Will of John Geffes, shoemaker, 1594 (proved 1595)
Herts RO 7AR165
In the name of God Amen the xiijth daye of July in the yeare of our Lorde god 1594 I John Geffs of Winsloe in the Countye of Bucks Shoomaker, Beinge sicke in bodye but sownde in sowle and memorye thankes be unto god do make and ordayne this my last Will and Testament as followeth.
First I give and bequeath my sowle unto the father, the sonne, and the holy ghost almightye, three p(er)sons and one god, assuredly p(er)swadinge my selfe that through the death and meritoris satisfaction of Jesus Christe myne onlye and alone sov(er)ignre, my debts are pardoned, my synnes forgiven and so farr cast out of the syght of god that they shall neaver be remembred, And therfore when it shall please god to sep(ar)ate my sowle from my bodye, he will take it to him self in Joye w(i)th Abraham, Isaack, and Jacob for eaver. Also I com(m)it my bodye honestlye to be buryed in the Churche yard of Winsloe aforesayde, dust to dust ashes to ashes, in certayne hope of resurrection to come, when my vilde bodye shalbe made a glorious bodye, and receave continuall happinesse w(i)th my sowle in the highest heavens. Item I give unto the poore of Winsloe two shillings It(e)m I give towards the reparation of the Churche of Winsloe twelve pence Ite(m) I give unto Alice my daughter twentye marks of currant Englishe money, to be payde unto the sayde Alice ether uppon or at the daye of her marryage, or the tyme when she cometh to the age of eyghteen yeares. But if the sayd Alice dye be fore mariage, Then I will that William Stannicke have two parts of the twentye marks, and Christopher Stannicke the thirde. Also I give unto Alice my daughter a kettell which cost me xxx s and vj d to be delivered her at the daye of her maryage, or at the age aforesayd Item I give to Willia(m) Stannicke six pounds of curra(n)t English money, to be receaved of the sayd Willia(m) Stannicke when he cometh to the age of one and twentie yeares. but if the sayde Willia(m) Stannicke dye before the sayde tyme, the(n) I will that the sayd six pounds be payed unto my daughter Alice Geffs. Item I give to Christopher Stannick my wheelhornde yewe and her Lamb. Ite(m) I make my wife sole executrix of all my goods and chattels whatsoev(er) earnestly intreatinge her that she bringe up those who are Comitted to her government in the feare of god, and honest Conversac(i)on, as becometh a good christia(n) Lastlye I make my neighbours Thomas Overi(n)ge, and Henrye Wallis the overseers of this my Last Will and Testament, for whose paynes and kindnes I bequeath unto each of them half a Croune.
[Probate granted 27 May 1595 to Katherine Jeffs, widow and executrix]
Inventory of John Geffes, 1594
Herts RO A25/1514
A trew inve(n)torie of the good & chatle of Jhon Geffs of the towne of Winslo in the countie of Bucks Shoemaker mad [by the hands] of Bernard Hogg, Thomas Overinge, He[nry] Wallis, Jhon Kerbee, the 11th day of Septe(m)ber 159[4]
Imprimis in the hawll one longe table a frame a rounde table ij cheares and v stolles |
xx s |
Ite(m) in the parler one table ij tressles a forme a presse and paynted clothes | xiij s iiij d |
Item his wearinge apparill | xx s |
[deleted line beginning “Item a litle table”] | |
Item Cowperye ware | x s |
Item one kettell | xxx s |
Ite(m) brasse potts and kettells | xxxiij s iiij d |
Ite(m) a littill table ij formes a boulting \hutche and/ a henpene | x s |
Ite(m) wode bordes olde hurdles tressles and polles | iiij li |
Item warre in the shoppe a table and a frame w(i)th other implements | vj li |
Item a querne[?] a lycor pane and olde Iron | xxx s |
Item wolle |
iiij li
Item x payre of shettes |
iij li vj s viij d
Item v tableclothes and vj napkins | xx s |
Item a kyrsoning shette and vj pillobers | xx s |
Item iij coverlides and vij blankites | xxx s |
item iij pillowes ij wolbedes iiij bowlsters | xxxx s |
Item a standing[?] bed and iij bordid beddes | xx s |
Ite(m) v coffers and a forme | xx s |
Ite(m) ij pewter pottes platters sawseres, iij Brassine kandilsticks iiij woddon cansticks and stone pots | xxx s |
Item iij spittes ij payre of pothangers a payer of bellowes a fyre shovelle grid Iron & tonges | x s |
Ite(m) disshis spones and trenchers | xviij d |
Item one cowe | x |
Item x sheppe | xx s |
Item a grinstone | xij d |
Item the heye | v s |
--------------- |
Summa | xxxix li x d |
Katherine Jeffs her mark
[Presented by Katherine Jeffes, executrix, on 27 May 1595]
Alice daughter of John Geffs was baptised at Winslow on 5 March 1586. There was also a son John bap 26 March 1588, bur 7 June 1588. John Geffs married Katheryn Stoneck at Winslow on 9 July 1584; presumably Stannicke in the will is the same surname.
kettell: The 30s kettle is rather a mystery, since kettles were normally valued at a few shillings
kyrsoning: presumably christening