Will of Thomas Fige, senior, gentleman, 1578/9 (proved 1580)
National Archives, PROB 11/62
The foure and twentie daie of Januarye in the yeare of oure Lorde god one Thousande five hundred seaventie and eighte, and in the one and twentie yeare of the Raigne of oure sov(er)aigne Ladie Elizabethe by the grace of god, of Englande Fraunce and Irelande Quene defender of the faithe etc.
I Thomas Fige of Shipton thelder in the parishe of Winslowe in the Countie of Buck, gentleman, beinge whole of bodie and good and perfecte remembrance thankes be unto Allmightie god at the makinge hearof but consideringe my olde age and that deathe dothe approche not knowinge the tyme when for it is uncertaine \un/to me But when goddes will is to call I beseche the Lorde I maie be a redie servante for him, whearfore to avoide controv(er)sies that mighte insue for suche porc(i)on as god hathe appointed for me in this transitorie worlde I doe make this my Laste will and testamente in man(er) and forme following First I give and bequeathe my soule to Allmightie god my maker and redemer who hathe not onelie redemed me but all mankinde w(i)th sheedinge of his moste pretious bloode trusting therbye and throughe remission of sinnes to have life everlastinge in his kingdome my bodie to be buried within the Churche of Winslowe aforesaide neare unto the seate wheare I use to sitte if I doe dye in the saide parish yf I chaunce to decease in anie other parishe, then my bodie to be buried in the Churche in that parishe that my happe shalbe to ende my worldlie life in. And I will that my executors undernamed doe Laie upon the grave wheare I shall happen to be buried a grave stone with writinge my name upon the same and what daye and yeare I dye in menc(i)oninge howe manie sonnes I have had and howe manie dowghters And I give and bequeathe to the vicare or person wheare I chaunce to dwell at the tyme of my decease for tyethes negligentlie forgotten sixtene pence And I give and bequeathe to the poore amonge them to be distributed in the parishe of Winslowe thirtene shillinges foure pence and to the poore of Granbor' tenne shillings, And I desier god that he will grante \give/ unto all my children his blessinge and that they maie live orderlie in this transitorie worlde to feare and obey him and his worde duringe ev(er)ie of theire Lives First concerninge the disposinge of my Landes I will give and bequeathe to Thomas Fige my eldeste sonne All that my mannor or Capitall messuage scituate and beinge in Writtell in the Countie of Essex called or knowen by the name of Mumpillers al(ia)s
Willingalles with all and singuler my Landes ten(emen)tes medowes pastures Com(m)ons Feedinges woodes underwoodes and other the hereditaments whatsoev(er) I have other in possession remainder or rev(er)c(i)on w(i)thin the parishes of Writtell aforesaide and Chellmesforth in the saide countie of Essex To have and to holde the saide mannor or Capitoll messuage and all and singular other the hereditamentes w(i)th thappurtenaunces in Writtell and Chellmesforde to the saide Thomas and his heyers males Lawfullie begotten And for Lacke of suche issue I will the same premisses and ev(er)ie parte therof to Peter Fige my sonne and his heires males Lawfullie begotten And for Lacke of suche issue to remaine to the righte heyres of me Thomas Fige thelder for ev(er) Item I give and bequeathe unto the saide Thomas Fige my sonne All that my Mannor or Capitoll messuage scituate lyenge and beinge in the parishe of Prittlewell in the saide Countie of Essex called or knowen by the name of Ames al(ia)s Pygottes w(i)th all my lands ten(emen)tes medowes pastures Feedinges rents and other the hereditamentes whatsoev(er) I have in the parishes of Prittlewell aforesaide Eastwoode and Hadleyse in the saide countie of Essex To have and to holde all and singuler the premisses in Prittellwell Eastwoode and Hadleise unto the saide Thomas Fige and his heires for ev(er) Upon Condic(i)on the saide Thomas make no claime to enioye anie of my Copyholde landes or hereditamentes w(hi)ch I holde by estate of inheritance in the parishes of Granborrouge Winslowe and Whitchurche or in eyther of them in the countie of Buck if I chaunce to die seazed therof makinge no Surrendre And that the saide Thomas Fige do make to the use of the saide Peter and his heires for ev(er) in rev(er)c(i)on after the decease of Jane my wife a Surrendre upon reasonable warninge and requeste accordinge to the Custome of the sev(er)all mannors of that in Granborroughe Winslowe and Whitchurch of w(hi)ch they are holden. And if the saide Thomas shall so refuse to make suche surrendre of the saide Landes and hereditamentes in Winslowe and Granborrowe And for that I my selfe doe not Surrendre it before, Then I will all my landes tenementes
