Will of John Gose of Granborough, 1513
Herts RO 2AR154
[translation from Latin] In the name of God amen. In the year of the Lord 1513 on 18 August I John Gose, healthy in mind although sick in body, make my will in this way. First I bequeath my soul to almighty God & Saint Mary his mother and all his saints, and my body to be buried in the churchyard of St John the Baptist of Grenborowh. Item I bequeath to the tomb of St Alban iiij d. Item I bequeath to the high altar vj d. Item I bequeath to the 4 lights 4 bushels of barley. Item I bequeath to the bells two bushels of barley. Item I bequeath to Isabel my wife my best brass vessel [vas eneum], troughs[?] [augas] & pans[?] [a pan’]. Item I bequeath to John my son the second brass vessel. Item I bequeath to Isabel my wife the two best brass pots [ollas]. Item I bequeath to John my son the third brass pot. The remainder indeed of my goods not bequeathed I give and bequeath to Isabel my wife, whom I appoint my executrix, so that she may dispose for the salvation of my soul. With these witnesses: William Bracy, vicar of the same place, Henry Tomlyn, Edward Holand, with many others.
[Probate granted 3 October 1513 to the executrix]