Will of Richard Gardner, tallow chandler, 1676/7 (proved 1678)
National Archives PROB 11/356 f.252
In the name of God Amen. The eleaventh day of February Anno
D(omi)ni 1677 I Richard Gardner of Winslowe in the County of Bucks
Tallowchandler being weake in body but of perfect mind and memory doe make
this my last will and testament First I bequeath my soule into the hands of
Almighty god that gave it mee And my body to the earth And for my wordly
estate I give and devise it as followeth Imprimis my Will and meaning is
that when my debts and funerall is discharged and paid all the rest and
residue of my goods and chattells shall be and remaine and I give and
devise the same unto my well beloved wife And of this my last will and
testament I make constitute and appoint my father in Law George Mallett
and Humphry Butcher of Great Horwood Executors In witnes whereof
I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written
Richard Gardner his marke Signed sealed and published in the presence
of Mary Giles her mark Oliver Lawrence no(tary) pub(lic)
[Probate at London 4 April 1678 to the executors]
Richard had a son Robert according to the will of Thomas Graunt alias Miller, 1636.
Tallow chandlers made candles from tallow (rather than wax). They may have sold other household supplies too.