[page 2]
and hereditamentes w(i)th thappurtenaunces in Prittlewell Eastwoode and Hadleise in the Countie of Essex aforesaid to the saide Peter Fige and his heires males of his bodie And for lacke of such issue the same premises in Prittellwell Eastwoode and Hadleise to remaine to Thomas my sonne and his heires for ev(er) Item I will give and bequeathe to Peter Fige my sonne and \to/ his heires of his bodie begotten All that my ten(emen)te houses buildings landes medowes pastures Fedinges w(i)th thappurtenaunces scituate lienge and beinge in the parishe of Eastclaidon and Bottle Claydon in the saide Countie of Buck w(hi)ch I purchased of one Richarde Streme [?] after seaven years determyned after my decease. Item I will give and bequeathe to Joanne Walker my daughter after seaven years determyned after my decease All that my ten(emen)te Close and Comon in Bottle Claydon in the parishe of East Claidon in the saide countie of Buck which I purchased of Thomas Thame To have and to holde the saide premises boughte of the saide Thomas Thame to the saide Joane my doughter for terme of hir life and after her decease the rev(er)c(i)on therof to Thomas Walker her sonne and to the heires of his bodie Lawfullie begotten Upon Condic(i)on she doe not Surrender the Landes ten(emen)tes and hereditamentes or anie parte therof in Granborroughe after those years she iointlie holdethe with John Walker her husbande. As concerning my goodes aswell moveable as unmoveable Firste I give and bequeathe to Thomas Fige my saide sonne All suche goodes and houshold stuffe I have at my house called Mumpillers in the parishe of Writtell in the Countie of Essex and my virginals my ringe and my goldringe and a starre Riall Item I give to Joanne Walker my doughter to be geven hir percell mele as she shall have need sixe poundes thirteine shillinges foure pence or els to suffer hir to have a Chamber in the house wheare Walker nowe dwellethe duringe hir life yf she needethe of a dwelling nev(er) surrendringe as aforesaid and one starre Riall of golde Item I give to John Walker sonne of the saide Joanne my doughter thre poundes sixe shillings eighte pence to be paid him at his age of eighteen years if he be then Livinge Item I bequeathe to Peter Fige my sonne the seconde beste brasse potte a kettle twoe brasse <pots?> a standinge beddsteade a Fetherbedde w(i)th the full furniture belonging to a bedde and twoo paire of sheetes foure Pewter platters foure pewter dishes twoe Saucers twoe Candlestickes and all my books Res(er)vinge to Thomas my sonne Rastalls abridgments of Statuts Item I give and bequeathe to Agnes my doughter to be paid at hir age of twentie years thirtie poundes of lawfull money of Englande a brasse potte \foure platters/ foure dishes a kettle and twoe paire of sheetes and a Coofer and one starre Ryall of golde Item to Marie my dowghter I give to hir to be paide hir at hir age of twentie years thirtie poundes of lawfull money of Englande a brasse potte foure platters foure dishes a kettle twoe paire of sheetes and a Cofer and the seconde Cupborde and one starre riall of golde Item I give and bequeathe to Isabell my doughter to be paide hir at hir age of twentye years thirtie poundes of Lawfull lmoney of Englande a brasse potte foure platters foure dishes a kettle twoe paire of sheetes a cofer and one starre riall of golde Item I give to my sister Emerie a Crusado of gold And if anie of my saide daughters chaunce to die before theire sev(er)all ages above appointed Then hir or their parte or partes so dienge to be equallie devided between them then Livinge at theire ages above appointed Item I give to Jaine my wife Thomas Fige and Peter Fige my sonnes my interest and terme of years that I have in the house and hereditamentes I dwell upon in Shipton and Winslowe aforesaid in considerac(i)on to bringe upp my children and Thomas Walker in togethers till they be better provided for. All the residewe of my goodes and Cattells whatsoev(er) I have aswell moveable as unmoveable w(hi)ch is unbequeathed I give and bequeathe to Jane my wife Thomas Fige and Peter Fige my sonnes whoe I make my executors to see my deptes paide Legacies performed and my bodie honestlie laide in earthe doinge for me at my burial in givinge to the poore as they wolde be donne for in the like Item I give to Will(ia)m Bankes a Frese Coote and a Canvas dublette and a paire of hose. Item I give to that maide servaunte that shalbe to dwell w(i)th me at the type of my decease twelve pence And I give to suche men servauntes that shall