Will of Edmund Godbery, 1546 (proved 1547)

Herts RO 3AR72-3

In the name of god amen The first day of December and in the yere of our Lorde god m v hundred xlvj and in the xxxviij yere of the reygne of owre most sov(er)aygne lord He(n)ry the eyght by the grace of god kyng of England Fraunce and Irelande and the supreme heade of the Churche of England and Irelande.  I Edmu(n)de Godbery of the p(ar)ish of saynct Laurence in Wy(n)selowe of the Countie of Buckyngh(a)m beying sicke beyng si in my bodye and hole in my sowle I thanke Jhu make this my laste wyll and Testament in maner and forme folowyng  Firste I bequeathe my sowelle to allmyghtie god maker and redemer of all the wo\r/lde, and to his most gloryouse and blessyd virgyn Marye & mother owr ladye and to all the holy company of heavuyn and my body to be buryed wythin the chyrcheyarde of sayncte Lawrence in Wynselowe aforesaid  It(e)m I bequeathe to the mother churche of sayncte Albaynes iiij d.  It(e)m I bequeathe to the hygh Awlter in Wynselowe for my Tythes neclygentely forgotten xij d.  It(e)m to the rep(ar)ac(i)ons of ev(er)y awltar theyr wythin the said churche iiij d. It(e)m I bequeathe to the Sepulcre and the roode lyghte xvj d  It(e)m I bequeathe to the iiij bells xvj d.  It(e)m to the Torchis xvj d  It(e)m I bequeathe to Richarde my soon xx ewes after they be shorne & x chylv(er) lams and x weyder lams  It(e)m I bequeathe to the said Richarde a cowple of ox calfs of a yere oulde blacke boythe and a Cowe. It(e)m I bequeathe to Roberte my soon xx Ewes after they be shorne & x chylv(er) lams and x weyder lams not of the best nor of the worste. It(e)m I beqeathe unto the said Roberte a kowe and a kowe Calfe. It(e)m I bequeathe to Dyonys my dowghter a blacke kowe and a rede bullocke and x ewes after they be shorne and v Chylv(er) lams and v weyder lams after they be shorne. It(e)m I bequeath to Isabell my doughter x ewes after they be shorne and v Chylver lams and v weyther lams. It(e)m I bequeathe to Alice my doughter x ewes after (the)y be shorne and x lams and a kowe and a kowe calf. It(e)m I bequeathe to Agnes my dowghter x ewes after (the)y be shorne and x lams soome of thone sorte and soome of thother. It(e)m I gyve to sir Thomas Graunge my gostely Father and Curate of Wynselowe x s to syng a Tryntall for me and my Frynds   It(e)m I bequeathe to Isabell my daughter halfe of the howseholde stuffe (tha)t is remanyng at home at her owne house savy the Fooldyd table and the beste Carpyte and a Foorme that standyth by the Fooldyd table and oone of the payns ye which panne I do firste gyve to Alice my daughter and my wyffe to be ye choyser of all such thyngs as (the)r is remaynynge. It(e)m I bequeath to Jhon Thorpe my godchylde a lame to be marked at mydsoom(er)  It(e)m I bequeathe to Edmu(n)de Glossyter a lame and it to be marked at the same tyme. It(e)m I bequeath to Jhon Mylnor a lame in lyke maner as is rehersed afore  It(e)m I bequeathe to Edmu(n)de P(ar)ate a lame as is specified afore in lyke man(er). It(e)m I bequeathe to Richarde my soon after (tha)t my shepe be shorne iij li. It(e)m I bequeathe to Roberte my soon iij li in lyke man(er) after (tha)t my said shepe be shorne and the woole solde. It(e)m I bequeathe to ev(er)y one of my doughters xx s a pece after that the said shepe be shorne and the wooll solde in lyke maner, and yf that it fortune (tha)t eyther Roberte or Rycharde Chaunce to dep(ar)te ye worlde I wyll then that thone shall be thothers heyre. It(e)m I bequeathe to Haddyngton church vj s viij d for an obyte to pray for me and my frends. It(e)m I bequeath to Batbery church vj s viij d in lyke maner for an obyte to pray for me & my frynds. It(e)m I bequeath to ye church of Wynselowe to bye a kayneybye Clothe to bere ov(er) the sacramente xx s so (tha)t ye Towne wylle \gyve/ bere vj s viij d to make it soome of iiij nobles or els my xx s stande to none effecte.  It(e)m I bequeath to an honest preste to pray for me and my Frynds in the churche of Wynselowe v li xiij s iiij d and all my other goods not gyvyn nor bequeathd but I do gyve theym holly to Jhoan my wyfe whome I do make my sole executrix and I do ordeyn and make Jhon Shepeherd of Hoggyston and Jhon Wynylborowe of Wynselowe my ov(er)seers (tha)t my wyl be p(er)formyd and I gyve to ev(er)y of theym for ye payns x s these beyng wytnesses Thomas Graynge clerke and curate theyr and Thomas Thorpe

[Probate 2 June 1547 to Joan the widow]

Inventory of Edmund Gadbery, 1547

Herts RO A25/44

This is the Invitor(y) of Edmu(n)d Gadbery of the p(ar)ysshe off Wynslow made the xxjth day of February &  in the fyrst yer of the Rayne of owr sov(er)ayne lord Kynge Edward the vjth & p(ra)ysed by iiij indefferent me(n) th(at) ys to say Jhon Palmer, Ric(hard) Edmunds Nycolas Spon(ner) & W(i)ll(ia)m Seuster

In pr(im)is in the cha(m)ber beddyng & dyv(er)s other things
It(e)m in the hall {lle} a Cobard & a tabull w(i)t(h) other implements
Item in brasse & also in pewter
iiij li
Item in whette malt barley & bens
v li vj s viij d
Item the plow & plow gerrs
Item cart & cart gers
Item vj mars to the plow & the cart
iiij li
Item kyne bullocks & callffs in number xviij
ix li
Item weders ews & teggs in number a xj scor
xxvj li xiij s iiij d
Item a sow & x stors
xiij s iiij d
Item in gesse hens & dowcks
v s
Item wodd & tymbre
x s
S(u)m  totall     
l li viij s iiij d


The will mentions 80 ewes and 80 lambs

chylv(er) lams = chilver lambs: female lambs (OED has no examples of this usage between 1100 and 1811)

weyder lams = wether lambs: male lambs

Tryntall = trental: a series of 30 masses

payns: panes of glass or cooking pans?

Haddyngton = Addington

Batbery: presumably Padbury, but this spelling is not given in Place Names of Bucks

kayneybye: canopy?

nobles: a noble = 6s 8d

mars: probably mares, but apparently not in good condition to judge by the low value

Inventory of Alice Godbery, 1551


This Inventorye made the xx daye of Jonne Anno r(egni) r(egis) Edwardi sexti quinto of all the goods & cattells of the latte decessyd Alysse Godberye in ye p(ar)ishe of Wynslowe prayssyd by William Parratte and John Brynsalle

In primis
Item a brasse pane vj s viij d
Item In Redye monnye iij li
Item iij kene xlviij s
Summa totalis v li xiiij s viij d


Alice was evidently Edmund's daughter, and the brass pan was the one she was left in his will. Presumably she had no other household goods because she was living with her mother. If she left a will, it has not survived.


Copyright 2 June, 2012