Will of John Glenister, 1633 (proved 1634)

Herts RO 76AW7

In the name of god, Amen.  The vjth day of December anno D(omi)ni 1633 I John Glenister of Winslow in the County of Bucks being sick in body, but in p(er)fect remembrance, god be praysed for it, do make this my last will and testament in man(n)er & forme following.  First I bequeath my soule unto Allmightie god, who created me, and redemed me by his sone Jesus Christ, by whose merites onely I trust to obtaine remission of my sinnes, and consequently eternall life in the kingdome of heaven.  And my body to be decently buried in the Church or Churchyard of Winslow above named.  Also concerning my worldly goods, I give unto my sone \John/ Glenister the summe of foure pownds, and to my sone-in law Jerome Gilberd I give the summe of five pownds.  Item I give to my daughter Dorothie Bonefield the sum(m)e of forty shillings.  Item to my sone Thomas Glenister I give ten shillings, and to my grand-childe John Glenister sone of Walter Glenister twenty shillings.  The rest of my goods unbequethed I leave unto Elizabeth my wife, whom I ordaine to be my sole Executrix.  In witnesse whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seale the day and yeare first above written.

John Glenister his marke

These being witnesses                 
Rob(er)t Maynwaring
Peter Fyge
Will(ia)m Glenister

[another hand] The Probat of this will was taken by me in the parish church of Winslow by virtue of a Com(m)ission  directed to Mr Manwarring & my self fro(m) the right wor(shipfu)ll Dr Westfield Archdeacon of St. Albans upon[?] the 17 of Aprill 1634
                                                                Rob(ert) Hitchcock
Here [?] and for the Commission
but 3s 4d

Inventory of John Glenister, 1633

Herts RO A25/3195

A true & p(er)fect Inventorie of the goods and Chattells of John Glenister of Winslow in the County of Bucks, made the third day of Januarie 1633. by us whose names are underwritten.

Imp(r)imis one table w(i)th frame, a stoole & a chaire
vj s viij d
Item three coffers and a wheele
vj s
Item a joined bedsteed and a truckle bed
xij s
Item a featherbed, a bolster, and two pillows
xxiiij s
Item one Coverlet and two blanketts
xvj s
Item three paire of sheets, one pillow-beer, two napkins and one table cloth
xv s
Item one kettle and a pott
x s
Item v. pieces of pewter
iij s
Item a pot-hanger, fireshovell & tongs & a gridiron
xviij d
Item a few pease & hey
xx s
Item one barrel, one tubbe, w(i)th some other lumber
v s
Item two bushels of wheat
x s
Item money owing by Thomas Glenister
xiiij li
Item his own wearing apparell
xx s
7 li 9s 2d

[signed] Robert Maynwaring
Will(ia)m Glenister
Henry Pym

[Presented by Elizabeth Glenister, executrix, 17 April 1634]


John Glenister was buried at Winslow on 27 Dec 1633. He married Elizabeth Hawkins on 30 April 1583. He must have been born before 1560, so his lack of possessions was probably due to having retired.

Their children baptised at Winslow were:



Copyright 2 May, 2013