happen to dwell w(i)th me at the type of my decease to either of them twelve pence. Item I give to Nycholas Dolton my Late servaunte eighte shillings And I make my ov(er)seers to call upon this will be be performed Michaell Wendover gent, John Clementes and John Carter my brother in Lawe and I give to ev(er)ie of them for theire paines sixe shillings eighte pence Item I give to Mr Williams the Scolemaster sixe shilinges eighte pence Provided allwaies the rentes of all my landes and hereditamentes in Eastclaidon and Bottle during the seaven yueares above res(er)ved my executors to receive towards the payment of my Legacies. In witnes whearof I the saide Thomas Fige thelder have written this will w(i)th myne owne hande subscribed my name and sette my seale the day and yeare firste above written per me Thomam Fige witnesses to this my will and testamente Michaell Wendover, Alexander Brande, Nicholas Lynte, Richarde Caponhurste, John Snowe and John Grace Item I give and bequeathe to John Ingram and Will(ia)m Bowdon my godsonnes to eyther of them twentie pence a pece.
[Latin] Probatum fuit huiusmodi testamentum apud London coram magistro Willelmo Drury Legum Doctore Curie Prerogative Cantuarien’ Commissario vicesimo septimo die mensis Aprilis anno domini millesimo quingentesimo Octogesimo Juramento Jane relicte et unius executoris in huiusmodi testamento nominati’, Cui commissa fuit Administracio &c De bene &c Ad sancta dei Evangelia jurat’ Thoma Fige executore etiam in dicto testamento nominato ex certis de causis eum moven’ expresse renuncian’ &c Reservata potestate &c Petro Fige executori &c in minori etate existen’ cum venerit &c admissur’ Quam renuntiacionem sic factam dominus admisit quatenus de iure est admittend’ presente me Anthoni Lawe notario publico
[translation] This will was proved at London before Master William Drury, doctor of laws, commissary of the prerogative court of Canterbury on 27 April 1580, on the oath of Jane, widow and one executor named in this will, to whom was entrusted administration etc., of well etc., having sworn on God’s holy gospels, Thomas Fige also named executor in the said will for certain reasons moving him expressly renouncing, etc., reserving power etc. to admit Peter Fige, executor etc., being under age, when he shall come etc. The lord admitted this renunciation thus made as far as is to be admitted by law, in the presence of me, Anthony Law, notary public.
Nuncupative will of Jane Fidge, 1581/2
Herts RO 22AW8
The xxijth day of december A(nn)o d(o)m(ini) 1581 Edward Palmer of Addington w(i)thin the Countie of Bucks came to Jane Figes howse of Shipton w(i)thin the p(ar)ishe of Wynslowe Wydowe latly deceased & in the p(re)sence of Nicholas Lunt Al(ia)s Sponer Wyll(ia)m Giles \thelder/ and Anthony Jackson. spacke unto hur in this wyse vid. mistres Fige it hathe pleased God to visete you w(i)th sicknes as wee see & howe longe \you/ shall Continewe w(i)th life God knowethe. it were good therfore youe sett downe howe youe wyll bestowe & dispose those goods w(hi)ch it hathe pleased God to blesse youe w(i)thall And it is thoughte youe have Certene Certayne money in your handes to be stowe to the use of your daughter Kerbye & her Children. wyll you be content that your sonne Thomas Fige & Anthonye Jackson shall have the bestowing & laying owte of the same to that use yf God shall call cale youe? & she answered yea. then sayd the sayd Edward unto hir. wyll youe sett downe what porcyon of your goods everye of your Children shall have & howe you wyll bestowe the same? & she answered yea as we shall see. howe things wyll Fall owte, then sayd the sayd Edward Pal Palmer unto her, youe maye be p(re)vented by deathe, therefore seynge it hathe pleased God so to deale w(i)th youe to send youe bothe your memorye & your Tonge, that youe may nowe use the same & to sett thes your thyngs in order, w(hi)ch wylbe to the quietnes of your mynde as I thynke, & never the nearer deathe. And to this she answered not at all. wyll youe sayd the sayd Edward Palmer that your goods that God hathe sente blessed youe w(i)th all shalbe equallye devyded emonge all your Chyldren, & that those Two that you have named to have the use & bestowynge of your daughter Kerbyes money & her Chyldre(n)s that is Thomas Fige and Anthony Jackson be your Executors to se the same executed & she answered & sayd yea. Witnesses herunto and hearing the p(re)misses Edward Palmer Nicholas Lunt al(ia)s Sponer and Will(ia)m Gyles thelder
According to a Latin subscript, on 24 Jan 1581/2 at St Albans, Anthony Jackson [who was Jane's son-in-law] renounced his executorship and probate was granted to Thomas Fidge.
