Will of Robert Eliot of Shipton, husbandman, 1598
Herts RO 39 AW5
In the name of god Amen, the xviiith daye of October in the forteth yere of the raigne of oue soveraigne Laidi Elizabeth I Robert Eliot of Shipton in the parish of Winslo in the counte of Bucks husbandman doo make & ordayne my last will & Testament in maner & forme following First I bequeath my soule unto the handes of almighti God my maker & redeemer & my body to be buried in Winslo church yard Secondarely I give unto my daughter Isabell Knacston vi s viii d to be payde her yearly after my Discease During her life iii s iiii d at the feast of St micaell the other iii s iiii d at the feast of Than-nuntiation of the Virgin Marye. Also I give unto to Robert Knacston her sonne the some of twenti markes of good Inglish money to be payd unto him \upon him coming out of his prentisship/ [replaces deleted text] yf he life live or else not Also I give unto the sayd Robert Knacston my \fether/ bed a matteris two koverings two blanketts ij on(e) bolster & two pillowes Also the rest of my goodes & chattels moveable & unmoveable unbequeathed I give & bequeath unto my oldest sonne Thomas Eliot whom I make & ordayne my sole & lawfull executor of this my last will & Testament these being witnesses John Atkins Vicar of Iver in the count of Bucks Richard Grace Anius[?] B??sall* & others
Robert Eliot’s mark
Richard Grace X his marke witnesse
Inventory of Robert Eliot (Elliott), 1598/9
Herts RO A25/1668
The True and p(er)fitt Inventarye of all and singuler the goods Debts and Cattells of Robert Elliott late of Shipton in the p(ar)ish of Winslo in the cou(n)ty of Bucks husbandman Deceased, Made and praysed the xiiijth daye of Februarye in the year of our Lord god after the co(m)putac(i)on of the churche of Englande 1598 by Thomas Graunte, a(lia)s Miller Thom(a)s Bowden Thom(a)s Overinge and Thom(a)s Robinson.
In primis a featherbed a boulster two pillows, ii blankettes, ii cov(er)lettes and a mattresse | v li | ii s |
Item ii bedsteeds and curtaines | xx s | |
Item iii sheetes | x s | |
Item a chest and an olde fatt | x s | |
Item ii tables iii stooles and a forme | xiii s | iiii d |
Item ii Donge Cartes | xiii s | iiii d |
Item one paynted clothe | ii s | |
Item ii Troughes | viii s | |
Item an Ironbarr an axe a mattocke ii forkes ii chisells one and an |
v s | |
Item his wearing apparel | xl s | |
Su(m)ma Totalis |
xi li iii s viii d | |
Thomas Eliott & [signature] |
Latin: Exhibitum fuit huiusmodi Inventarium decimo septimo die mensis Februarii Anno domini iuxta computacionem Ecclesie Anglicane 1598 per Thomam Elliott executorem pro vero pleno et integro (c)om(pot)i [?] et sub protestacione de addendo si &c.
Translation: This inventory was presented on 17 February 1598 according to the reckoning of the Church of England by Thomas Elliott, executor, as a true, full and entire account[?], and on condition of adding if, etc.
This name clearly begins with A and ends with s: perhaps An(ton)ius?
Click on the pictures for full images of the documents: | The will: |
The inventory: |