Will of William Gibbert of Shipton, 1607

Herts RO 7AR243

In the name of god amen I Will(ia)m Gibbert of Shipton in the p(ar)ish of Winslow being sicke in body but whole in mind and of p(er)fect memory thankes be given to god doe here make my last will and testament in man(ne)r and forme following. First I bequeath my Soule to Almighty god my maker and my body to be buried in the Churchyard of Winslow Item I give and bequeathe unto Issable Gilbert my Sister six pounds to be put out for her use by my Ov(er)seers for & during her life, next Michaelmas and after her decease the said six pounds to redound unto my Child or Children Item I give unto Margarett Gilbert a browne Cow to be delivered unto her at St Michaell the Archangell next Coming. Item I give to ev(er)y one of my sisters Children one sheepe. Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth sixteene pounds but if it shall please god to send me into this world one Chile more that then this said money to be equally devided betwixt them, and this said some of sixteene li to remaine in my wifes home, if she shall remaine unmarried but if she marry then this som(m)e of xvj li to be paid unto my Ov(er)seers for my Childrens use p(re)sently otherwise if my wife to have the use of it untill they Come to eighteene yeares of age or att theire day of marriage for the bringing up of my Children and of this my will and testament I make Elizabeth my wife my whole Executrix. And the ov(er)seers of this my will I request Peter Fige gent and Will(ia)m Edmunds the m(ar)ke of W(illia)m Gilbert. read & allowed by mee W(illia)m Gilbert in the p(re)sence of W(illia)m Edmunds, George [?] Illiot the m(ar)ke of Thomas Overing

Inventory of William Gibbert, 1607

Herts RO A25/2015

The True and p(er)fit Inventorie of all and Singuler the goods debts and Cattells of Will(ia)m Gibbert late of Shipton in the p(ar)ishe of Wynslo in the Cowntie of Bucks deceased made and praysed the xth of Julie 1607 by Peeter Figge Robert Maynwaringe and George Eliot

Inprimis in the hall a Table w(i)th tressles ij forms ij Tubbs ij kyvers a chayre a wheele a bushel w(i)th other lumber
x s
Item ij potts iij kettles a posnett and viij peeces of pewter
xx s
Item in the Chamber a bedstead a fether bed ij bolsters ij blanketts and a coverlett
xxx s
Item iiij payre of sheets and one Christninge sheet a pillowe beere ij table clothes and iij napkins
xxiiij s
Item a Cupbord iiij Cofers w(i)th some other lu(m)ber
xx s
Item in the lower end of the house old horse harnesse a scythe and wood
x s
Item an old cart
vj s
Item Corne and strawe
xv s
Item iij Kyne
vj li
Item Corne and pease on the ground
xx s
Item ij hoggs
xij s
Item the Powltre
iiij s
Item xxxij sheepe
ix li
Item his Apparell
xxx s
Item a mare
xiij s iiij d
Item in money
ix li x s
xxxv li iiij s iiij d

[Presented by Elizabeth Gybbert administratrix (sic) 22 Sep 1607]


William Gibbard (sic) was buried at Winslow on 23 June 1607. His daughter Elizabeth was baptised on 1605/6. The surname is given as Gylbert in the margin of the registered will.

Copyright 25 September, 2017