[Latin] Thomas Fidge of Wynslo, gentleman, obliged himself to John Carter of North Marston yeoman and Anthony Jackson of Wynslo aforesaid in the county of Bucks, innholder, for £100 &c.
Inventory of Jane Fidge, 1581/2
Herts RO A25/1006
The true And p(er)fitt Inventorye of all and singuler the Goods debts Cattells and Chattells of Jane Fidge late of Shipton within the p[ar]ishe of Wynslo deceased made and praysed the one and twenteth daye of Januarye in the yeare of our lord god after the Computac(i)on of the Churche of England a Thowsand five hu(n)dred fourscore and one By Willi(a)m Glenester Richard Faukener John Snowe and Willi(a)m Grace w(i)th others.
In primis Two Andirons |
xx d |
Ite(m) a silver spone | iiij s |
Item two golde Rings | xv s |
Item a frize gown | x s |
Item her beste gowne and two kertles | xl s |
Item a peticote and a kertle | vj s |
Item a Curten of Saye | iiij s |
Item nyne payre of sheets | xl s |
Item a dozen of napkyns | vj s |
Item two payre of sleves and a kercher | ij s viij d |
Item three kerchers | xj s |
Item malte and certayne barley | x s |
Item a skarfe and certayne velvet | x s |
Item three hatts | xv s |
Item a gridiron | viij d |
Item a shovell | ij d |
Item malt in the flower | viij s |
Item wheate and Rye in the barne | xv li |
Item Barlye | x li |
Item Beanes pease and Otes | viij li |
Item Haye | v li x s |
Item a Cocke of haye solde | xl s |
Item woode | xx s |
Item xv hoggs and shotes | l s |
Item in readye money | iij li |
Item the heye | |
Debts oweing unto the said deceased at the tyme of her deathe |
In Primis by Willi(a)m Emerton of Wynslo | xx s |
Item by Robert Hawkyns of Litle Horwoode | xx s |
Sum(m)e Totall |
lviij li iiij s ij d |
By me Thomas Fige
[Presented by Thomas Fidge, executor, on 24 Jan]
Thomas Fige's grave: the memorial brass was moved to the chancel during the Victorian alterations to the Church. Clear (1894, 64): "In the nave immediately under the clerk's desk was, until recently, a monumental brass with arms, "quarterly a Fesse between 3 Fleur de Liz; 2nd, a Bend charged with three mullets; 3rd, as first; 4th, as second." With the effigies of a man and woman, two boys and five girls, in the dress of the period, with hands folded as in the attitude of prayer; and this inscription - "Here lyeth under this stone the body of Thomas Ffige, Gent., and Jane his wyfe, who had issue by her ii sonnes and v daughters, and Dyed ye 21st of November, 1578.""
rial(l): a gold coin whose value was stabilised at 15s in 1552 (OED). Also called star-real or star-rial (OED).
percell mele = parcelmeal (OED), i.e. piecemeal
Rastalls abridgments of Statuts: John Rastall, brother-in-law of Sir Thomas More, published Magnum abbreviamentum statutorum Anglie in 1528.
Crusado: A Portuguese coin bearing the figure of a cross (OED)
Frese = frieze: a kind of coarse woollen cloth (OED , s.v. frieze n.1.1)
John Carter: probably Jane's brother
See also: the Fige family