Will of Thomas Glenestre of Wynslow, 1531/2

Herts RO 2AR219

In the name of god amen The yere of o(ur) lord mdxxxj I Thomas Glenestr(e) of hole memory thankyd be god make & ordeyn my last wyll in this man(er) folowyng.  First I bequethe my soule to almyghty god to o(ur) blessid lady & to all the holy company of hevyn & my body to be buryed in the church yard of saint Laurence of Wynslow.  It(e)m I bequethe to saint Albans shryne iiij d.  It(e)m to the high autur a bushell of whete.  It(e)m to ev(er)y autur in the church iiij d & to the roode lyght & the sepulcre lyght viij d.  It(e)m to the torches & the bells viij d.  It(e)m I will that S(i)r Richard Stratton my confessor shall have an amblyng colte of ij yere of age & he to pray for me.  It(e)m I will that after my decesse dirige & masse monythly to be said in Wynslow church by the space of oon yere for my soule & all cristen soules.  It(e)m to Swanburne church xx d.  It(e)m to Litill Horwod church a boshell of malt.  It(e)m to eche of Will(ia)m Glenest(ers) children xij d.  It(e)m to Margarete Fuller my doughter xiij s iiij d & to ev(er)y oon of her children xij d.  It(e)m to Will(ia)m Glenest(er) the son of John Glenestr(e) a stere bolokke & vj s viij d.  It(e)m to Elisabeth Glenest(er) the doughter of the same John a hekfor w(i)t(h) a whight face.  It(e)m to John Glenest(er) my son my carte plowgh w(i)t(h) all thyngs longyng to the same.  It(e)m I wyll that the said John my son shalhave all my hows lands medows & pasture w(i)t(h) thapp(ur)tenancs in Shipton & in Shipton feldys fulfyllyng & p(er)formyng this my last wyll and paying to his brod(er) Will(ia)m Glenest(er) xl s.  It(e)m I will a trentall of masses to be said for my soule in Wynslow church  The residue of all my goods not bequethed (my detts & legacies payde & fulfilled) I gyve & bequethe to Florens my wyff & John my son whom I make myn Executors to dispose them for the welthe of my soule & all cristen sowles. And Will(ia)m Thomlyns to be sup(er)visor of this my last will to be obs(er)ved & kept.  These be wytnes Richard Stratton preist Will(ia)m Thomlyns Thomas Elyatt Will(ia)m Elyatt w(i)t(h) div(er)se other.

[Probate 16 March 1531/2]


hekfor = heifer

trentall = trental: a set of 30 requiem masses (OED)

Copyright 5 May, 2022