone in due maner, till such time as she is to receive hir next half-yeare pension after my decease.  Or yf he refuse that, then he shall give her tenne pownds.  The rest of my goods unbequeathed I leave unto Richard Edmunds my sone, whom I ordaine my sole Executour, and my loving friend Mr John Duncombe Overseer of this my last will & testament, and to him I give twentie shillings for his paines.  In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first about written.

Provided alwayes, and my will is further, that if my sone Richard Edmunds shall refuse to performe this my last will and testament in paying all such legacies and gifts as I have herein bequeathed then I ordaine Margaret my wife to be my sole Executrix in performing this my last will & testament in maner & forme as aforesayd.

Sealed & subscribed in presence of me
Robert Maynwaring                                                                        William Edmunds

[Latin] Probatum fuit huiusmodi  Testamentum quarto die mensis Februarii Anno domini stilo &c 1632 coram Magistro  Johanne Westerman in artibus Magistro Surrogato &c Commissaque fuit Administratio omnium et singulorum bonorum &c Richardo Edmonds filio et Executori  omnium &c de bene &c de vero Inventario cum Compoto &c  Jurat' satis &c

[Translation] This will was proved on 4 February 1632 in the style etc. before Master John Westerman, master of arts, surrogate, etc., and administration of all and every goods etc. was entrusted to Richard Edmonds, son and executor of all etc., and he was sufficiently sworn about well, etc., and about a true inventory with account, etc.

Inventory of William Edmunds, 1632/3

Herts RO A25/3126

A true and perfect Inventorie of the goods & Chattells of William Edmunds of Winslow in the County of Bucks Gentleman, made the xixth day of Januarie 1632. and valued by them whose names are under written.

Inprimis four kine
x li
Item three hoggs
xl s
Item a little hovell of pease
xlv s
Item hey, wood & straw
iiij li
Item three quarters of beanes
xl s
Item wheat and malt
xl s
Item two flitches of bacon
xiij s iiij d
Item owing by Thomas Dickins
vij li x s
Item owing by Richard Eldridge
xj li
Item in readie money
xx li
Item his wearing apparrell
vj li xiijs iiijd

[signed] Robert Maynwaring                    [signed] Peter Fyge sen
                                                                 [signed] Robert Bedlom
                                                                Henry Pym his marke

[Latin] Exhibitum fuit huiusmodi Inventarium quarto die mensis Februarij anno domini stilo &c 1632 per Richardum Edmonds Executorem dicti defuncti pro vero pleno et integro Inventario sub protestacione tamen de addendo si &c


William was a much wealthier man than appears from his inventory, as shown by the size of his bequests and the fact that in 1610 he held a messuage and 60 acres of land in Winslow, The Crown, and a messuage and yardland (about 30 acres) in Shipton. He was buried on 18 Jan 1632. See the Edmunds family.

Richard Edmunds the son had a substantial landholding, presumably received from his father before this date. He and his wife Jane surrendered a messuage in Little Horwood to John Fuller in 1645, and in 1646 surrendered to William Townsend a messuage in Shipton occupied by Abraham Prentice and all their customary lands in Shipton estimated at 1 virgate 3 acres, with pasture for 7 cows & 30 sheep (Centre for Bucks Studies D175/2, ff.13v, 16r). A terrier from c.1635 seems to be a list of Richard's lands in Winslow.

Click on the pictures for full images of the documents:

The will:

Will of William Edmunds

The inventory:

Inventory of William Edmunds

Copyright 30 September, 2016