Will of Thomas Elyat of Shipton, 1554
Herts RO 304AW2
In the name of god amen In y(e) yere off o(ur) lord god m ccccc liiij I Thom(a)s Elyat off Shypto(n) in ye p(ar)yshe off Wynslow beyng whole off memory & mynde thankyd be god & sumwhat sycke in body orden & make thys my last wyll in man(ner) and forme foloyng fyrst I bequeth my sowle to almyghty god to owr blessyd lady & to all ye hoylle company off hevyn and my body to be buryed in ye churchyard off saynt Lawre(n)s of Wynslow also I bequeth to ye mother church of saynt Albons iiij d also I bequeth to ye hye aut(er) off saynt Lawrens off Wynslow iiij d It(em) I wyll to Wyll(ia)m my son xx s & a sterebullocke w(hich) ys in ye kepyng off Thom(a)s Cart(er) of Northm(ar)ston Item I bequeth to Rychard my son xl s & ij oxen (tha)t be in y(e) kepyng off ye sayd Thom(a)s Cart(er) Item I bequeth to John & Harry my sons ech off they xx s also I bequeth to Jone my dowght(er) xx s the Rest off my goods my detts & legacs payd I wyll to Ysabell my wyfe & Rob(er)t my son only my wyfe to have her chamber to herself and all (tha)t ys in hytt and th(e) Reste to dysspose for my sowle helth and all chrysten as they shall thynke best
also I wyll & do surrender to Isabell my wyfe my purchest londe vj acres and ye grete lond on Rye furlong for terme off her lyfe wytnesse hereoff John Palmar Wyll(ia)m Hawkyns Thom(a)s Tomlyns & Wylli(a)m Fraunc(i)s w(i)th other moo also I wyll to yowng John Elyat ij off my best shepe
Inventory of Thomas Elyatt of Shipton, 1554
Herts RO A25/162
The ynvyntory of Thomas Elyatt off Shypton in the p(a)ryssh off Wynslow lately decessyd made ye xxvj day off August in ye yere off o(u)r lorde god m ccccc liiij
In primis in the hawle a am[e]bre a table a bench borde ij forms a chayre
and ij stolys p(ry)ce |
vj s |
It(em) brasse pewt(er) and lattyn dysshes trenchers & sponys p(ry)ce | xxvj s viij d |
It(em) a spytte ij cobbards ij tresalls a gredyorn pothangyngs & a fryengpan | iij s iiij d |
It(em) in the chamber iiij cofers a olde hucche iiij bedsteds hangyngs and paynted clothes abowt the same bedsteds p(ry)ce | viij s viij d |
It(em) xiiij payre off shets iij table clothes iij towels p(ry)ce | xxiij s iiij d |
It(em) ij fetherbedds ij bolstars ij pyllowes iij coberynes iij blancketts ij und(er)clothes p(ry)ce | xxvj s viij d |
It(em) in the kylhowse a olde here a querne a olde fatt ij trowghes iij tubbys a meel and a upstand | xvj s |
It(em) plowe and plowgere cart and cartgere p(ry)ce | xl s |
It(em) iij sacks ij sythes forks sholfes rakes a hachete & byll p(ry)ce | v s vj d |
It(em) tymber and fyer wode p(ry)ce | xx s |
It(em) whete malte barley benys otys and hay p(ry)ce | vij li xx d |
It(em) iiij horse and a mare p(ry)ce | xl s |
It(em) iij oxen iiij kyen and iij bullocks p(ry)ce | iiij li xx d |
It(em) xxiiij shepe and lambes p(ry)ce | xxiij s iiij d |
It(em) xii hoggs and pyggs p(ry)ce | xvj s |
It(em) gyes Ducks and henns p(ry)ce | iij s iiij d |
It(em) vj hyves of bees | vj s viij d |
Praysed by Rob(ert) Snow Will(ia)m Hawkyns Will(ia)m Frannces Thom(a)s Tomlyn and Jefray Cowper
Thomas Carter of North Marston was from the same family as Jane, wife of Thomas Fige.
am[e]bre: probably aumbry, i.e. a cupboard (OED).
hucche: hutch, a tub or box (Buckinghamshire Probate Inventories 1661-1714).
kylhowse: kiln-house, for malting.
here: i.e. hair, a cloth for malting.
meel: a vessel; a tub, bucket (OED).