Will of William Elyatt of Shipton, 1538
Herts RO 4AR13
In dei No(m)ine amen the ixth daye of the monethe of novemb(e)r in the yere of o(ur) lord god M vC xxxvij I Wyllya(m) Elyatt of Shypton in the p(ar)yshe of Wynslowe whole of mynd thankyd be god fery(n)ge the uncerten age of deth make my testame(n)t & last wyll after this forme folowyng Fyrst I bequethe my soule to allmyghti god to o(ur) lady seynt marye & to all the co(m)peny in hevyne & my body to be buryed in the churche yard of Wynslowe be fore seyd Item I bequethe to the churche of Wynslow xij d Item to the Rode lyght iiij d Item I bequethe to M(ar)grett my wyff my howss tyll myne Eyre co(me) to his age & <if> all my chylder decess then I wyll my wyff shall have ytt durynge her naturall lyff & after her decess to Remayne to the nextt of my blod & then to cause a trentall of massis to be seyd in Wynslow churche for my soule & all crystean soulis Ttem I bequethe to Thomas my son my Cowe thatt is att Addyngton Item to his brother & to his suster to ev(er)y on of them a calf to be browght upp of the same cowe Item I bequethe to myne Eyre of my bodye lawfully begoton my best pott my best pan & my owyne coffre Item to John my sonne a brass pott & to Isabell my doughter a brass pan The Rest of all my goods movable & unmovable nott nott bequethyd after my body browght to the grownd my wyll fulfyllyd & my detts payd I gyve them to M(ar)grett my wyff whome I make myne executryce to fulfyll this my last wyll & testamen. Also I orden & make Thomas Elyott oversere to se this my last wyll and testament fulfyllyd Wyttness to the same S(ir) Wyllyam Shep(er)d my gostly father Thomas Elyott Walter Grauntt Robert Snowe Wyllya(m) Hawkyns w(ith) other more
[Probate granted 4 June 1538 to the executrix]