Will of John Foster, baker, 1628

Herts RO 8AR189

In the name of god amen.  I John Foster of Winslow in the Countie of Bucks Baker doe make and ordaine my last will and testament being sicke in body but in p(er)fect health & memorie thanks  I give unto Allmighty god in m(an)n(e)r and forme following  First I bequeath my Soule unto Almighty god my maker and Creato(r)  And to Jesus Christe my Saviour and Redeemer by whose only merritts I hope to be saved  And my body to the earth  It(e)m I give unto my sonn John Foster the some of v li of lawfull English money to be paid unto him when he cometh unto the age of one & twentie yeares  It(e)m I give unto my sonn Edward Foster the like some of five pounds to be paid unto him att the age of one & twentie yeares  It(e)m I give unto my daughter Joane Foster the like some of v li when she cometh to the age of eighteene years  It(e)m  I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Foster the like some of v li when she cometh to the age of eighteene years It(e)m I give unto my daughter Katherine Foster the like some of v li when she cometh to the age of eighteen years.  All other my goods and Chattells moveables & unmoveables quicke and dead of what kind or sort so ev(er) they bee I give and bequeath unto my loveing wife Alice Foster whome I doe make my Executrix of this my last will and testament And I doe make and ordaine Walter Grante of Winslow in the Countie of Bucks Yeoman and Edward Stutsberie of the same towne and Countie Shoomaker Overseers for the p(er)formance of this my last will and testament dated this xxvj[?]th of December under my hand and seale Anno D(omi)ni 1627 John Foster his marke Silvester[?] [.......] Nicholas Brinsall Walter Grante his m(ar)ke & Edward Stutsberie

[Probate at Winslow by Robert Hichcocke vicar of Aston Abbas & Robert Mainwaring vicar of Winslow 2 May 1628]

Inventory of John Foster, 1628

Herts RO A25/2982

An Inventorie of the goods & Chattells of John Foster lately diceased

Imprimis in the Halle one Joyned Cubboard and one Glasse Cubboard
xiij s iiij d
It(e)m one Joyned Chayre one Joyned stoolle & iiij other stoolles, Three pare of Potthangers, Two Spitts One pare of Cobirons, Two pare of Tongs, one fireshowlle, one pare of pothooks
xx s
It(e)m in the kitchin Seaven Kettlles one possenett
xl s
It(e)m nyne platters one Basen Two pewter Candlesticks, Two salts, three pewter Cupps, Six Sawsers, one quart pott one Chamber pott
xxvj s viij d
It(e)m one Knedinge Troffe one side borde, Three Tubbs, one yeeling fatt, one kever, one Buckett, Three Bolles, Two Bowltinge Whittches, Nyne Barrells, One Bushell, one halfe peck
l s
It(e)m in one Inner Roome, one bedsteed, one forme and one littlle Tablle
x s
It(e)m Thirteene Jugg potts w(i)th other potts
vj s
It(e)m in the Parlour one Joyned Bedsteed, Two Chests one Joyned Chayre, one boxe
xxx s
It(e)m one Warminge pan
v s
It(e)m Three Cofers, one Boxe, one Tablle, one forme
xiij s iiij d
It(e)m Nyne payre of sheetts & one sheette five Pillowebeers, one dozen of Tabllenapkins
vj li
It(e)m in the Chamber over the Parlour, one B[ed?] Two Tablles one Chayre
xxiij s iiij d
It(e)m in the Chamber over the Halle One Tablle A frame, and one forme
x s [?]
It(e)m one fetherbed, one woollebed, Fowre [....]s Six Blanketts, fowre Bowlsters, f[ - - - - ]
vj li
It(e)m one Hovell, Three Ladders w(i)th other wood [in the?] Backside & the Beesse
[ - - ]
It(e)m his wearing Apparell
[ - - ]
It(e)m on(e) Cake Printt
[ - - ]
[l. margin] Som(me) is
28 li 7 s

[signed] Walter Graunt
[signed] William Sponer
[mark] Edward Glenister
[signed] Nicho(las) Brinsall
[signed] Edward Stutsbery


John Foster was buried at Winslow on 4 Feb 1627/8. His wife was Alice Mitchell from Stony Stratford, a member of the Winslow baking family, and they were given a house in Winslow by her mother Joan Mitchell (see Mitchell family). On 12 May 1628 Alice married Thomas Rogers. The children mentioned in the will were baptised at Winslow:

yeeling fatt = yelling vat, used for brewing (OED, s.v. yiling)

Bowltinge Whittches = bo(u)lting hutches: wooden containers for sifting flour

Cake Printt: a stamp made of wood, carved with a design for making small cakes similar to a butter print (R. Milward, A Glossary of Household Farming & Trade Terms from Probate Inventories). If this was the same cake print mentioned in Henry Pym's will 40 years later, there must have been some special value in its design.